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用纸、布或其他薄片把东西裹起来:~装。~饺子。包好了的东西:邮~。背(bèi )~。装东西的袋:书~。皮~。容纳在内,总括在一起:~括。~举(总括)。~容。~涵。~罗万象。无所不~。总揽,负全责:~销。~揽。保证:~赔。~在我身上。约定的,……
汉语拼音:yāo bāo
《水浒传》第五回:“ 鲁智深 听了四句偈言,拜了长老九拜,背了包裹、腰包、肚包,藏了书信。” 鲁迅 《伪自由书·不负责任的坦克车》:“然而也有人惴惴然,惟恐又要掏腰包,报效坦克捐。” 郭沫若 《洪波曲》第八章三:“它们所要照顾的是腰包,而不是脑袋呀!”
Now his son has turned around the sorrow by buying rice and daily necessities for needy families to continue the great love of his father.
现在他的儿子转化悲伤,还自掏腰包买米以及生活用品,分送清寒家庭,要延续父亲无私的大爱。As she fished for change in a pouch at her waist, she said, "I just want to keep this going. "
边说着,她边把手伸进腰包里找零钱,她说,“我只是希望能坚持下去。”You may have stayed away from running belts because you think they look too much like fanny packs and, trust me, I had the same thoughts.
你可能曾经对跑步腰带毫无兴趣,因为他们看起来太像腰包了,相信我,其实我也这么想过。They put all into their own pockets, and not a bit of thread was put at the empty looms as they did before.
这些都进了他们自己的腰包,就像之前他们做的一样,空空的纺织机上一根线都没有。When I told him that he would have to pay for all the damage out of his own pocket, he made a long face.
当我对他说他必须自己掏腰包赔偿全部损失时,他的脸一下子拉长了。The biggest criticism of the film was the fact that people were not willing to open their wallets for it.
对于这部电影最大的批评就是人们不愿意掏腰包去看这个事实。How much of the price premium goes to producers?
到底有多大比例的溢价流进生产者的腰包?Lack had both a professional and a personal desire to fend Jobs off, even to yank his chain a bit.
无论从职业还是个人情结上来讲,Lack都不想让乔布斯得逞,即使为此自掏腰包。How much of that will migrate 340 miles north and into the pockets of ordinary people such as Ochkhuu is an open question.