




不争,尽(jǐn)着旁人:~步。~位。谦~。请:~茶。许,使:不~他来。任凭:~他闹去。被:~雨淋了。索取一定代价,把东西给人:出~。转(zhuǎn )~。闪避:~开。当仁不~。责备,谴责:“二世使人~章邯”。古同“攘”,侵夺。……



汉语拼音:gē ràng







  1. 谓因战败或受威胁,被迫把部分领土让给他国。

    《清史稿·兵志九》:“ 光绪 十三年,开 臺湾 为省治,设巡抚以下各官,为 中国 海南右臂。及 中 日 之战,割让於 日本 ,而疆事益不可问云。”



  1. In the early 20th century there was intermittent debate about trying to convert the lease into a permanent cession.

  2. In a colony acquired by conquest, or ceded to England by treaty, the local laws and customs were to be respected and kept in place.

  3. But one of the things that I find troubling about the administration is the degree to which is has ceded power to Congress.

  4. The defeated side had to concede some of their territory to the enemy.

  5. some of their territory to the enemy.

  6. "We've ceded the initiatives to the North Koreans, " he said.

  7. The voluntary ceding of power by a ruler who was under no compulsion to do so is an unprecedented event in Russian history.

  8. Voices on the left charge that Mr Sarkozy has ceded too much to Brussels over the car industry.

  9. But if local governments still need a bail-out after that, they will have to cede some of their budgetary freedoms to Beijing.


  1. 割让式救济

    ceding relief.

  2. 香港割让给英国

    Hong Kong ceded to UK

  3. 割让割让, 尤指通过条约的割让

    To surrender possession of, especially by treaty.

  4. 把领土割让给邻国。

    cede territory to a neighbouring state

  5. 法国同意割让这块领土。

    France agreed to cede the territory.

  6. 他们把领土割让给邻国。

    They ceded territory to a neighboring state.

  7. 清政府把香港割让给英国。

    The Qing government ceded Hong Kong to Britain.

  8. 新加坡是怎样割让给英国的

    Under what circumstances was Singapore ceded to Britain?

  9. 法国把那块领土割让给他们。

    France ceded the territory to them.

  10. 他们把一部分领土割让给敌人。

    They conceded some of their land to the enemy.

  11. 西班牙将菲律宾群岛割让给美国。

    Spain ceded the Philippines to the United States.

  12. 西班牙把菲律宾群岛割让给美国。

    The Philippines were ceded to the United States by Spain.

  13. 香港是在鸦片战争后割让给英国的。

    Hong Kong was ceded to Britain after the Opium war.

  14. 占败国把一部分领土割让给敌人。

    The defeated nation conceded some of their hand to the enemy.

  15. 古巴在1898年被西班牙割让给美国。

    Cuba was ceded by Spain to the US in 1898.

  16. 这个国家在战后被迫割让了一大片领土。

    After the war, the country was forced to concede a lot of their territory.

  17. 任何割让那些权利的体制都将导致政治混乱。

    Any system that cedes those rights will lead to anarchy.

  18. 最终,他屈从于要斐济割让给英国的压力。

    Eventually, he succumbed to pressure to cede Fiji to Britain.

  19. 割让割让或放弃,如由条约规定的割让给另一国的领土

    a ceding or surrendering,as of territory to another country by treaty

  20. 他们收到了他们认为是50公顷被割让土地的补偿款。

    They received sums of money that they believed to be compensation for the50 hectares conceded.

  21. 因为他们输了这场战争, 割让领土是无法避免的。

    The cession of the territory could not be avoided because they lost the war.

  22. 第一次世界大战以后,德国割让了大片土地给邻国。

    After the First World War Germany conceded a lot of land to her neighbours.

  23. 领土的割让是不可避免的因为他们输掉了那场战争。

    The cession of the territory avoided because they lost the war.

  24. 领土得割让是不可避免得因为他们输掉了那场战争。

    The cession of the territory avoided because they lost the war.

  25. 一系列欧洲战事的结果是佛罗里达被割让给英国。

    As a result of a series of European wars, Florida was ceded to England.

  26. 根据协议的条款, 该国领土的三分之一被割让给法国。

    By the terms of the treaty, a third of their territory was ceded to France.

  27. 根据协议得条款,该国领土得三分之一被割让给法国。

    By the terms of the treaty,a third of their territory was ceded to France.

  28. 德国割让予波兰的领土内有关德裔移民的若干问

    Certain Questions relating to settlers of German origin in the territory ceded by Germany to Poland

  29. 这个岛屿在一百多年以前就割让给西班牙了。

    This island was ceded to Spain more than one hundred years ago.

  30. 第一次世界大战后, 德国割让给邻国不少有价值得土地。

    After the First World War Germany conceded to her neighbours much valuable territory.


  1. 问:割让拼音怎么拼?割让的读音是什么?割让翻译成英文是什么?

    答:割让的读音是gēràng,割让翻译成英文是 cede

  2. 问:割让领土拼音怎么拼?割让领土的读音是什么?割让领土翻译成英文是什么?

    答:割让领土的读音是gēràng lǐngtǔ,割让领土翻译成英文是 cede territory

  3. 问:割让条约拼音怎么拼?割让条约的读音是什么?割让条约翻译成英文是什么?

    答:割让条约的读音是gē ràng tiáo yuē,割让条约翻译成英文是 treaty of cession




拼音:gē ràng 词义:割让是指一国根据条约将其部分领土转移给另一国。割让一般分为自愿割让和强制性割让。但不论哪种,都带有丧权辱国的性质。