


1. 休 [xiū]2. 休 [xǔ]休 [xiū]歇息:~整。~假。~闲。离~。停止:~业。完结(多指失败或死亡)。旧指丈夫把妻子赶回母家,断绝夫妻关系:~妻。不要:~想。~提。吉庆,美善,福禄:~咎(吉凶)。助词,用于语末,与“罢”、“……


用犁把土翻松:~种(zhòng )。~作。~耘(耕地和除草,亦泛指劳动,如“着意~~,自有收获”)。笔~(喻写文章)。舌~(喻教书)。……



汉语拼音:xiū gēng






  1. 可耕地在某一时期不种植农作物,以恢复地力。



  1. a farmer with a robust harvest might help out a neighbor whose fields had been more fallow.


  2. It also wants to turn some fallow or confiscated land over to landless people, as a way to reduce Colombia's high unemployment rate.


  3. By laying fallow, I planted the seeds for a healthier future and was reunited with the ones I love.


  4. Secondary forest or other vegetation reclaims the clearing during the fallow period.


  5. The countryside was a patchy landscape interspersed with secondary forests that invaded fallow agricultural areas.


  6. Over-cultivation of land tends to lead to sterility in the soil; it is vital that some fallow land is left each season.


  7. and then I let it lie, fallow, perchance, for aman is rich in proportion to the number of things which he can afford to let alone.


  8. For centuries African farmers allowed for this by letting the land lie fallow for eight or nine years after a harvest.


  9. The Common Agricultural Policy, which instituted the fallow system, initially contributed thereby to the increase of Ragweed.


  1. 短期休耕地

    bastard fallow.

  2. 公司休耕几个月。

    Company lies fallow for months.

  3. 那田地正在休耕中。

    The field was lying fallow.

  4. 农民提出土地休耕的原因

    Reasons stated by farmers for land left fallow

  5. 我们必须让土壤休耕一年。

    We must rest the soil for a year.

  6. 让这块田休耕一年吧。

    Let the field rest for a year.

  7. 农夫决定让土地休耕一年。

    The farmer decided to leave the land fallow for a year.

  8. 这块地已经休耕一年了。

    The land lay fallow for a year.

  9. 这位农民让田地休耕一年。

    The farmer left the land fallow for a year.

  10. 休耕犁而不种的行为。

    The act of plowing land and leaving it unseeded.

  11. 休耕期休种状态或时期

    The condition or period of being unseeded.

  12. 今年我们让那块田休耕。

    This year we are letting that field rest.

  13. 而且他的心灵已长期休耕。

    Furthermore, his mind was fallow.

  14. 而且他得心灵已长期休耕。

    Furthermore, his mind was fallow.

  15. 我们将让这块地休耕一年。

    We shall rest this field for a year.

  16. 休耕地播种季节的休种地

    Land left unseeded during a growing season.

  17. 美国环保休耕计划的做法与经验

    Review of American Conservation Reserve Program

  18. 田地经过不时得休耕可得到改良。

    Fields are improved by lying fallow at times.

  19. 田地经过不时的休耕可得到改良。

    Fields are improved by lying fallow at times.

  20. 农民让土地休耕现在得到了回报。

    Farmers are now paid to let their land lie fallow.

  21. 使休耕犁地后而不撒种

    To plowwithout seeding it afterward.

  22. 常常采用一年休耕, 一年种植的方法。

    Frequently alternate years of fallow and cropping are practiced.

  23. 我们应当让这块地暂时休耕。

    We should let this field rest for the time being.

  24. 接下来得几个月公司继续休耕。

    Company lies fallow for more months.

  25. 接下来的几个月公司继续休耕。

    Company lies fallow for more months.

  26. 休耕水稻田蓄水对土壤肥力影响试验

    Influence of irrigation methods on soil fertility during the sabbath period

  27. 自然界的一切都必须有歇息和休耕的时候。

    All of Nature must at some point rest and fall fallow.

  28. 有时, 还, 在休耕格鲁吉亚狩猎场黎明。

    Sometimes, also, in a fallow Georgia field at hunting dawn.

  29. 新产品得开发将休耕得组件得选择已经创建得。

    Creation of new products would fallow a selection of components already created.

  30. 新产品的开发将休耕的组件的选择已经创建的。

    Creation of new products would fallow a selection of components already created.


  1. 问:休耕拼音怎么拼?休耕的读音是什么?休耕翻译成英文是什么?

    答:休耕的读音是xiūgēng,休耕翻译成英文是 Leave parts of the soils uncultivated temporar...

  2. 问:休耕地拼音怎么拼?休耕地的读音是什么?休耕地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:休耕地的读音是xiūgēngdì,休耕地翻译成英文是 fallow-land

  3. 问:休耕的拼音怎么拼?休耕的的读音是什么?休耕的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:休耕的的读音是,休耕的翻译成英文是 fallow

  4. 问:休耕共牧地拼音怎么拼?休耕共牧地的读音是什么?休耕共牧地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:休耕共牧地的读音是xiū gēng gòng mù dì,休耕共牧地翻译成英文是 half-year lands