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茅盾 《烟云》一:“斜阳照着蜿蜒北去的铁轨,像黄绿夹杂布上的两条银线。” 曹禺 《原野》序幕:“铁轨铸得像乌金,黑黑的两条,在暮霭里闪着亮。”
The engineer had to stop the train. He was angry as he cried out to the boy and asked him why he stood on the track.
火车司机不得不停下火车。他非常生气,一边冲那个男孩大声喊叫,一边问他为什要站在铁轨上。However, that would also mean the lone child playing by the disused track would be sacrificed. Or would you rather let the train go its way?
但是,那也意味着那个在停用铁轨上玩的孤独的小朋友将被牺牲掉。你该怎么办?或者让火车自己开过去吗?On a hot day, the metal expands and if it were not allowed to do this, the rails would bend out of shape.
天热时,金属会膨胀,如果不留缝隙,铁轨就会弯曲变形。It was not possible to stop the train but You could make the train change its course to the disused track and saved most of the kids.
让火车停下来已经不可能了,但你能让火车转往停用的铁轨,这样的话你就可以救了大多数的小朋友。If society were a train, the etiquette would be the rails along which only the train could rumble forth.
假如社会是一列火车,那么礼仪就是火车赖以隆隆前行的铁轨;What if the innocent man was on a bridge over the trolley and you had to push him onto the track to stop the train?
如果一个无辜的人站在火车上的桥上,你会将他推倒在铁轨上来阻止火车么?The vaults were reached by means of small, goblin-driven carts that sped along minature train tracks through the bank's underground tunnels.
由小妖驾驶的小车在小型铁轨上穿梭飞驰,穿过银行的地下隧道到达各个保险库。He went on standing against the rail; watching her, as she was taken to the opposites bank of the river in a little boat.
他继续站在铁轨的旁边,看着对面河岸边上她的小船。Probably constructing a railway on the bottom of the sea isn't such a great idea after all, but we do have amphibious vehicles.