







汉语拼音:liú niàn








  1. 留心;关怀。

    《后汉书·和帝纪》:“ 孝章皇帝 崇弘鸿业,德化普洽,垂意黎民,留念稼穡。”《陈书·高祖纪下》:“朕膺兹寳歷,代是天工,留念官方,庶允时中。” 宋 苏轼 《乞岁运额斛以到京定殿最状》:“伏望朝廷留念餽运事大,特赐检会前奏,一处详酌施行。”

  2. 舍不得离开。

    北魏 郦道元 《水经注·耒水》:“两岸连山,石泉悬溜,行者輒徘徊留念,情不极已也。”《太平广记》卷十六引 唐 李复言 《续玄怪录·张老》:“ 张老 起曰:‘所以不即去,恐有留念。今既相厌,去亦何难。’”

  3. 留为纪念。

    魏巍 《东方》第四部第十四章:“当这几位新识的朋友,正在彼此签名留念时, 孙亮 已从那边兴冲冲地赶来。”



  1. Listening to my heart beating. Seeing how much Ilove you, I dare to admit how much Ilove you.


  2. a local man invited me to have a picture with him on the beach.


  3. For just a few bucks, you can pose with the President or one of the other cut-outs at the fence overlooking the White House.


  4. The memorial proposal will be on display inside Yuanmingyuan Park for a year to allow supporters to sign their names on it.


  5. many visitors , especially the children , enjoyed dancing and taking pictures with our sisters who were dressed in animal - like costumes.


  6. After much laughter and photo taking, Nathan blew out his birthday candles and began serving the cake.


  7. When all the children were dressed, everyone assembled in the outdoor meeting area, for group pictures.


  8. Liverpool's star-stuck players queued outside Benitez's office to have their pictures taken with one of the world's greatest players.


  9. (Puts out a book, for A) A, this book is I gives you, you once planned had to buy. Comes, to take away, makes to accept as a memento.


  1. 纪念品或留念

    A keepsake or souvenir.

  2. 请题名留念。

    Please give your autograph as a memento.

  3. 照个相留念

    have a photo taken as a memento.

  4. 给他们拍照留念

    on their first day of school.

  5. 您的音乐之声留念

    Your Sound of Music Keepsake

  6. 我保留这个奖杯作留念。

    I keep this cup as a trophy.

  7. 还可以和他们合影留念。

    And pose for a picture with them.

  8. 洋洋得意地照相留念无耻

    Take a picture cheerfully for the raped woman together with himself

  9. 游人们纷纷在此摄影留念。

    People have traveled here as a souvenir photo.

  10. 影迷围上来要他签名留念。

    The film fans gathered around him and asked for his autographs.

  11. 这是给你留念的小礼物

    And here's a little something to remember us by.

  12. 这是给你留念的小礼物。

    And here's a little something to remember us by.

  13. 他把他的照片送给我留念。

    He gave me his photograph as a remembrance of him.

  14. 我当然得摆个姿势拍照留念。

    I pose for photographs, naturally.

  15. 早上到瀑布国家公园拍照留念。

    Continue with breathtaking experience of being near to the Falls.

  16. 确保我会出现在留念影集里。

    Just making sure I'm in the memory book.

  17. 也可以免费和游客合影留念。

    Also to take photos together with the tourists for free and present the pictures to them as the tokens.

  18. 我们留下的东西你没有留念的吗

    Don't you care about anything that we left behind?

  19. 每到一处他都要拍照留念。

    Wherever he goes, he always takes pictures.

  20. 留念,但是我觉得没必要回公寓

    Yes, but I don't think that I need to go back to the apartment.

  21. 还记得那一天得摄影留念吗

    Still remember the day my photography pictures

  22. 首页图片猎奇残奥会期间首都留念!

    During spoiling oersted of meeting, capital keep a souvenir!

  23. 照片是对过去生活的一种留念。

    The photograph is a shadow of the life in the past.

  24. 挥别25得时候, 没有一点惋惜和留念。

    When I say goodbye to 25, I don t have any regrets.

  25. 挥别25的时候,没有一点惋惜和留念。

    When I say goodbye to 25,I don t have any regrets.

  26. 因为我想在那里拍一些照片留念!

    Because I want to make some pictures in there to accept as a memento!

  27. 婚礼后我们全体摆好姿势合照留念。

    After the wedding we all posed for a photograph.

  28. 回忆留恋的地方, 作品42, 心爱之地的留念

    Souvenir dun lieu cher, Op. 42, Souvenir of a Beloved Place

  29. 这些毕业生在离校前集体合影留念。

    The graduates had a group photo taken as a memento before they left school.

  30. 在那你可以和一些假财宝合影留念。

    Where you can get your picture taken with fake treasure.


  1. 问:留念拼音怎么拼?留念的读音是什么?留念翻译成英文是什么?

    答:留念的读音是liúniàn,留念翻译成英文是 keep as a souvenir



词目:留念 拼音:liú niàn 词义:留做纪念(多用于临别馈赠):合影~ㄧ离京时送她一支钢笔~。

留念 例句: 宁静的山谷比起繁华而热闹的城市更加让人留念。

