







汉语拼音:qīn tūn









  1. 围棋术语。谓投子侵入对方势力范围并占据多数空点。

    唐 杜荀鹤 《观棋》诗:“得势侵吞远,乘危打劫赢。”

  2. 用武力吞并别国或占有其部分领土。

    康有为 《大同书》乙部第二章:“其强大国之侵吞小邦,弱肉强食,势之自然,非公理所能及也。”

  3. 非法占有公物或他人之物。

    《廿载繁华梦》第一回:“库书不过一个书吏,若不是靠着侵吞鱼蚀,试问年中如许进项,从哪里得来?” 曹禺 《北京人》第一幕:“做了几次官都不十分得意,在最后一任里,他拉下很大的亏空,并且据说有侵吞公款的嫌疑,非常不名誉地下了任。”



  1. The secretary was determined to sue the manager for embezzling money from the company. She had the goods on him.


  2. Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You devour widows' houses and for a show make lengthy prayers.


  3. RA would also mention the name of a bogus firm to cover up the embezzlement.


  4. He appropriated a great deal of the company's money.


  5. The girl's guardian embezzled the money that HAD been willed to her.


  6. The US insisted on the condition in an effort to ensure that the badly- needed food was not siphoned off for the North Korean military .


  7. If we let him look after the money, I'm afraid much of it will stick to his fingers.


  8. Which devour widows' houses, and for a pretence make long prayers: these shall receive greater damnation.


  9. screwed the others out of their share of the money.


  1. 侵吞国家财产

    annexation of state property

  2. 侵吞公共财产

    to secrete the public property

  3. 利用职权侵吞公款

    tap the barrel

  4. 侵吞国家财产罪

    crime of embezzlement of state property

  5. 侵吞, 盗用盗用或参与盗用

    To embezzleor engage in embezzlement.

  6. 会计开始侵吞公款。

    The accountant began to peculate the public money.

  7. 侵吞公款以饱私囊

    Siphon off public funds into private pockets

  8. 他被指控侵吞公款。

    He was charged with pocketing public monies.

  9. 他们控他侵吞公款。

    They accused him of have peculate the public money.

  10. 他们指控他侵吞公款。

    They accused him of plundering the public treasury.

  11. 他侵吞了一大笔钱。

    A great deal of money stuck to his fingers.

  12. 他侵吞了所有的利润。

    He pocketed all the profits.

  13. 以欺骗的手法侵吞财产

    dishonest appropriation of property

  14. 他因侵吞公款进了牢房。

    He was jailed for pocketing public funds.

  15. 他因侵吞公款而被降职。

    He was put down from the office for peculation.

  16. 截留, 挪用, 侵吞国家建设资金

    Retained, misappropriated, embezzle state construction funds

  17. 他被指控侵吞了部分利润。

    He was accused of pocketing some of the profits.

  18. 他侵吞了公司的大笔资金。

    He appropriated a great deal of the company's money.

  19. 他因侵吞公款而受到严惩。

    He plundered public funds and was severely punished.

  20. 你觉得我侵吞了你的财产,雷?

    You think I'm stealing from you, ray?

  21. 他侵吞了其他人应得的钱。

    He screwed the others out of their share of the money.

  22. 在这笔交易中他侵吞了100美元。

    He pocketed a hundred dollars on the transaction.

  23. 伪造发票或其他文件以侵吞公款。

    Falsifying invoices or other documents to embezzle company funds.

  24. 倘使政客们要这么办,侵吞公款就是侵吞公款。

    Embezzlement is embezzlement if the politicians want to have it so.

  25. 防范侵吞和挪用国企资产的对策

    Countermeasures of Keeping away from Appropriating and Diverting State Enterprise Assets

  26. 为了侵吞公司房产, 不惜私刻公司的公章?

    to embezzle company premises, at Sike company official

  27. 美方资金多为蒋氏家族所侵吞。

    Much of the American money was pocketed by the Chiang family.

  28. 倘使政客们要这么办,侵吞公款就是侵吞公款罪。

    Embezzlement is embezzlement if the politicians want to have it so.

  29. 我怀疑你侵吞了公司的一大笔钱。

    I suspect you have swallowed an enormous sum of the company.

  30. 这些基金正以惊人得速度被侵吞着。

    These funds are being eaten away at an alarming rate.


  1. 问:侵吞拼音怎么拼?侵吞的读音是什么?侵吞翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侵吞的读音是qīntūn,侵吞翻译成英文是 embezzle; annex

  2. 问:侵吞罪拼音怎么拼?侵吞罪的读音是什么?侵吞罪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侵吞罪的读音是qīntūnzuì,侵吞罪翻译成英文是 embezzlement

  3. 问:侵吞公款拼音怎么拼?侵吞公款的读音是什么?侵吞公款翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侵吞公款的读音是qīn tūngōng kuǎn,侵吞公款翻译成英文是 embezzle public funds

  4. 问:侵吞行为拼音怎么拼?侵吞行为的读音是什么?侵吞行为翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侵吞行为的读音是qīn tūnxíng wéi,侵吞行为翻译成英文是 act of embezzlement

  5. 问:侵吞财产拼音怎么拼?侵吞财产的读音是什么?侵吞财产翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侵吞财产的读音是qīntūncáichǎn,侵吞财产翻译成英文是 annex property

  6. 问:侵吞公款罪拼音怎么拼?侵吞公款罪的读音是什么?侵吞公款罪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侵吞公款罪的读音是qīntūngōngkuǎnzuì,侵吞公款罪翻译成英文是 embezzling of the public treasure

  7. 问:侵吞财产罪拼音怎么拼?侵吞财产罪的读音是什么?侵吞财产罪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侵吞财产罪的读音是qīntūncáichǎnzuì,侵吞财产罪翻译成英文是 offense of absorbing property

  8. 问:侵吞国家财产罪拼音怎么拼?侵吞国家财产罪的读音是什么?侵吞国家财产罪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:侵吞国家财产罪的读音是qīn tūn guó jiā cái chǎn zuì,侵吞国家财产罪翻译成英文是 crime of embezzlement of state property



qīn tūn 动词 1.围棋术语。谓投子侵入对方势力范围并占据多数空点。 唐。杜荀鹤《观棋》诗:“得势侵吞远,乘危打劫赢。” 2.[Annex]∶用武力吞并别国或占有其部分领土。 康有为。《大同书》乙部第二章:“其强大国之侵吞小邦,弱肉强食,势之自然,非公理所能及也。” 3.[Embezzle]∶非法占有公物或他人之物。《廿载繁华梦》第一回:“库书不过一个书吏,若不是靠着侵吞鱼蚀,试问年中如许进项,从哪里得来?” 曹禺《北京人》第一幕:“做了几次官都不十分得意,在最后一任里,他拉下很大的亏空,并且据说有侵吞公款的嫌疑,非常不名誉地下了任。” 4.侵吞行为: 证券商或代理人违法侵占客户利益的行为。即证券经纪商或借人接受客户的委托及手续费和佣金之后,并不代办或转卖股票,反而私自买下 5,短语侵吞 贪污 Embezzlement侵吞公款 [法] Defalcation ; Embezzle public funds ; Embezzlement Of Public Funds ; Peculation侵吞财产 [法] Annexation property