


1. 潇 [xiāo]潇 [xiāo]〔~洒〕(行动举止)自然大方,不呆板,不拘束。〔~~〕a.形容风雨暴疾的样子,如“风雨~~”;b.形容小雨,如“~~细雨”。水深而清。……


1. 洒 [sǎ]2. 洒 [xǐ]洒 [sǎ]使水或其他东西分散地落下:~水。~扫。~泪。东西散落:粮食~了。姓。洒 [xǐ]古同“洗”,洗涤。……



汉语拼音:xiāo sǎ







  1. 见“ 瀟洒 ”。

  2. 亦作“ 瀟洒 ”。洒脱不拘、超逸绝俗貌。

    唐 李白 《王右军》诗:“ 右军 本清真,瀟洒在风尘。” 宋 姜夔 《续书谱·真》:“古今真书之妙,无出 钟元常 ,其次 王逸少 ,今观二家之书,皆瀟洒纵横,何拘平正?” 明 沉鲸 《双珠记·京邸叙亲》:“寓吾家后廊,瀟洒仙模样。” 杨沫 《青春之歌》第一部第五章:“ 道静 立刻被他那爽朗的谈吐和潇洒不羁的风姿吸引得一改平日的矜持和沉默。”

  3. 悠闲自在。

    明 高攀龙 《与卞子静书》:“兀坐家中无事,襟怀虽得瀟洒,而触目民艰,未免时復攒眉。” 周而复 《白求恩大夫》三:“ 方主任 心里想:‘你倒潇洒,闲着没事,散散步,等着学习吧。’”

  4. 凄清、寂寞貌。

    唐 李德裕 《题奇石》诗:“藴玉抱清辉,闲庭日瀟洒;块然天地间,自是孤生者。” 宋 苏舜钦 《湘公院冬夕有怀》诗:“去年急雪寒窗夜,独对残灯观阵图……禪房瀟洒皆依旧,世路崎嶇有万殊。” 元 无名氏 《猿听经》第一折:“俺这山林瀟洒,古寺荒凉,惟仙人能往,岂俗士能通。” 清 王辂 《采桑子》词:“芸窗寂静摊书好,一盏茶浓,瀟洒谁同?暗递清琴隔院风。”

  5. 幽雅、整洁。

    唐 姚合 《溪路》诗:“此路何瀟洒,永无公卿跡。日日多往来,藜杖与桑屐。” 宋 文天祥 《官籍监》诗序:“予监一室颇瀟洒,明窗净壁,树影横斜,可爱也。” 元 王实甫 《西厢记》第一本第二折:“塔院侧边西厢一间房,甚是瀟洒,正可先生安下。”《警世通言·金明池吴清逢爱爱》:“如今搬在城里一个曲巷小楼,且是瀟洒。”

  6. 清凉。

    唐 李白 《游水西简郑明府》诗:“凉风日瀟洒,幽客时憩泊。五月思貂裘,谓言秋霜落。” 唐 司空图 《歌者》诗之三:“清回烦暑成瀟洒,艷逐寒云变惨悽。”

  7. 雨落貌。

    唐 韦应物 《夏夜忆卢嵩》诗:“不知 湘 雨来,瀟洒在幽林。” 唐 权德舆 《和李大夫西山祈雨》:“瀟洒四冥合,空濛万顷连。” 元 揭傒斯 《黄鹄山听雨》诗:“瀟洒松上来,瑟缩花间鸣。”



  1. Pat pants, downhill. The wind really come, over half mus of pond water, really a bit cheesy . . . . . .


  2. Whether he could out-argue those clean-cut fireside frolics, with "real pleasure" dangling from his lower lip, he never knew.


  3. Naive blokes like me continued to think men were supposed to be handsome.


  4. rain, waving her little guilty at all, this season does not belong to the same publicity to her wanton, and I want her cool.


  5. I with you together and natural and unrestrained but I found my natural and unrestrained falling in love with you.


  6. When you say goodbye to me with a light heart, do you know my heart is sobbing?


  7. His bulk, his easy pace and the solid sound of his boots had something of the conqueror in them.


  8. The spoiled young woman always is able to wheedle money out of her elderly father by telling him how handsome and generous he is.


  9. Not at all, father dear. I love him just as much as if he were the handsomest man, and I want to keep him as long as I live.


  1. 此人神情潇洒。

    The man looks natural and unaffected.

  2. 她潇洒极了。

    She is parlous handsome.

  3. 他潇洒极了。

    He is as handsome as can be.

  4. 她快活而潇洒。

    She was gay and debonair.

  5. 他穿着潇洒随便。

    He dressed with easy negligence.

  6. 他们潇洒, 自信, 安详。

    They were aloof, selfassured, composed.

  7. 潇洒神韵, 绰约风采

    romantic charm in a natural way, charming and graceful Bearing

  8. 邦德先生举止潇洒。

    Mr. Bond's manners were charming.

  9. 过去的年华,潇洒的爱。

    Over the past years, natural and unrestrained love.

  10. 误把粗俗称作潇洒

    to nickname rudeness ease

  11. 有些人是很潇洒的

    Ah, some of us can move on.

  12. 群山一样苍翠, 风一样潇洒。

    Younger than the mountain, Growing like a breeze.

  13. 你看上去真英俊潇洒。

    You're looking very dapper.

  14. 我会潇洒地抛弃此生,

    Id toss it yonder, like a Rind,

  15. 他潇洒地向她一鞠躬。

    He swept her a bow.

  16. 让多情潇洒, 无情委地

    Make acracholia elegant and unconventional , merciless committee field

  17. 都说你风流倜傥,英俊潇洒。

    Like a prince, the waterfall runs in an unrestrained way.

  18. 法国妇女以高雅潇洒著称。

    French women are known for their chic.

  19. 酒红说得那么的潇洒。

    Wine is red say so free and easily.

  20. 苏东坡的词潇洒卓跞。

    Ci, written by Sudongpo, is free and unique in style.

  21. 苏东坡得词潇洒卓跞。

    Ci, written by Sudongpo, is free and unique in style.

  22. 苏东坡的词潇洒卓跞。

    Ci, written by Sudongpo, is free and unique in style.

  23. 他潇洒地歪戴着帽子。

    He was wearing his hat at a rakish angle.

  24. 他气宇轩昂, 温文尔雅, 举止潇洒。

    His manner was aristocratic, his movements dapper and suave.

  25. 罗伊还像以前一样潇洒。

    Roy is still as handsome as ever.

  26. 我其实应该潇洒的给钱的。

    I would have paid handsomely.

  27. 一天加一码,工作更潇洒。

    A mars a day helps you work, rest and play.

  28. 王子潇洒威猛地驱车而行。

    The Prince was driving with great fire and dash.

  29. 他潇洒地为她打开了门。

    He opened the door for her with a flourish.

  30. 由于司机与潇洒,远离前93型号。

    As with the sporty driver,stay away from models before 93.


  1. 问:潇洒拼音怎么拼?潇洒的读音是什么?潇洒翻译成英文是什么?

    答:潇洒的读音是xiāosǎ,潇洒翻译成英文是 natural and unaffected

  2. 问:潇洒园拼音怎么拼?潇洒园的读音是什么?潇洒园翻译成英文是什么?

    答:潇洒园的读音是xiāosǎ yuán,潇洒园翻译成英文是 Soswaewon Garden

  3. 问:潇洒地拼音怎么拼?潇洒地的读音是什么?潇洒地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:潇洒地的读音是,潇洒地翻译成英文是 chicly

  4. 问:潇洒的拼音怎么拼?潇洒的的读音是什么?潇洒的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:潇洒的的读音是,潇洒的翻译成英文是 high-hat

  5. 问:潇洒园光风阁拼音怎么拼?潇洒园光风阁的读音是什么?潇洒园光风阁翻译成英文是什么?

    答:潇洒园光风阁的读音是xiāosǎ yuán guāng fēng gé,潇洒园光风阁翻译成英文是 Soswaewon Gwangpunggak Pavilion


