


1. 抢 [qiǎng]2. 抢 [qiāng]3. 抢 [chēng]抢 [qiǎng]夺,硬拿:~劫。~夺。赶快,赶紧,争先:~先。~占。~购。~攻。刮,擦:磨剪子~菜刀。当面责备或讽刺:~白他一顿。抢 [qiāng]碰,撞:呼天~地。……


1. 占 [zhān]2. 占 [zhàn]占 [zhān]迷信的人用铜钱或牙牌等判断吉凶:~卜。~卦。姓。占 [zhàn]据有,用强力取得:~据。霸~。强~。处于某种地位或情势:~理。~优势。口说,口授。估计上报:令民得以律~租。……



汉语拼音:qiǎng zhàn









  1. 强占;抢先据有。

    明 汤显祖 《牡丹亭·耽试》:“ 金 主此行,单为来抢占 西湖 美景。” 田间 《渔夫之歌》:“ 美国 侵略者,抢占三八线。”



  1. And while Kate is the darling of the wedding moment, Kerr adds that Kate's cheeky brother-in-law-to-be may steal some of that spotlight.

  2. Get into a price war. Companies frequently undertake suicidal contests with rivals in a desperate attempt to seize market share.

  3. "Because there are so many brands trying to capture this market, they are spending more advertising dollars to be able to. "

  4. The company also has been able to steal share because its vehicles typically cost less than similar models from rivals.

  5. Yet deciding to smoke or drink or not to exercise or to eat more steaks and less broccoli all impose end-of-life costs.

  6. Is all that now threatened by a bureaucratic land- grab ?

  7. Lucky for you Christmas is just around the corner and everyone of you will run each other over to be the first one to the cash register.

  8. One day, three people rushed in and grabbed food off the shelves as fast as they could, obviously not intending to pay for it.

  9. If M is now triggered by an event, M will preempt L and execute for as long as it needs to.


  1. 可抢占模型

    preemptive model.

  2. 可抢占内核

    preemptive kernel.

  3. 抢占计数器

    preemptive counter.

  4. 抢占式调度

    Preemption Scheduling.

  5. 抢占阈值分配

    preemption threshold assignment

  6. 抢占阈值调度

    Fixed Priority with Preemption Threshold

  7. 内核抢占性能

    preemptive ability of linux kernel.

  8. 最小化抢占

    minimizing preemption.

  9. 抢占制高点

    Race to Control a Commanding.

  10. 可抢占式内核

    preemptible kernel.

  11. 抢占式多任务

    Preemptive multitask

  12. 先发制人, 抢占上风。

    Take the wind out of the sail.

  13. 先发制人,抢占上风。

    Take the wind out of the sail.

  14. 实时抢占多任务

    preemptive real task

  15. 抢占了全部功劳

    take all the credit.

  16. 抢占渠道先机

    seize the opportunities of distribution channels

  17. 动态抢占阈值调度

    dynamic preemption threshold scheduling

  18. 机场被敌军抢占。

    The airfield was seized by enemy troops.

  19. 抢占先机投资孟加拉

    Invest in Bangladesh

  20. 抢占座位是不礼貌的。

    It is rude to grab a seat.

  21. 他抢占了最好的座位。

    He grabbed off the best seat.

  22. 这架飞机在抢占高度。

    The plane was grabbing for altitude.

  23. 立即抢占数字家庭先机。

    Plug into the digital home opportunity today.

  24. 她抢占了靠火炉的位置。

    She grabbed the seat near the fire.

  25. 抢占思想阵地倡导网络文明

    Occupy Ideological Front and Advocate Network Civilization

  26. 抢占式短包优先调度算法

    preemptive short packets first scheduling algorithm

  27. 反正够你抢占先机的了。

    Or whatever it is you do to take the edge off.

  28. 那地主抢占了这人的房子。

    The landlord jumped this man's cottage.

  29. 公共汽车上乘客疯狂抢占着座位。

    There was a mad rush to seats on the bus.

  30. 赛跑选手力求抢占起跑有利位置。

    The runners jockeyed for position at the start.


  1. 问:抢占拼音怎么拼?抢占的读音是什么?抢占翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抢占的读音是qiǎngzhàn,抢占翻译成英文是 to race to control; unlawfully to take or use u...

  2. 问:抢占式拼音怎么拼?抢占式的读音是什么?抢占式翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抢占式的读音是qiǎng zhàn shì,抢占式翻译成英文是 preemptive

  3. 问:抢占方法拼音怎么拼?抢占方法的读音是什么?抢占方法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抢占方法的读音是qiǎng zhàn fāng fǎ,抢占方法翻译成英文是 preemptive method

  4. 问:抢占制高点拼音怎么拼?抢占制高点的读音是什么?抢占制高点翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抢占制高点的读音是qiǎng zhàn zhì gāo diǎn,抢占制高点翻译成英文是 Race to Control a Commanding

  5. 问:抢占式调度拼音怎么拼?抢占式调度的读音是什么?抢占式调度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抢占式调度的读音是qiǎng zhàn shì tiáo dù,抢占式调度翻译成英文是 Preemption Scheduling

  6. 问:抢占式多任务处理拼音怎么拼?抢占式多任务处理的读音是什么?抢占式多任务处理翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抢占式多任务处理的读音是,抢占式多任务处理翻译成英文是 Preemption




拼音:qiǎng zhàn 基本解释 [race to control] 抢在敌人前面占领有利地形或重要地点的作战行动 抢占制高点 详细解释 强占;抢先据有。 明 汤显祖 《牡丹亭·耽试》:“ 金 主此行,单为来抢占 西湖 美景。” 田间 《渔夫之歌》:“ 美国 侵略者,抢占三八线。” 词目:操作系统中的抢占 解释 抢占指的是当进程从内核态切换到用户态时,但是内核抢占了它,并做了进程切换,以调度另一个进程。这种情况称为抢占。