







汉语拼音:jí sù







极速 [极速(Zoom)是美国DC漫画旗下超级反派,初次登场于的《闪电侠:秘密档案与起源》(Flash Secret Files and Origins)第@@@@@期(@@@@@年@@@@@月),由杰夫·约翰斯和斯科特·科林斯联合创作。本名是亨特·佐勒蒙(Hunter Zolomon),是第三代闪电侠沃利·韦斯特的敌人,也是第三代逆闪电。 新@@@@@的极速(Zoom)则是艾尔伯德·斯旺(Eobard Thawne)#####]
  1. 极速(Zoom)是美国DC漫画旗下超级反派,初次登场于的《闪电侠:秘密档案与起源》(Flash Secret Files and Origins)第@@@@@期(@@@@@年@@@@@月),由杰夫·约翰斯和斯科特·科林斯联合创作。本名是亨特·佐勒蒙(Hunter Zolomon),是第三代闪电侠沃利·韦斯特的敌人,也是第三代逆闪电。 新@@@@@的极速(Zoom)则是艾尔伯德·斯旺(Eobard Thawne)



  1. The equity market now is a bunch of co-located computers strung together by a bunch of wires, everyone trying to race to zero.


  2. The reaction comes in the form of rapidly expanding hot gases, which blast out of the rear of the jet and thus drive the aircraft forward.


  3. The ban by Indonesia, its biggest supplier, led to a surge in the price of sand, used in both concrete and land-reclamation.


  4. Obama restated his opposition to the war in Iraq after a voter asked him why the U. S. image abroad has sharply declined in recent years.


  5. And as the weather in the UK rapidly gets colder, the number of nude tight lovers is only going to increase.


  6. Q. If hiring were like speed dating and you could ask only a couple of questions, what would they be?


  7. Blue stripes are often created when a crevice in the ice sheet fills up with meltwater and freezes so quickly that no bubbles form.


  8. Mountains (455 seconds) shows a mineral world in motion, where mountains are evolving in a virtual and a speeded up geological time.


  9. Out of the three experimental Hyper-X aircrafts built for NASA, only one is now left.


  1. 极速变异致命病毒。

    Rapidly mutating deadly viruses.

  2. 极速摩托手小游戏

    Dukes of motorized hand Games

  3. 十大极速排行榜

    The Top Ten Most Extreme Speed

  4. 东方犹太极速二代杯

    Orient Judah Prompt Mug Series

  5. 东方犹太极速二代办公

    Orient Judah Prompt Office Mug Series

  6. 日内瓦车展四款极速跑车

    Four Sports cars on Geneva Auto Show

  7. 金银蛙极速二代办公杯

    Bullion Frog Instant Bibasic Office Cup

  8. 极速短跑是一种无氧运动。

    Wind sprints are an anaerobic exercise.

  9. 独特的梅花拼音, 达到拼音输入极速。

    Plum unique spelling reach Pinyin input speed.

  10. 独特得梅花拼音,达到拼音输入极速。

    Plum unique spelling reach Pinyin input speed.

  11. 试飞员试图把飞机开到极速。

    Test pilots try to push the envelope.

  12. 现在我们就开始我们的极速之旅!

    Now we begin our journey speed!

  13. 现在我们就开始我们得极速之旅!

    Now we begin our journey speed!

  14. 快速化妆, 做发型, 换装, 极速的快板!

    Quick makeup, hair, and outfit changes, and PRESTO!

  15. 首先, 极速滑雪者可以在最好的雪地上滑雪。

    First of all, extreme skiers get to ski on the best snow around.

  16. 首先,极速滑雪者可以在最好得雪地上滑雪。

    First of all, extreme skiers get to ski on the best snow around.

  17. 全球化给这个行业带来的机会极速增多。

    Globalisation has vastly increased the opportunities for such business.

  18. 极速滑雪者的一天总是很早就开始了。

    The extreme skier's day always begins early.

  19. 瑞星杀毒软件2006版采用第七代极速杀毒引擎。

    Rising antivirus software 2006 Ultimate Edition seventh generation antivirus engine.

  20. 这台车很快, 不是极速快, 而是达到极速得时间很快。

    This bike is fast. Not attop end but getting there.

  21. 这台车很快,不是极速快,而是达到极速的时间很快。

    This bike is fast. Not attop end but getting there.

  22. 极速滑雪者所需得只是大山和深厚得积雪。

    Big mountains and a lot of snow are the only things an skier needs.

  23. 极速滑雪者所需的只是大山和深厚的积雪。

    Big mountains and a lot of snow are the only things an extreme skier needs.

  24. 第七代极速引擎对性能做了进一步优化。

    Dukes of the seventh generation of engines in a further performance optimization.

  25. 但我们永远无法以我们逃跑时的极速去追上它。

    We could never catch up to it As fast as we run.

  26. 极速赛车和闪闪珠宝通常是百万富翁的享受特权。

    Fast cars and flash jewellery are the usual perks of the millionaire.

  27. 森兰变频器使制糖分离机品质极速提升

    Developing Quality of Separator for Sugar Manufaturing by San Lan Frequency Transformer

  28. 我们现在已经真正地被那些 我们极速消耗的事物所制约。

    We're really dominated now by those things that we're using up faster and faster and faster.

  29. 这将使得该车得在全驱得情况下达到约200码得极速。

    This should allow the all wheel drive limo to reach a top speed of about 200 mph.

  30. 这将使得该车的在全驱的情况下达到约200码的极速。

    This should allow the all wheel drive limo to reach a top speed of about 200 mph.


  1. 问:极速前进拼音怎么拼?极速前进的读音是什么?极速前进翻译成英文是什么?

    答:极速前进的读音是,极速前进翻译成英文是 Charla Baklayan Faddoul

  2. 问:极速斗车拼音怎么拼?极速斗车的读音是什么?极速斗车翻译成英文是什么?

    答:极速斗车的读音是Jísùdòuchē,极速斗车翻译成英文是 Full Auto

  3. 问:极速滑雪拼音怎么拼?极速滑雪的读音是什么?极速滑雪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:极速滑雪的读音是jísù huáxuě,极速滑雪翻译成英文是 Extreme skiing

  4. 问:极速漂移拼音怎么拼?极速漂移的读音是什么?极速漂移翻译成英文是什么?

    答:极速漂移的读音是Jísùpiāoyí,极速漂移翻译成英文是 Fast Track: No Limits, an action thriller film dir...

  5. 问:极速系统拼音怎么拼?极速系统的读音是什么?极速系统翻译成英文是什么?

    答:极速系统的读音是jí sù xì tǒng,极速系统翻译成英文是 rate quoting system

  6. 问:极速赛车拼音怎么拼?极速赛车的读音是什么?极速赛车翻译成英文是什么?

    答:极速赛车的读音是Jísùsàichē,极速赛车翻译成英文是 FlatOut

  7. 问:极速魔神拼音怎么拼?极速魔神的读音是什么?极速魔神翻译成英文是什么?

    答:极速魔神的读音是Jísùmóshén,极速魔神翻译成英文是 Kinetica

  8. 问:极速G赛车拼音怎么拼?极速G赛车的读音是什么?极速G赛车翻译成英文是什么?

    答:极速G赛车的读音是Jísùgsàichē,极速G赛车翻译成英文是 Extreme-G

  9. 问:极速方程式拼音怎么拼?极速方程式的读音是什么?极速方程式翻译成英文是什么?

    答:极速方程式的读音是,极速方程式翻译成英文是 Capeta

  10. 问:极速赛车手拼音怎么拼?极速赛车手的读音是什么?极速赛车手翻译成英文是什么?

    答:极速赛车手的读音是Jísù Sàichēshǒu,极速赛车手翻译成英文是 Speed Racer

  11. 问:极速拉力赛车拼音怎么拼?极速拉力赛车的读音是什么?极速拉力赛车翻译成英文是什么?

    答:极速拉力赛车的读音是Jísùlālìsàichē,极速拉力赛车翻译成英文是 Top Gear Rally

  12. 问:极速非对称数码订户传输线拼音怎么拼?极速非对称数码订户传输线的读音是什么?极速非对称数码订户传输线翻译成英文是什么?

    答:极速非对称数码订户传输线的读音是jí sù fēi duì chèn shùmǎ dìng hù chuán shū xiàn,极速非对称数码订户传输线翻译成英文是 Very-High-Rate Asymmetric Digital Subscriber L...



“极速”是个多义词,它可以指极速(汉语词语), 极速(网游名词)。