


1. 冲 [chōng]2. 冲 [chòng]冲 [chōng]用水或酒浇注,水撞击:~茶。~剂。~洗。~荡。向上钻,直上:~腾。~入云霄。破解不祥:~喜。空虚,谦虚:“大盈若~,其用不穷”。~挹(yì)。谦~。幼小:~昧。~弱。~龄。方……





汉语拼音:chōng rù







冲入 [chōng rù]
  1. 闯入,冲进去。



  1. The Buick she was travelling in crashed into the rear of a tractor and went underneath it.


  2. One hero dives headfirst into a group of soldiers unarmed, seizes a spear in mid-trajectory and kills the enemy with it.


  3. Recent rains might have washed radioactive particles into the water, as the Japanese government suggested.


  4. It shot up in the air as though lifted by a water spout.


  5. About fifty labourers forced their way into a site office to complain about the company's failure to pay them wages.


  6. But in every battle, the wielder was struck with a battle madness, a melancholy that would drive him alone into the midst of the enemy.


  7. Although it is now very frail, but I believe it will certainly be able to one day into the clouds.


  8. at least fisichella managed to survive an unscheduled run through the gravel trap , rejoining without losing his place after running wide.


  9. and that her speed should enable her to make an 'end run' and thrust at the transports.


  1. 向前直冲入水

    forward dive straight

  2. 士兵们奋起冲入要塞。

    The soldiers stormed into the fort.

  3. 突然急转直下, 冲入深海

    Suddenly swooping low on an ocean deep

  4. 兔子突然冲入洞里。

    The rabbit dived into its hole.

  5. 大象猛地冲入森林。

    The elephant plunged into the forest.

  6. 顾客蜂拥冲入了商店。

    Customers stampeded the shop.

  7. 独木舟飞速地冲入急流。

    The canoe shot the rapids.

  8. 冲入开水并盖上杯盖。

    Add boiled water into the pot and lid it.

  9. 猎狗们冲入森林追捕猎物

    The hunting dogs plunged into the forest in pursuit of game.

  10. 是时候冲入焰火之中了。

    Time to dive into the fireworks.

  11. 不久他们就蜂拥冲入城堡,

    Soon they streamed into the fort.

  12. 警察挥舞着警棍冲入人群。

    The police waded into the crowd with batons.

  13. 那贼冲入人群不见了。

    The thief plunged into the crowd and disappeared from sight.

  14. 经船舷跌入, 跳入, 被冲入水中。

    fall, jump, be washed overboard

  15. 这暖意似乎冲入他得肺里。

    The warmth seemed to push into his lungs.

  16. 这暖意似乎冲入他的肺里。

    The warmth seemed to push into his lungs.

  17. 洪水每年都曾冲入大峡谷。

    Floods once raged through the canyon everyyear.

  18. 这辆车失去了控制,冲入人群。

    The out-of-control car charged into crowds.

  19. 消防队员强行冲入室内救出老人。

    The fireman broke into the room and rescued the old man.

  20. 刹那间我们冲入晴朗的广阔天空。

    Suddenly we were in the clear open sky.

  21. 经过一阵激烈得枪战,警察冲入楼内。

    After a wild gunbattle, police broke into the room.

  22. 经过一阵激烈的枪战,警察冲入楼内。

    After a wild gunbattle, police broke into the room.

  23. 我看见一个消防队员冲入了火中。

    I saw a fireman racing to the fire.

  24. 他轻盈地着地,快速冲入,准备实施谋杀。

    He landed a clean right and rushed in for the kill.

  25. 他轻盈地着地,快速冲入,准备实施谋杀。

    He landed a clean right and rushed in for the kill.

  26. 上个月人们被一下子冲入抢购风。

    Many people were stamped into a wave of panic buying last month.

  27. 约翰生带球冲入对方终点, 触地得分。

    Johnson took the ball over on a quarterbacksneak quarterbacksneak for a touchdown.

  28. 更多的污物从内陆的工厂中冲入河流。

    More filth comes washing down the rivers from industries far inland.

  29. 小船打转以舷侧冲入河水的洪流。

    The boat swung broadside on to the current of the river.

  30. 大量海水冲入了船舱,正在船底来回晃荡。

    Gallons of sea water had rushed into the cabin and were now swilling about in the bilges.


  1. 问:冲入物拼音怎么拼?冲入物的读音是什么?冲入物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:冲入物的读音是,冲入物翻译成英文是 plunger

  2. 问:冲入的拼音怎么拼?冲入的的读音是什么?冲入的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:冲入的的读音是,冲入的翻译成英文是 irruptive