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1. 荷 [hé]荷 [hé]〔~包〕a.佩戴的小囊;b.食品名。〔~尔蒙〕“激素”的旧称。即“莲”。……
用纸、布或其他薄片把东西裹起来:~装。~饺子。包好了的东西:邮~。背(bèi )~。装东西的袋:书~。皮~。容纳在内,总括在一起:~括。~举(总括)。~容。~涵。~罗万象。无所不~。总揽,负全责:~销。~揽。保证:~赔。~在我身上。约定的,……
汉语拼音:hé bāo
明 叶子奇 《草木子·杂制》:“ 元 路、州、县各立长官曰达鲁花赤,掌印信以总一府一县之治……达鲁花犹华言荷包上压口捺子也,亦由古言总辖之比。”《红楼梦》第十七回:“﹝ 寳玉 ﹞因忙把衣领解了,从里面衣襟上将所繫荷包解下来了。” 沙汀 《航线》:“而且他们的荷包已经空了,没有钱再买票了。”
宋 孟元老 《东京梦华录·饮食果子》:“更外卖软羊诸色包子、猪羊荷包、烧肉乾脯……每分不过十五钱。”
I had brought over a few curiosities, among which the principal was a purse made of the asbestos, which purifies by fire.
我从美洲带来了几件珍品,其中最主要的是一个用石棉制成的荷包,这个荷包要用火来洗涤。"We're looking for the long-term outfitting of station, " said the shuttle commander, Col. Charles O. Hobaugh of the Marines.
“我们需要对空间站所需设备作长远的打算,”航天飞机指挥官,海军陆战队上校查尔斯.荷包(CharlesO.Hobaugh)说。With average pay only rising by 1. 2% a year at the moment, we are certainly going to feel the pinch.
随着价格平均每年1.2%的增长,我们当然能够切身感受到荷包变瘪的疼痛。CRAFT SUPPLIES: Whether it's small items like yarn or big items like a kiln, craft hobbies don't have to be hard on your wallet.
手工艺品:无论是小到像纱这样的东西,还是大到像窑这样的东西,对于手工艺的兴趣不会让你为荷包发愁。A quarter will spend their wages within a week of being paid and an astonishing 8 per cent get through the lot on pay day.
四分之一的人在一周内就把整个月的薪水花光,8%的人在领薪水当天就荷包见底。Decide what you can afford to pay out of pocket, spend a few minutes on the phone and see what you can save.
决定什么是你在荷包外能支付的消费,在电话花费少几分钟并且看到你能所节省的。And with oil prices lower, gasoline prices will decline and investors will suddenly feel a bit richer.
此外,随着原油价格的降低,汽油价格也将随之回落,投资者会突然觉得自己的荷包鼓了一点。This enables the charge packet which is collected on the photodiode to be evaluated in the pixel itself and to be converted into a voltage.
这使得光电二极管上收集的电荷包在像素本身进行评估并转换成电压。Kate: Apparently, all the food tastes delicious there. The only problem is that it costs an arm and a leg!