







汉语拼音:sài chuán






  1. 划船比赛。多指端阳划龙船比赛。

    清 黄式权 《淞南梦影录》卷一:“ 沪江 无波涛窟,惟於春夏之交,在 苏州河 赛船为乐。其船用八人打桨,轻捷如飞。” 胡朴安 《中华全国风俗志下编·江西·端阳节之风俗》:“午后长幼男女,咸著新衣,纷纷去观龙船。盖午饭后赛船之人咸集龙王庙,焚香燃烛,祭祷龙王后。”



  1. The end of the evening reception, boat racing, pole in hand were, without exception, to be held in a warm reception.


  2. Outside of that, he indicated that the challengers will be fully consulted as far as the new rule.


  3. The senator competed Monday in the second half of a boat race in Massachusetts, finishing second in his five-boat division.


  4. All over ancient Greece, athletic contests, dance contests, and horse, boat, and torch races were held.


  5. They were rioting all night after the boat race.


  6. We passed catamarans , skiffs and something that looked like a spaceship, but was actually a racing trimaran .


  7. Had they been that good, they'd not only have won the European Cup but the Ryder Cup, the Boat Race and even the Grand National!


  8. In horse riding, shooting, and boat racing, they may compete in the same events as the men.


  9. Please help me to translate this sentence: In the 2003 Boat Race Oxford beat Cambridge by a foot.


  1. 赛船后他们彻夜欢闹。

    They were rioting all night after the boat race.

  2. 赛艇比赛称作赛船会。

    A rowing competition is called a regatta.

  3. 回到赛船会时间表页。

    Return to the regatta schedule page.

  4. 观众观看亨利皇家赛船会。

    Spectators watch the action at Henley Royal Regatta Britain on View.

  5. 你们将看到赛船和游泳比赛。

    You'll watch boat races and swimming competitions.

  6. 他担任牛津大学赛船的掌舵人。

    He coxed the Oxford boat.

  7. 在英国的最高的国内赛船会之一。

    One of the top domestic regattas in the UK.

  8. 很多人站在河边观看赛船。

    Many people stood along the river bank watching the boat race.

  9. 你知道学校的赛船什么时候举行吗?

    Do you know when the University regatta's coming off?

  10. 设计了一种新型赛船固定启航装置。

    A new type device for fixing and starting racing boats is described in this paper.

  11. 赛船队坐在狭长的龙舟上比赛。

    The teams race against one another in long narrow boats resembling dragons.

  12. 赛船队坐在狭长得龙舟上比赛。

    The teams race against one another in long narrow boats resembling dragons.

  13. 海宁赛船,选手兼在船上作武术表演。

    Haining boat racing, player and on board for martial arts.

  14. 他已经夺得过三次赛船大会的冠军了。

    He has already been the champion of the boat race three times.

  15. 他已经夺得过三次赛船大会的冠军了。

    He has already been the champion of the boat race three times.

  16. 那条红色的赛船第一个冲过了终点线。

    The red racing boat crossed the finish line first.

  17. 那条红色的赛船第一个冲过了终点线。

    The red racing boat crossed the finish line first.

  18. 那条红色得赛船第一个冲过了终点线。

    The red racing boat crossed the finish line first.

  19. 在美国的最旧、最大的高中赛船会的正式地点。

    Official site of the oldest and largest high school regatta in the United states.

  20. 赛船时,这八小我动作和谐,似乎一个人似的。

    The eight men kept together during the boat race as though they were one.

  21. 热那亚帆赛船上使用的一种大号三角帆

    A large jib used on a racing yacht.

  22. 在基督山伯爵开始了在法国马赛船的到来。

    The Count of Monte Cristo begins with the arrival of a ship in Marseilles, France.

  23. 美利坚号超过英国赛船赢得了压倒性的胜利。

    AMERICA carried off an overwhelming victory over the English squadron.

  24. 吸引国内,国际的许多亨德森皇室成员赛船会进入者。

    Attracts many Henley Royal Regatta entrants both domestic and international.

  25. 为即将来临的飞的斯科特赛船会的表下面点按。

    Click below for list of upcoming Flying Scot Regattas.

  26. 这个地点将告诉你你需要关于铁匠伦敦赛船会知道的一切。

    This site will tell you everything you need to know about Hammersmith London Regatta.


  1. 问:赛船拼音怎么拼?赛船的读音是什么?赛船翻译成英文是什么?

    答:赛船的读音是sàichuán,赛船翻译成英文是 A boat race.; A racing ship.



一种垂吊植物,多为蓝色系。比其它蔓生品种开花早四周,适于春季开后花销售。是极早生的蔓生半边莲品种。植株强健,花量大,花色范围广,吊篮、大型组合盆栽和彩钵栽植效果极佳。植株长到20厘米高后,越过容器边缘呈瀑布状悬垂生长。 是六倍利的一种。 播种:(1)土壤松软、适度潮湿 (2)集丸型直接放在土表面,小粒种子覆1-2cm土 (3)不用大容器直接浇水,请用喷壶喷湿土表 (4)请置于有散射光的地方,勿受太阳直射