







汉语拼音:yī zāo









  1. 一旦遭逢。

    唐 李白 《赠新平少年》诗:“一遭龙颜君,啸咤从此兴。”

  2. 一次;一趟。

    宋 叶适 《中大夫赵公墓志铭》:“﹝上﹞尝谓公曰:‘周天下事,每日须过朕心下一遭。’” 元 无名氏 《小尉迟》第一折:“看我活拏了 敬德 回来,取将相王侯,都在这一遭儿也。” 鲁迅 《彷徨·伤逝》:“我们的新的道路的开辟,便在这一遭。”

  3. 一周遭。四周。




  1. am i to go back, in a blink, in the same stark nakedness? it is not fair though: why should i have made such a trip for nothing!


  2. She is not a stranger to the occasion like this but it is the first time for her to have such a sumptuous dinner with a boy.


  3. The river Wang? The chapter pure station felt suspicious, why is the wife of that king's butcher going to say that this encounters for them?


  4. IT TAKES only a brief visit to the Bank of Estonia's small basement museum to grasp what turbulent decades the Baltic states have endured.


  5. She flushed as if on fire, and for the very first time, I felt something close to sympathy for anothers misfortune.


  6. Italy is known as the world's 'living art gallery'? Just take a walk around the towns and cities and get lost in the breathtaking buildings.


  7. Plainly it was an event to be admitted to the presence of such magnificence.


  8. It was the first time I'd seen people behave this way, and I'd been an editor and a writer for all most forty years.


  9. We are in the physical disappearance of the moment that, in fact, we do not take anything away, and impossible to control everything.


  1. 头一遭借钱,下一遭就讨饭。

    First you borrow, then you beg.

  2. 神不知鬼不觉地走一遭

    We'll be there and back before anyone knows we're even gone.

  3. 我去歌舞杂耍戏院生平就此一遭。

    It was the only time I have ever appeared in a music hall.

  4. 就我的看法,人生只能走一遭。

    The way I see it, you only go around the track once.

  5. 人在世上走这一遭,谁没有痛?

    People in the world to go this was and who has no pain?

  6. 莎拉复活的时候去鬼门关走了一遭

    Look, Sara went through hell when she was resurrected.

  7. 今天我们就要沿着古运河去走一遭。

    We'll take a along this ancient canal today.

  8. 她让她的丈夫在镇上游行了一遭。

    She parades her new husband around town.

  9. 跳下水上计程车,去桥上走一遭吧。

    Get off the water taxi and walk across the bridge.

  10. 那亲自来这里走一遭会解决什么,恩?

    What's coming here in person gonna solve, huh?

  11. 钧座,俺想顺着战壕走一遭,看看部队。

    Jun, the An wants to emulate dugout to walk one troops of encounter, looking.

  12. 那今天我们就要沿着古运河去走一遭。

    We'll take a walk along this ancient canal today.

  13. 我一发觉有必要走一遭马上就来了。

    I came instantly I saw the need.

  14. 大家都是至好,能够通融的时候就得通融一遭。

    We're all good friends and ought to help each other out when we can.

  15. 史上头一遭, 巴西拥有大批企业可称得上跨国公司。

    For the first time Brazil has a crop of companies that can be described as multinationals.

  16. 流星在地球大气层中燃烧时,会产生出一遭光迹。

    Meteors produce streaks of light as they burn up in the earth's atmosphere.

  17. 能到这么富丽堂皇的地方走一遭, 这显然是件大事。

    Plainly it was an event to be admitted to the presence of such magnificence.

  18. 能到这么富丽堂皇得地方走一遭,这显然是件大事。

    Plainly it was an event to be admitted to the presence of such magnificence.

  19. 我的探索让我穿越肉体上, 精神上和虚幻上, 这么走了一遭。

    My quest has taken me through the physical, the metaphysical, the delusional and back.

  20. 要是我到卡斯特桥兵营去走一遭的话,兴许能打听到。

    Perhaps I might be able to find out if I went to Casterbridge barracks.

  21. 等你有幸再来世上走一遭才明白此时此刻最应快乐。

    Until you are born again to decide that there is no better time than right now to be happy.

  22. 那天阿森纳在主场打平了, 接着我们头一遭登上榜首。

    That day Arsenal drew at home and we were top the first time.

  23. 遭一帮小流氓殴打。

    Beaten up by a gang of young roughs

  24. 你曾险遭一近亲蒙骗。

    Once you were nearly the victim of a near relative.

  25. 在公园里遭一帮年轻人行凶抢劫的老太太。

    An old lady mugged by a gang of youths in the park.

  26. 一人遭雷击致死。

    One man died when he was struck by lightning.

  27. 那一指控遭断然否认。

    The charge was vehemently denied.

  28. 一年之计遭哨春。

    A year's plan starts with spring.

  29. 有一会员遭解雇, 工会表示强烈抗议。

    The union yelled blue murder when one of its members was sacked.

  30. 据报被毁得船一艘遭劫持得2艘失踪得3艘。

    One ship had been destroyed, two ships had been hijacked and three ships had been reported missing.