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汉语拼音:liú liàn
唐 韩愈 《惑春》诗之五:“迎繁送谢别有意,谁肯留恋少环迴。”《警世通言·玉堂春落难逢夫》:“ 玉姐 难捨 王公子 ,公子留恋 玉堂春 。” 巴金 《杨林同志》:“这个 山东 小青年握着我的手一再说:‘你要再来啊!’我也感到留恋。我连声回答:‘我一定再来。’”
I had no idea when I began to be so reminiscent to the old days.
不知道从什么时候开始,慢慢地感觉到自己,成为一个时常会心存留恋的人。Young fashion is a trend, no doubt inner vent thing, feeling, nostalgia - memories of the wind with the bulk.
年轻人追求时尚是一种风气无疑是内心的发泄物,感慨,留恋——随着往事的风吹散。I had been a teacher for 10-odd years. I at last pined for the time staying with my students. Hope to meet them here!
我曾执教十余年,至今仍留恋与学生在一起的美好时光,望能借此一角与昔日的学生有缘相见。However, as this side of the passing traffic, not the slightest bit of nostalgia, never stops along to go in a hurry.
然而时间,就像这身边的飞驰而过的车流,没有半点留恋,从未停歇一直向前匆匆而去。allow me as a Southern woman, with much attachment to the land of my birth, to entreat you to come up to this work.
请允许我以一个南方妇女的身份,心怀对故土的深切留恋,恳请你们着手行动起来。Staying at Milan was no longer rewarding for me, there were media names too important in front of me.
米兰已经不值得我留恋了,有些人的名字在媒体眼中太重要,以至于永远排在我的前面。Home really do not have anything to let me of the memorable .
家里真的没有什么可以让我值得留恋的了。I do not want to put down to my account either nostalgia or bitterness, and I merely want to see clearly.
留恋也好,苦涩也好,我不想将此二者归于我的帐上,我只是想看得明明白白。All these have touched me, warming me in time to rush the passage of our schools have had a special feeling deep sense of nostalgia.