







汉语拼音:gōng xiàn







  1. 攻下,攻取。

    《晋书·文帝纪》:“护军 胡烈 攻陷 关城 。” 清 昭槤 《啸亭杂录·缅甸归诚本末》:“ 缅 酋 瓮藉牙 攻陷 木邦 。” 郭沫若 《洪波曲》第七章一:“﹝敌人﹞五月十九日终竟把这个 陇 海 线上的重镇攻陷了。”



  1. "Once a machine is compromised, it is often used to send out spam for a variety of campaigns, " she said.


  2. Due to the surface many screen printing with the above characteristics, has been in the plastic bottles to occupy an important place in.


  3. If Facebook's computers go down or are compromised, thousands of otherwise independent applications and sites will suddenly go down with it.


  4. Since the fall of Baghdad, the so-called blood Koran has stayed largely out of sight - locked away behind three vaulted doors.


  5. Colonel Qaddafi had sought refuge in Surt after the rebellion that toppled him in August.


  6. Seconds later, the captain stood on the high wall of the city of Troy, and looked down at the empty plain.


  7. It makes sense and no doubt Google has near-impregnable back-ups, but it is also a new chance for regulation.


  8. In this year Rome was sacked, and the empire gave up trying to defend Britain.


  9. In 9AD the name of Liqian was changed for a few years to Jielu, which may mean "prisoners captured in storming a city" .


  1. 攻陷巴士底狱

    The Storming of the Bastille.

  2. 从内部攻陷堡垒

    capture the fortress from within

  3. 锡拉已被攻陷。

    Thera has fallen.

  4. 特洛伊最终被攻陷。

    Troy finally fell.

  5. 对攻陷的城镇进行掠夺。

    Plunder after capture, as of a town.

  6. 夺回被敌人攻陷的城镇

    Recapture towns from enemy hands.

  7. 特洛伊最终被希腊人攻陷。

    Troy finally fell to the greeks.

  8. 从而攻陷了全世界的媒体。

    and he took over the world's media.

  9. 这座城堡被奇袭攻陷。

    The castle was taken by surprise.

  10. 这座城堡被偷袭攻陷。

    The castle was taken by surprise attack.

  11. 特洛伊城最终被希腊人攻陷。

    Troy finally fell to the Greeks.

  12. 陛下,巴士底堡已被暴徒攻陷。

    Your majesty, the Bastille fortress was stormed by an angry mob.

  13. 它被攻陷时,里面只有7个犯人。

    The day it was captured, only seven prisoners were found inside.

  14. 从我们初次见面她就在攻陷我。

    She's been jerking me around since the day we met.

  15. 我从未听说敞开的监狱被战士们攻陷。

    I never hear of prisons broad by soldiers battered down.

  16. 高卢北部几乎每个城镇都被攻陷。

    Nearly every town in northern Gaul was sacked.

  17. 村口的堡垒遭到突然袭击而被攻陷。

    The fortress at the entrance to the village was reduced by a sudden attack.

  18. 亚述王西拿基立并未攻陷这城

    Neither did Sennacherib molest the city.

  19. 无论谬误与否, 这座城镇出奇地难以攻陷。

    And corrupted or not, the town is surprisingly difficult to conquer.

  20. 如果这里被攻陷了, 下面就是釜山, 再然后。

    If this place is taken the next is busan, and then.

  21. 战争中,侵略军先后攻陷大沽,天津,北京等地。

    The Chinese people resisted heroically.

  22. 敌人想攻陷我军阵地的一切企图都粉碎了。

    All their attempts to break into our position were beaten off.

  23. 没人想到特洛伊人的海滩这么容易就攻陷了。

    No one thought the Trojan beach could be captured so easily.

  24. 那位传奇般的英雄只身一人攻陷了敌人的据点。

    That legendary hero captured the enemy's stronghold unaided by anyone.

  25. 公元1127年金兵攻陷开封,徽钦二宗被掳去。

    Year 1127 Annuity soldiers captured Kaifeng, Hui and chin had been abducted.

  26. 当俄罗斯首都被攻陷后,俄罗斯能够得到补偿的错误。

    Fixed bug that gave Russian players capital plunder bonus when their own capital was sacked, as well as the attacking player. Only the attacker gets it now.

  27. 这一年罗马被攻陷, 罗马帝国放弃了对英国的统治。

    In this year Rome was sacked, and the empire gave up trying to defend Britain.

  28. 拉法叶为庆祝攻陷巴士底狱 送给华盛顿的钥匙

    The key that the Marquis du Lafayette sent to George Washington to celebrate the storming of the Bastille.

  29. 几年后, 罗马将军马尔塞鲁斯攻陷锡拉丘兹。

    Several years later, Syracuse was captured by Marcellus, the Roman general.

  30. 阳光湿地被攻陷并且摧毁。那里的法师塔落入了兽人的手中。

    Sunnyglade is sacked and destroyed. The mage tower there is taken under Orc control.


  1. 问:攻陷拼音怎么拼?攻陷的读音是什么?攻陷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:攻陷的读音是gōngxiàn,攻陷翻译成英文是 to overcome; to take; to capture




【拼音】gōng xiàn

【注音】ㄍㄨㄙ ㄒㄧㄢˋ


【出处】明 王铎《太子少保兵部尚书节寰袁公(袁可立)神道碑》:“冬,敌乃大会蹛林,月盛攻陷全辽。”