







汉语拼音:fǎ wǎng




比喻由法律织成的 严密的罗网。一般用来指法律制裁。



  1. The erstwhile prodigy had the best chance of her career to win this title, the only Grand Slam singles title she hasn't won.


  2. Clay obviously is a little bit of a different story. But still also there I gave myself a chance to win the French.


  3. Moreover, the severe penalty of the deterrent effect is often caused by the French omissions offset chances.


  4. The last few years have been too disappointing for me at the French, so I really have to focus on the early rounds.


  5. She thought I had committed to her at the French Open and I thought she was playing with Leander Paes.


  6. Ms. Li's defiance of the system paved the way for her victory in Roland Garros.


  7. "If you violate the law, " he said, "you can't get away with it. "


  8. I never believed myself that I could be in the French Open final, I wish I can do even better in Saturday's final.


  9. That firm may be able to evade the law at present, but there will be a day of reckoning sooner or later.


  1. 法网无情。

    The law is inexorable.

  2. 他落入了法网。

    He was caught in the toils of the law.

  3. 法网公开赛今日举行。

    The French Open will start today.

  4. 窃贼落入了法网。

    The thief was caught in the toils of the law.

  5. 这个贼陷入了法网。

    The thief was caught in the toils of law.

  6. 罪犯终于落入法网。

    The criminal was finally caught in the net of justice.

  7. 恭喜李娜获得法网冠军。

    Congratulations to Li Na on her French Open win.

  8. 相信我,她逃不出法网

    Trust me.She'll never get away with it.

  9. 相信我,她逃不出法网。

    Trust me. She'll never get away with it.

  10. 法网捉苍蝇,黄蜂穿网过。

    Laws catch flies, but let hornet go free.

  11. 我从未输掉法网的决赛。

    I never lost a final. I never lost here so far.

  12. 法网只捕蝇,黄蜂由它去。

    Laws catch flies and let hornets go free.

  13. 你这次不会逃脱法网的。

    You're not going to slip through the cracks this time.

  14. 正义手长,恶人难逃法网。

    Justice has long arms.

  15. 这些不法之徒迟早会落入法网。

    These lawless men will be caught in the toils of law sooner or later.

  16. 法网捕蝇,却让黄蜂横行。

    Law catches flies, but lets hornet go free.

  17. 聚醚型聚氨酯泡沫碱法网化工艺

    Reticulating Method of Polyurethane Foam and Its Property

  18. 他们狡猾地投机取巧, 俾能逃过去法网。

    They have shuffle their card so cunningly as to is out of the reach of the law.

  19. 为了搜寻杀人犯,警方拉大了法网。

    The police have widened their dragnet in their search for the killer.

  20. 他逃到巴西企图逃避恢恢法网。

    He fled to Brazil trying to escape thearm of the law.

  21. 不威廉姆斯没在法网公开赛上穿睡衣。

    No, Williams was not wearing a nightie at the French Open.

  22. 柯斯塔击败费瑞罗在法网公开赛称王

    Costa Beats Ferrero and Claims Crown at French Open

  23. 李娜2006年法网比赛的技术统计与分析研究

    Study on the Technological Statistics and Analysis of Linas French Open Tennis Championship in2006

  24. 李娜2006年法网比赛得技术统计与分析研究

    Study on the Technological Statistics and Analysis of Linas French Open Tennis Championship in2004.

  25. 罪犯就是跑到天涯海角, 也逃不出法网。

    The criminals can not escape the net of justice even if they flee to the remotest corners of the earth.

  26. 商业贿赂犯罪法网的漏洞及其补救完善建议

    Loopholes in Commercial Bribery Law and Remedial Proposal

  27. 你觉得你在法网很难晋级的原因是什么?

    Q.Why do you think you find it so difficult to make progress here?

  28. 那么现在你也许是法网的热门了,你是怎么想的?

    So now you are maybe the favorite for Roland Garros? What do you think?

  29. 他不敢想起自己是个逃出法网的罪犯。

    He could not begin to feel that he was a fugitive from justice.

  30. 那么现在你也许是法网得热门了,你是怎么想得?

    Q. So now you are maybe the favorite for Roland Garros ? What do you think ?


  1. 问:法网拼音怎么拼?法网的读音是什么?法网翻译成英文是什么?

    答:法网的读音是fǎwǎng,法网翻译成英文是 the net of justice; the reach of the law

  2. 问:法网伊人拼音怎么拼?法网伊人的读音是什么?法网伊人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:法网伊人的读音是,法网伊人翻译成英文是 Legal Entanglement

  3. 问:法网恢恢,疏而不漏拼音怎么拼?法网恢恢,疏而不漏的读音是什么?法网恢恢,疏而不漏翻译成英文是什么?

    答:法网恢恢,疏而不漏的读音是Fǎwǎng huīhuī, shū ér bú lòu,法网恢恢,疏而不漏翻译成英文是 The net of justice is vast, it may not close in tigh...




拼音:fǎ wǎng

注音: ㄈㄚˇ ㄨㄤˇ