


1. 盛 [shèng]2. 盛 [chéng]盛 [shèng]兴旺:兴~。繁~。旺~。~世。~衰。茂~。全~时期。炽烈:年轻气~。~怒。~气凌人。丰富,华美:~产。~宴。~装。热烈,规模大:~大。~况。~典。~举。广泛,程度深:~传(c……





汉语拼音:shèng zhuāng








  1. 见“ 盛妆 ”。



  1. You look marvelous in your festival robes, my dear. So you noticed. At least I don't sing like a rooster with a sore throat!

  2. The Carnival takes place each year at the beginning of Lent, when Rio comes alive with colour, rhythm and a sense of theatre.

  3. We were dressed up for the party but she was still in her ordinary clothes .

  4. you will see is a girl you once knew, All although she's dressed up to the nines, sixes at and sevens with you.

  5. Samuel had to be dressed properly for his religious activities so Hannah brought him a fine robe every year.

  6. She was all dressed up to the nines for the dinner.

  7. The couple found that they were against the grain as they forgot to read the details and dressed up for the pajamas party.

  8. The wind makes mischief for a girl dressed in her festival best in Salta Province in northwestern Argentina.

  9. Jesse was looking resplendent in a fine pin-striped suit, and I kidded him about dressing up like a Republican today for the Speaker.


  1. 穿着全副盛装

    in full regalia

  2. 他们盛装打扮

    They were dressed to the nines.

  3. 盛装华丽的服饰

    Splendid attire finery.

  4. 歌唱家身着盛装。

    The singer wears rich attire.

  5. 女孩子们盛装赴宴。

    The girls are pricked up for the dinner party.

  6. 他们盛装参加婚礼。

    They were in their best for the wedding.

  7. 她穿著节日盛装。

    She was done up in her Sunday best.

  8. 她身着节日盛装。

    She was dressed up in her Sunday best.

  9. 她身著节日盛装。

    She was dressed up in her Sunday best.

  10. 我们身着盛装等候。

    We waited in our fine clothes.

  11. 他们盛装去参加舞会

    They dressed up and went to the prom.

  12. 人们都穿着节日盛装。

    People are all in holiday array.

  13. 你们不必特意盛装赴宴。

    You do not need to dress up for dinner.

  14. 身着盛装的将军的肖像

    a portrait of the general in full panoply.

  15. 我费尽心思盛装打扮。

    I made a real effort to fluff up my feathers.

  16. 人人都穿着节日的盛装。

    Everybody was in gala dress.

  17. 我不再记得我当日的盛装。

    I won't remember the dress I wore.

  18. 就是一堆富人盛装打扮

    It's a bunch of rich people getting dressed up.

  19. 王室伉俪身穿盛装出现。

    The royal couple appeared in splendid array.

  20. 看起来像穿着盛装的明星。

    Lookin like a star in Ur Armani suit.

  21. 您不打算穿节日盛装吧

    You are not going so far as to wear a costume

  22. 姑娘们个个盛装打扮, 前去赴宴。

    The girls were dressed up to the nines and went to the party.

  23. 她晚上经常穿上盛装出去。

    She often dresses up and goes out at night.

  24. 嘿!为什么你们都盛装打扮啊

    Hey! Why are you all decked out.

  25. 盛装的着装十分讲究或耀眼的

    Dressed in a fine or showy manner.

  26. 姑娘们穿上春日远足的盛装。

    The girls have all dressed up for spring excursion.

  27. 每个人都为舞会而盛装。

    Everybody dressed up nicely for the prom.

  28. 她要参加晚宴, 穿着华丽盛装。

    She was all dressed up to the nines for the dinner.

  29. 衣服, 衣着, 服饰衣服, 尤指外套盛装

    Clothing, especially outer garments attire.

  30. 每一位人客都会盛装赴会。

    Each guest will come dressed in his best.


  1. 问:盛装拼音怎么拼?盛装的读音是什么?盛装翻译成英文是什么?

    答:盛装的读音是shèngzhuāng,盛装翻译成英文是 best clothes

  2. 问:盛装水母拼音怎么拼?盛装水母的读音是什么?盛装水母翻译成英文是什么?

    答:盛装水母的读音是shèngzhuāngshuǐmǔ,盛装水母翻译成英文是 Agalma okeni

  3. 问:盛装舞步拼音怎么拼?盛装舞步的读音是什么?盛装舞步翻译成英文是什么?

    答:盛装舞步的读音是shèngzhuāng wǔbù,盛装舞步翻译成英文是 dressage

  4. 问:盛装水母属拼音怎么拼?盛装水母属的读音是什么?盛装水母属翻译成英文是什么?

    答:盛装水母属的读音是shèngzhuāngshuǐmǔ shǔ,盛装水母属翻译成英文是 Agalma

  5. 问:盛装水母科拼音怎么拼?盛装水母科的读音是什么?盛装水母科翻译成英文是什么?

    答:盛装水母科的读音是shèngzhuāngshuǐmǔ kē,盛装水母科翻译成英文是 Agalmidae

  6. 问:盛装舞步爱作战拼音怎么拼?盛装舞步爱作战的读音是什么?盛装舞步爱作战翻译成英文是什么?

    答:盛装舞步爱作战的读音是,盛装舞步爱作战翻译成英文是 Dressage To Win


