







汉语拼音:chāo tuō









  1. 高超脱俗。

    宋 刘克庄 《湖南江西道中》诗:“从今诗律应超脱,新吸 瀟 湘 入肺肠。”《英烈传》第二七回:“ 太祖 见二人超脱,因细问治平攻取之策。” 清 薛福成 《出使四国日记·光绪十七年二月十一日》:“ 中国 之有画亦数千年矣,然重意不重形。后世所推神品者,专以超脱高澹为宗。” 冰心 《往事(二)》八:“灯塔生活,固然极其超脱,而你的幻像,也未免过于美丽。”

  2. 谓受到佛法超度,脱离苦难。

    宋 洪迈 《夷坚丁志·淮阴民女》:“我乃彼家亡女也,沦滞冥路久。适蒙师课经精专之功,遂得超脱。”《初刻拍案惊奇》卷二八:“ 乐天 一生精究内典,勤脩上乘之业,一心超脱轮迴,往生净土。” 清 李渔 《奈何天·伙醋》:“收拾残经别法王,袈裟脱去换霓裳。初来不为求超脱,临去何劳懺罪殃?” 黎烈文 《舟中》:“我将因此堕落到天边的孽海,永远不得超脱。”

  3. 解脱;摆脱。

    《古今小说·单符郎全州佳偶》:“姊今超脱污泥之中,高翔青云之上,似妹子沉沦粪土,无有出期,相去不啻天堂地狱之隔。” 瞿秋白 《饿乡纪程》十二:“如其无能力超脱一切,就只能限制于‘现实’之内。” 蒋子龙 《开拓者》十一:“任何人都不能超脱时代的局限。”

  4. 即臂饰条脱。

    宋 方岳 《海棠盛开而雨》诗:“世无解语玉超脱,春欲负予金屈巵。”



  1. You see him as a young boy and he's a bit ethereal and other-worldly, probably bright.

  2. There was no respect even for Albert Einstein, who only wanted to think of the problems beyond time and space and politics.

  3. I noticed on that occasion how much selfishness there is even in a love like Mr Linton's, when he so regretted Catherine's blessed release!

  4. But I had watched him on the Foreign Relations Committee, and he was too detached for my taste.

  5. He was past everything now and he sailed the skiff to make his home port as well and as intelligently as he could.

  6. And time seemed, nearly, to fall away from sullen, belligerent, battered faces, as though they were fleeing back to their first condition.

  7. Such experiences ex-somatic, which the dreamer feels to be out of his physical body, are called lucid dreams.

  8. ROCK what is a spirit of a life attitude, a real act of a state of ecstasy, a detached themselves want freedom.

  9. third, such adjustments should be disconnected from economic conditions and sovereign interests of any single country.


  1. 学会超脱。

    Learn to live above such comments.

  2. 理性超脱精神

    rational spirit.

  3. 她很纯洁, 超脱。

    She is pure and ethereal.

  4. 浪漫儒雅,风趣超脱。

    Highschool is in its equilibrium state.

  5. 客观超脱的心理特性。

    objectivity and detachment.

  6. 顾问要会当,要超脱。

    They should learn how to advise without becoming too involved personally in work.

  7. 超脱现实是不可能的。

    It's impossible to detach oneself from reality.

  8. 超脱现实是不可能得。

    It's impossible to detach oneself from reality.

  9. 他是一个超脱的人物。

    He is an aloof figure.

  10. 当超脱在等待你的时候

    when the great beyond is heading for you.

  11. 与其不合潮流, 不如超脱红尘。

    Better be out of the world than out of fashion.

  12. 超脱是纯粹的,是纯真无邪。

    Detachment is purity, is innocence.

  13. 于是, 安然一份放弃, 固守一份超脱!

    Thus, a ride to abandon cling to a detached!

  14. 我并不是说男人就多么超脱。

    I'm not saying that men are superior.

  15. 超脱世俗难道真的是解脱吗?

    Is it really is detached secular relief

  16. 她喜爱英语文学,但她太超脱了。

    She loved it, but she was too detached.

  17. 超脱的关心有关精神或灵魂的事情的

    Concerned with matters of the spirit or soul.

  18. 人要想超脱现实是办不到的。

    It is impossible to detach oneself from reality.

  19. 他决定超脱尘网,一意修行。

    He decided to detach himself from the human world, and practice Buddhism.

  20. 他决定超脱尘网,一意修行。

    He decided to detach himself from the human world, and practice Buddhism.

  21. 有人在超脱得失之后找到了幸福。

    Some people find happiness in escaping the seesaw of fleeting gains and losses.

  22. 每个人的思想境界似乎都超脱了。

    Everyone seemed in a heavenly frame of mind.

  23. 对名利, 这是一种何其超脱的淡薄!

    On the fame and fortune, which is a detachment of weak How!

  24. 我想起了我的朋友和他们的保持超脱。

    I was reminded of my friends and their need to stay detached.

  25. 冷静、超脱与睿智,这是他幽默的基础。

    Calmness, detachedness and wit is the base of his humor.

  26. 据他称, 结果表明他是个极度超脱的人。

    The results, he claims, showed a man of extraordinary detachment.

  27. 据他称,结果表明他是个极度超脱得人。

    The results, he claims, showed a man of extraordinary detachment.

  28. 你们希不希望发出光、出神入化、超脱苦海呢?

    Do you wish to emit the halo, to be free from entangles and to transcend the ocean of bitterness?

  29. 真理是打开牢狱之锁的钥匙,痛苦得以超脱。

    Truth's the key to unlock the cell, and help the pain to cease.

  30. 超脱了烦嚣的世界,自由便是一种风度。

    Freedom will be a kind of grace when it breaks away from the busy world.


  1. 问:超脱拼音怎么拼?超脱的读音是什么?超脱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:超脱的读音是chāotuō,超脱翻译成英文是 unconventional; be detached from



“超脱”是个多义词,它可以指超脱(汉语词语), 超脱(3.英雄杀李煜-南唐后主的技能)。