




1. 说 [shuō]2. 说 [shuì]3. 说 [yuè]说 [shuō]用话来表达意思:~话。~明。演~。解~。介绍:~合(a.从中介绍;b.商议;c.说和。“合”均读轻声)。~媒。言论,主张:学~。著书立~。责备:数~。文体的一种……



汉语拼音:xù shuō








  1. The Chernobyl disaster still has much to tell us about the long-term risks of low-level radiation exposure.

  2. She cried so bitterly and looked so forlorn and heartbroken and ashamed as she faltered out her woeful story.

  3. The incident , related thus briefly, was an exciting story of extraordinary daring and resolution .

  4. Before I begin this particular story, I'd just like to point out the fact that Michael is standing over my shoulder, laughing.

  5. Anna sobbed out the story of her son's death in a traffic accident.

  6. Books are written to tell about all the wonderful things in the world and also about people and their ideas.

  7. In particular, how designers utilize pattern recognition, storytelling, visual communication, and empathy.

  8. Its magnificent remains tell of a heroic history during the reign of Queen Zenobia.

  9. Reconstructing this group's narratives needs gender sensitivity, comparative study, global perspective, and emic approach.


  1. 叙说分析。台北五南

    Polkinghorne, D. E Narrative Knowing and The Human Sciences. Albany, NYState University of New York.

  2. 叙说其冒险经历的探险者。

    An explorer reciting her adventures.

  3. 他叙说自己洗蒸汽浴的感受。

    He narrated his own personal experience of the Turkish bath.

  4. 他哽咽着叙说这个悲惨的故事。

    He sobbed out the whole sad story.

  5. 乔向大家叙说她拜访报社一事。

    Jo told the others about her visit to the newspaperman.

  6. 她叙说了在难民营当护士的经历。

    She recounted her experiences working as a nurse in a refugee camp.

  7. 她跟我们叙说着与城管间的猫鼠游戏。

    She told us of her ongoing game with the chengguan, or urban management officers.

  8. 小看当作渺小或不重要来描述或叙说轻视,贬低

    Denigrate to say that someone or something is not good or important belittle.

  9. 许多说故事人会叙说祖国的传说及远古神话。

    Many tell tales and ancient myths from their faraway homelands.

  10. 这些迥异得感觉便叙说了一段生动得审美变迁史。

    These disparate feelings narrate a paragraph of dramatic aesthetic history.

  11. 这些迥异的感觉便叙说了一段生动的审美变迁史。

    These disparate feelings narrate a paragraph of dramatic aesthetic history.

  12. 以前的男朋友给我打电话说让我去他家一起喝点酒叙叙旧,这个是不是想跟我要怎么样的电话呢?

    My ex called me and said he just wanted me to go over to his place over beer for old time’s sake. Is this just a booty call?

  13. 福音书记叙耶稣生平、为人和学说。

    The Gospels tell of the life, person, and teachings of Jesus.

  14. 对叙利亚领导人来说,生存为第一要务。

    For syria's leaders, the issue is survival.

  15. 也就是说超过一半的叙利亚人口 被迫逃离家园。

    That means that over half the Syrian population has been forced to flee.

  16. 然而,对叙利亚占领黎巴嫩能这样说马?

    But can the same be said of the Syrian occupation of Lebanon?

  17. 叙利亚说它愿成为非洲和欧洲间的桥梁。

    Syria said it would like to be a bridge between Africa and Europe.

  18. 不管怎么说, 这是描叙铁的历史的一种方法。

    Anyway, it is one of the way of describing the history of iron.

  19. 这一指责对叙利亚来说是非常不公平的。

    That accusation does a great injustice to Syria.

  20. 叙利亚则说那是军事设施,但和核计划无关。

    Syria said the building was a military complex but had no links to a nuclear programme.

  21. 美国和英国说,他们正在调研制裁叙利亚的可能性。

    The US and Britain say they are looking into the possibility of imposing sanctions on Syria.

  22. 叙方说,这一行动的目的是控制边境,阻止走私活动等。

    Syria said the operation aimed at controlling the border to prevent smuggling activities.

  23. 长话短叙,且说布拉西离开了卧室,来了两个人协助产婆。

    To make a long story short, Brasi left the room.

  24. 我希望人们意识到,为什么有人会去叙利亚参战,他说。

    I want people to be aware why people go to fight in Syria, he says.

  25. 穆萨说,黎巴嫩反对派的主要支持者叙利亚支持这项计划。

    Moussa said it is supported by Syria, which is a main backer of the Lebanese opposition.

  26. 不说在叙利亚旅行懂一点点阿拉伯语就行,实在很直截了当。

    Which is not to say travelling in Syria with only a smattering of Arabic is entirely straightforward.


  1. 问:叙说拼音怎么拼?叙说的读音是什么?叙说翻译成英文是什么?

    答:叙说的读音是xùshuō,叙说翻译成英文是 to narrate; to tell



拼音:xù shuō

注音:ㄒㄩˋ ㄕㄨㄛ


解释:[tell;narrate] 叙述,说明。