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1. 宿 [sù]2. 宿 [xiǔ]3. 宿 [xiù]宿 [sù]住,过夜,夜里睡觉:住~。留~。露~。~舍(shè)。~营。年老的,长久从事某种工作的:~将(经验丰富的老将)。~儒。名~。平素,素有的:~愿。~志。~疾。~敌。~心。隔……
汉语拼音:sù zuì
南朝 宋 刘义庆 《世说新语·文学》:“司空 郑冲 ,驰遣信就 阮籍 求文, 籍 时在 袁孝尼 家,宿醉扶起,书札为之,无所点定,乃写付使,时人以为神笔。” 唐 白居易 《洛桥寒食日作十韵》:“宿醉头仍重,晨游眼乍明。” 叶圣陶 《未厌集·一包东西》:“两旁店家一扇扇彩色的招牌在眼角拂过,觉得头里很昏乱,象带着宿醉。”
And I will do it on monday Or today, If my hangover ever wears off. Do you understand how much I've given up for this?
我星期一会找的,或者今天,只要我的宿醉过去。你知道为这我放弃了多少么?。I stopped drinking liquor as well because after drinking, instead of getting a hangover the next day, I immediately got a headache.
我也戒了酒,因为喝酒后,不必等到第二天我才会宿醉,而是马上就会头疼。It won't completely prevent a hangover, but it will make it a hell of a lot more manageable.
虽然喝水不会完全预防宿醉,不过它能让宿醉的影响大大降低。Dehydration, which weakens the body and makes you feel heavy, is one of the dire effects of a hangover.
宿醉后感觉身体虚弱,并且沉重,主要是因为脱水。John still had his hangover at lunchtime but agreed to have another drink just to see if the hair of the dog would make him feel better.
约翰午餐时间宿醉了,但他决定再喝点儿,看看是否以毒攻毒可以好些。No one wants to make it look as if their children (who, like hangovers, are self-inflicted) make them less reliable workers.
谁也不想给人这样的印象:她们的孩子(就象宿醉一样都是自己造成的)让她们成了不可靠的员工。You turn off your brain for a night, and all your left with the next day is a bad hangover, a sprained ankle, and a pineapple.
你只是放纵大脑一个晚上,第二天早上伴随而来的就是强烈的宿醉,扭伤的脚踝还有一个菠萝。Well I wanna ask you a question, like you ask Sean Penn. You know, but I can only in terms of sequels deal with the Hangover.
好的,我想问你一个问题,就像你问西恩?潘的那样,你知道的,但我只能问些关于宿醉续篇的事。Yet its wine binge has left it with such a nasty hangover that many investors think it will not be able to stand on its own for long.