




1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……







汉语拼音:háo bù liú qíng








  1. Ms Betancourt's mother was particularly bitter in her criticism of the president during her tireless campaign for her daughter's release.


  2. Remember, you don't have to DO anything right now, you just have to see the truth of your life with an unsparingly honest eye.


  3. You have no idea, my boss is very strict, he often relentlessly criticizes others, many employees are scared of him.


  4. No matter how brilliant you think you may be, the day will come when you will be told in no uncertain terms that you are laughably wrong.


  5. However, the civilization entries into it relentlessly, so I have to skirt around the wicked invaders and seek the inherent nature of them.


  6. I expected him to be interesting, at least.


  7. Don't tear her performance apart so unkindly as you did last time, even if it is bad; it could destroy her.


  8. eg: My wife and I had a real no holds barred talk last night about all the things wrong with our marriage.


  9. He would reply regally, "But it's what I have been granted, and I am proud of it" .


  1. 对叛国者毫不留情。

    Showed no mercy to the traitors.

  2. 她批评人毫不留情。

    She is unsparing in her criticism.

  3. 他们对囚犯毫不留情。

    They showed the prisoners no mercy.

  4. 他们对敌人毫不留情。

    They have little mercy on their enemies.

  5. 他判决立下,毫不留情。

    His judgments are immediate, pitiless.

  6. 竞争对手对他毫不留情。

    He has no quarter from the competitor.

  7. 这妖怪对女人毫不留情。

    That monster showed no mercy to those women.

  8. 我们去掳掠抢夺, 毫不留情。

    We kidnap and ravage and dont give a hoot.

  9. 将军对被俘敌军毫不留情。

    The general had no mercy on the captured enemy.

  10. 老板对我的错误毫不留情。

    The boss was ruthless about my mistakes.

  11. 老师对于我的错误毫不留情。

    The teacher was ruthless about my mistakes.

  12. 母狐貍就又咬又追,毫不留情。

    Bitch racoon dog is bitten again chase after again, ruthless.

  13. 他出拳很快而且反击也毫不留情。

    He is quick to attack and in fact does not take contradiction kindly.

  14. 来自四面八方的口水, 对他们会毫不留情。

    The saliva from all directions, they showed no mercy.

  15. 那位警察在跟流氓打交道时,毫不留情。

    That cop pulls no punches in dealing with gangsters.

  16. 就像去除掉我们身上的动脉瘤一样毫不留情

    We've got to clear the arteries of our lives.

  17. 在处理任何内部政治分歧的苗头时,总统都毫不留情。

    The President was ruthless in dealing with any hint of internal political dissent.

  18. 这次调查是毫不留情得, 我为他们得清白而感到自豪。

    I'm proud of them because that investigation was relentless.

  19. 被王安石听到了, 毫不留情得就给了她脑袋一记。

    Be listened by Wang An Shi, nowise show consideration of give her head a record.

  20. 爱尔兰共和军对任何一个出卖其成员的人都毫不留情。

    The IRA deals ruthlessly with anyone who informs against one of its members.

  21. 我建议你在消除积压的缺陷和不断膨胀的特征时毫不留情。

    I recommend that you be relentless in the elimination of the backlog of defects and feature enhancements.

  22. 爱情就像一朵野玫瑰, 美丽, 宁静, 可在自我保护时毫不留情。

    Love is much like a wild rose , beautiful and calm but willing to dram blood in its defense.

  23. 上次他对你丝毫不留情。

    Last time he showed you no mercy.

  24. 既然这样不要怪我手下不留情了!

    Do not blame me for being so unsparing of men!

  25. 他批评这项工作时可绝不留情。

    He certainly didn't pull any punches when it came to criticizing the work.

  26. 我们要重判特大案件罪犯,决不留情。

    We should turn in severe verdicts for criminals who have commited merciless crimes.

  27. 我们要重判特大案件罪犯,决不留情。

    We should turn in severe verdicts for criminals who have commited merciless crimes.

  28. 此外,他对待没有竞争力的工程师从不留情。

    And he is unsentimental about uncompetitive engineers.

  29. 这位法官对罪名成立得谋杀犯概不留情。

    This judge is merciless towards anyone found guilty of murder.

  30. 这位法官对罪名成立的谋杀犯概不留情。

    This judge is merciless towards anyone found guilty of murder.


  1. 问:毫不留情拼音怎么拼?毫不留情的读音是什么?毫不留情翻译成英文是什么?

    答:毫不留情的读音是háobù-liúqíng,毫不留情翻译成英文是 Not to consider the sensibilities of others....