


对着,朝着,与“背”相对:~背(bèi )。~北。目标,意志所趋:志~。方~。偏袒,袒护:偏~。近,临:~晚。秋天漠漠~昏黑。从前:~日。~者。从开始到现在:~例。一~。姓。……





汉语拼音:xiàng yáng








  1. 面对太阳;朝着太阳。

    晋 潘岳 《闲居赋》:“蘘荷依阴,时藿向阳。” 元 程鉅夫 《解安卿惠红药嘉种》诗:“主人帝城东畔住,一花一木都向阳。” 明 黄祖儒 《一枝花·除夕偶成》套曲:“则俺这后凋松閲歷那冰霜遍,一任他向阳花纵横在雨露边。” 老舍 《骆驼祥子》二十:“他有时候向阳放着车,低着头自言自语的嘴微动着,有时候仰面承受着阳光,打个小盹。”

  2. 比喻蒙受恩遇。

    宋 曾巩 《明州到任谢两府启》:“草茆之质,使遂於向阳;菽水之欢,许伸於反哺。”



  1. He made also the court, in the south side whereof were hangings of fine twisted linen, of a hundred cubits.


  2. Xiang Yang continued to expand his poetic life diligently, to construct the essence of poetic mode, and gave expression to adore ground.


  3. He had obviously not discerned her yet in her position against the sun.


  4. I ran back to my freight train which had another fifteen minutes to wait in the now warm sunny scene.


  5. Tells me, us certainly can hand in hand pass through, that piece of toward the sun colored field.


  6. On key ground, first occupy and then camp on higher, sunnier ground to await the arrival of the enemy.


  7. Each family will be hanging in the battery of exposed to the roof and wall, can get QianDu just a little each year of electric power.


  8. Illumination is fond of smooth exposed to the sun, earthy and organic qualitative arenaceous qualitative, drafty .


  9. I drew her to me, and we rested on a stone in the sun.


  1. 向阳的一边

    sunny side.

  2. 这房子向阳。

    The house has a southern exposure.

  3. 屋子又向阳,又透亮。

    The room is sunny and bright.

  4. 向阳的一面, 光明面

    the sunny side

  5. 果不向阳难成熟。

    Fruit ripen not well in the shade.

  6. 这间屋向阳。

    The room has a southern exposure.

  7. 葵花向阳原因新解析

    Recent explanations for heliotropism of sunflower

  8. 这又是向阳的一面。

    This is the sunny side again.

  9. 任何一种向阳的植物

    any of various plants that turn toward the sun

  10. 这间房子又向阳,又透亮。

    This room is sunny and bright.

  11. 那些树木向阳伸展着树枝。

    The trees reached their branches toward the sun.

  12. 这间房子既向阳,又透亮。

    This room is sunning and bright.

  13. 草莓应该种在向阳的场地。

    Strawberries should have a sunny place.

  14. 上海向阳生涯管理咨询有限公司

    Shanghai Sunward Career Consulting Co., Ltd

  15. 宁波向阳电讯元件实业公司

    Ningbo XiangYang Telecommunication Industry Corporation

  16. 大街的左、右、背阴、向阳等面

    The left, right, shady, sunny, etc side of the street

  17. 保定向阳航空精密机械有限公司。

    Baoding Xiangyang Aviation Precision Machinery Co., Ltd.

  18. 刘向阳兴奋地击了一掌。

    Xiangyang has struck a palm excitedly.

  19. 我们这个星期天将参观向阳农场吗?

    Shall we visit the Xiangyang Farm this Sunday?

  20. 此外还有向阳河,属海河水系。

    In addition, Xiangyang River, River water system is.

  21. 光电池板向阳自动跟踪装置的设计

    Photocell board sunlight automation tracking device design

  22. 一位老人坐在公园里的向阳处。

    An old man was sitting in the sun at the park.

  23. 一位老人坐在公园里的向阳处。

    An old man was sitting in the sun at the park.

  24. 近水楼台先得月,向阳花木旱逢春。

    A waterfront pavilion gets the moonlight first the flowers and trees on the sunny side meet spring earlier.

  25. 这些植物在向阳的地方长得特别茂盛。

    These plants flourish in a sunny position.

  26. 十月寒露前移入室内,置向阳处。

    Cold Dew inflow before October interior, home Xiangyang Agency.

  27. 光照喜光向阳,土质有机质砂质,通风良好。

    Illumination is fond of smooth exposed to the sun, earthy and organic qualitative arenaceous qualitative, drafty.

  28. 由于适应性, 叶片能适应向阳或遮阴得条件。

    In fact, leaves may adapt to sun or shade as a result of acclimatization.

  29. 由于适应性,叶片能适应向阳或遮阴的条件。

    In fact, leaves may adapt to sun or shade as a result of acclimatization.

  30. 她的位置在向阳的一面,他显然还没有发现她。

    He had obviously not discerned her yet in her position against the sun.


  1. 问:向阳拼音怎么拼?向阳的读音是什么?向阳翻译成英文是什么?

    答:向阳的读音是xiàngyáng,向阳翻译成英文是 to be exposed to the sun; Xiangyang distric...

  2. 问:向阳花拼音怎么拼?向阳花的读音是什么?向阳花翻译成英文是什么?

    答:向阳花的读音是xiàngyánghuā,向阳花翻译成英文是 sunflowers

  3. 问:向阳山拼音怎么拼?向阳山的读音是什么?向阳山翻译成英文是什么?

    答:向阳山的读音是,向阳山翻译成英文是 Xiangyang Mountain

  4. 问:向阳柯拼音怎么拼?向阳柯的读音是什么?向阳柯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:向阳柯的读音是xiàngyángkē,向阳柯翻译成英文是 Lithocarpus apricus

  5. 问:向阳客厅拼音怎么拼?向阳客厅的读音是什么?向阳客厅翻译成英文是什么?

    答:向阳客厅的读音是xiàng yáng kè tīng,向阳客厅翻译成英文是 sun parlour

  6. 问:向阳植物拼音怎么拼?向阳植物的读音是什么?向阳植物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:向阳植物的读音是xiàng yáng zhí wù,向阳植物翻译成英文是 heliotrope

  7. 问:向阳病房拼音怎么拼?向阳病房的读音是什么?向阳病房翻译成英文是什么?

    答:向阳病房的读音是xiàng yáng bìng fáng,向阳病房翻译成英文是 sun parlour

  8. 问:向阳素B拼音怎么拼?向阳素B的读音是什么?向阳素B翻译成英文是什么?

    答:向阳素B的读音是xiàng yáng sùB,向阳素B翻译成英文是 heliotrope B

  9. 问:向阳素描拼音怎么拼?向阳素描的读音是什么?向阳素描翻译成英文是什么?

    答:向阳素描的读音是,向阳素描翻译成英文是 Hidamari Sketch

  10. 问:向阳飞行拼音怎么拼?向阳飞行的读音是什么?向阳飞行翻译成英文是什么?

    答:向阳飞行的读音是xiàng yáng fēi xíng,向阳飞行翻译成英文是 Upsun Flight



“向阳”是个多义词,它可以指向阳(湖北民族学院附属医院风湿免疫科医师), 向阳(同济大学), 向阳(中国空间结构协会常务理事), 向阳(四川省广汉市向阳镇), 向阳(《词海拾遗》编撰者), 向阳(北京协和医院教授), 向阳(国民党少将、新编第十三师师长), 向阳(书法家), 向阳(革命烈士), 向阳(中共宣城县委宣传部长), 向阳(永顺县人民政府副县长), 向阳(长春理工大学光电工程学院教授), 向阳(旅美艺术家), 向阳(中南大学基础医学院生理学系副主任), 向阳(中国人民解放军第210医院主任医师), 向阳(北京中孚律师事务所律师), 向阳(西藏自治区政协副主席), 向阳(同济大学电子与信息工程学院教授), 向阳(贵阳市农业局党委书记、局长)。