




1. 占 [zhān]2. 占 [zhàn]占 [zhān]迷信的人用铜钱或牙牌等判断吉凶:~卜。~卦。姓。占 [zhàn]据有,用强力取得:~据。霸~。强~。处于某种地位或情势:~理。~优势。口说,口授。估计上报:令民得以律~租。……



汉语拼音:bà zhàn








  1. 见“ 霸占 ”。

  2. 亦作“ 霸佔 ”。凭借权势强行占有。

    清 顾炎武 《与颜修来手札》:“ 章丘 一案已得小结。虽陷害之情未明,而霸占之律已正。”《三侠五义》第五四回:“为何将 郭老儿 父女抢来,硬要霸佔人家有婿之女。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第一○二回:“因为我家大少爷要来霸占,所以才寄到乾爹这里的。” 老舍 《茶馆》第三幕:“ 小刘麻子 呀,没安着好心,他要霸占这个茶馆!”



  1. I bet I can squeeze in front of that old man so I might be able to find a seat before he does, otherwise someone else will take it .

  2. I really have not the hard-heart enough to pick up the lotus flower bringing home as a parade of occupation.

  3. In a mad dash to leave the doomed installation, Mungo was unable to get to his ship -- it had been commandeered by a desperate Koong.

  4. Rain, seems to have an appointment, to occupy the position of the sun and moon.

  5. At my own commencement ceremony several protesting students tried to take over the podium and had to be removed by class marshals.

  6. Long days, long nights and at the end of it all some guy in a suit owns all that work, owns the children of your mind, owns a piece of you.

  7. So if all this comes to fruition (and that is a huge if at this point), it appears that Disney could be dominating the Spring of 2011.

  8. A Chinese digger without a ticket could not sue for the recovery of a mining claim that had been jumped.

  9. Who says coffee tables have to be drab pieces of heavy wood hogging the centre of your living wood?


  1. 欧文霸占着呢

    Owen's mine.

  2. 霸占别国领土

    forcibly occupy the territory of another country

  3. 实现霸占全球的野心

    achieve a global ambition

  4. 野草霸占鲜花的土地。

    The weeds crowded out the flowers.

  5. 世界的主, 霸占我的陵墓。

    The Lord had I mausoleum.

  6. 他们霸占了她的房屋。

    They have dispossessed her of her house.

  7. 她抱怨说他霸占了电梯。

    She complained he was monopolizing the lift.

  8. 他的财产被他叔叔霸占了。

    His property was seized on by his uncle.

  9. 她一定是霸占了那个地方。

    She must have jinxed the place.

  10. 错!爱是霸占,摧毁和破坏。

    You are wrong!Love is to occupy to damage and to destroy.

  11. 该岛被毗邻的共和国霸占。

    The island is annexe by the neighbouring republic.

  12. 那家伙霸占着洗手间25分钟了!

    This guy has been 5 hogging the bathroom for 25 minutes!

  13. 你要把浴室霸占到什么时候?

    Have you done hogging the bathroom?

  14. 他非法霸占了她所有的财产。

    He seized all her property unlawfully.

  15. 波特霸占了所有的乐高玩具。

    Porter's hogging all the Legos.

  16. 我觉得像是霸占了他的东西。

    I felt that I owed him something.

  17. 他们霸占了我的车,开上了山上。

    They commandeered my vehicle, and they drove up the hill.

  18. 他想霸占我们的家园并且除掉我们。

    He intends to level our homes and kill us all.

  19. 他如何每年都霸占着那个高位?

    How does he get his fat ass down that chimney every year?

  20. 他如何每年都霸占着那个高位?

    How does he get his fat ass down that chimney every year?

  21. 也许如果你没霸占所有的课程内容

    Maybe if you didn't hog all the materials.

  22. 亦有一些巢穴经常被其他生物霸占。

    And these are often commandeered by others.

  23. 工业生产被纳粹的战争机器所霸占。

    Industry is commandeered by the Nazi war machine.

  24. 总之,我得采取行动,阻止他霸占我的时间。

    Anyway, I would put a stop to this usurpation of my time.

  25. 常霸占头条的狡猾的平民主义者已销声匿迹。

    Dodgy populists who hogged the headlines have vanished.

  26. 当你走进一间屋子时, 要学会霸占领地。

    When you enter a room, learn to claim territory.

  27. 我要工作到很晚,因为我的房子被霸占了

    I stayed late at work because my house is a broel.

  28. 她总喜欢霸占我们卧室里的每一块地方。

    She always hogs all the space in our bedroom.

  29. 雨, 似乎早已预约, 霸占了夕阳和新月的位置。

    Rain, seems to have an appointment, to occupy the position of the sun and moon.

  30. 没有人可以霸占我的世界,也没人可以伤害我的孩子们。

    No man shall lay claim to my world. And no man shall bring harm to my children.


  1. 问:霸占拼音怎么拼?霸占的读音是什么?霸占翻译成英文是什么?

    答:霸占的读音是bàzhàn,霸占翻译成英文是 seize

  2. 问:霸占者拼音怎么拼?霸占者的读音是什么?霸占者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:霸占者的读音是bàzhànzhě,霸占者翻译成英文是 disseisor

  3. 问:霸占土地拼音怎么拼?霸占土地的读音是什么?霸占土地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:霸占土地的读音是bà zhàn tǔ dì,霸占土地翻译成英文是 deforcement

  4. 问:霸占财产拼音怎么拼?霸占财产的读音是什么?霸占财产翻译成英文是什么?

    答:霸占财产的读音是bàzhàncáichǎn,霸占财产翻译成英文是 disseise property

  5. 问:霸占领土拼音怎么拼?霸占领土的读音是什么?霸占领土翻译成英文是什么?

    答:霸占领土的读音是bàzhànlǐngtǔ,霸占领土翻译成英文是 seize territory



霸占,指仗势占为己有。语出清顾炎武 《与颜修来手札》:“ 章丘 一案已得小结。虽陷害之情未明,而霸占之律已正。”