




1. 差 [chà]2. 差 [chā]3. 差 [chāi]4. 差 [cī]差 [chà]错误:话说~了。不相当,不相合:~不多。缺欠:还~十元钱。不好,不够标准:~等。成绩~。差 [chā]不同,不同之点:~别。~距。~额。~价。大致……



汉语拼音:shuí chà






  1. 咨问选择。

    《汉书·眭弘传》:“ 汉帝 宜谁差天下,求索贤人。” 颜师古 注引 孟康 曰:“谁,问;差,择也。问择天下贤人。”



  1. "You can handle a horse as well as any one, after a little practice, " he added, encouragingly.


  2. While as my age grows, I become awared that I don't want to be who I am, because everyone has his day, we are unique.


  3. After a hot topic now, people are brought in after the 80, 90 compared to poor who who best.


  4. Who sent that angel?


  1. 重要得不是谁差钱, 谁不差钱。

    Who is not bad money, who is not bad money.

  2. 重要的不是谁差钱,谁不差钱。

    Who is not bad money, who is not bad money.

  3. 他行军从不掉队,气力不比谁差。

    He had never fallen out on a hike, he was as strong as any of them.

  4. 谁是最差得表演者?

    Who is the worst performer?

  5. 谁是最差的表演者?

    Who is the worst performer ?

  6. 谁唱得差些, 是玛丽还是海伦?

    Who sings worse, Mary or helen?

  7. 在这, 我是病人, 但在军队外面, 我比谁也不差。

    I'm being patient here, but outside the army, I don't lose to anyone.

  8. 这里得保卫真差, 谁都可以随便进去, 拿走他要拿得东西。

    The security is so bad here that anyone could simply walk in and take what he wanted.

  9. 这里的保卫真差,谁都可以随便进去,拿走他要拿的东西。

    The security is so bad here that anyone could simply walk in and take what he wanted.

  10. 谁让昨天最差的一个转到另一所学校去了呢?

    Is it my fault that the worst one was yesterday transferred to another school?

  11. 这些孩子既漂亮又健康, 跟谁比都不差, 好可怜的小宝贝啊!

    They are as fine healthy children as ever were seen, poor little dears!

  12. 谁穿鞋比鞋匠太太的差?

    Who is worse shod than the shoemakers wife.

  13. 谁认为这份报告写得很差?

    Who think this report is badly written?

  14. 大卫就差人打听那妇人是谁。

    And David sent and enquired after the woman.

  15. 偶尔有个言差语错, 谁也不会责怪。

    Nobody would blame you for an occasional slip of the tongue.

  16. 谁是给小栗旬留下最差第一印象的艺人?

    Who Gave Oguri Shun The Worst First Impression?

  17. 你知道刚才差点把谁给摔死了?混球

    you know who you just nearly bludgeoned to death here, you lout.

  18. 马龙红兰度扮演谁人要医差他得精力科大夫。

    Marlon Brando is the psychiatrist who tries to cure him.

  19. 马龙红兰度扮演谁人要医差他的精力科大夫。

    Marlon Brando is the psychiatrist who tries to cure him.

  20. 二等兵若姆利想不起遣他当差的中士姓字名谁。

    Chumley didnt catch the sergeants name.

  21. 更何况, 谁说小默多克就一定比其他人干得差呢?

    Besides, who is to say that James Murdoch will necessarily do a worse job than anyone else?

  22. 天啊!我妹妹差点把我的皮衣给毁了,谁都知道皮衣不能用洗衣机洗啊,这难道不是常识马?

    OMG! My sister almost ruined my expensive leather jacket. She tried to machine wash it. You obviously can’t put a leather jacket in the washer. Isn’t this common sense?