







汉语拼音:xiōng fù








  1. 胸部与腹部。亦以指心腹。

    《荀子·议兵》:“臣之於君也,下之於上也,若子之事父,弟之事兄,若手臂之扞头目而覆胸腹也。” 汉 应劭 《风俗通·怪神·世间多有见怪惊怖以自伤者》:“其日便得胸腹痛切,妨损饮食。”《三国志·魏志·武文世王公传论》“为法之弊,一至于此乎” 裴松之 注引《魏氏春秋》载 三国 魏 曹冏 上书:“譬犹芟刈股肱,独任胸腹。”

  2. 比喻要害之处或中间部分。

    《战国策·秦策四》:“ 韩 ,天下之咽喉; 魏 ,天下之胸腹。” 明 胡应麟 《诗薮内编·古体下》:“盖歌行……不难於胸腹,而难於首尾。”

  3. 犹胸襟。

    宋 王令 《送朱明之昌叔赴尉山阳》诗:“身躯虽小胸腹宽,沛如絶海横秋涨。” 明 李贽 《卓吾论略》:“吾大人何如人哉?身长七尺,目不苟视,虽至贫,輒时时脱吾 董母太宜人 簪珥以急朋友之婚,吾 董母 不禁也。此岂可以世俗胸腹窥测而预贺之哉!”



  1. Objective To sum up the experience in diagnosis and treatment of surgery by one case of separation of thoracopagus conjoined twins.


  2. Tumours often develop in one of the adrenal glands but may also form in nerve tissues in the neck, chest, abdomen, or pelvis.


  3. Generally can be categorized into three: Xiongshihuxi, abdominal breathing, abdominal breathing (breathing mixture).


  4. The moat usually affected part was the lung, followed by peritoneal cavity, pleural flu id, ascites, and blood.


  5. Objective: To sum up the experience of diagnosis and surgical procedure for thoracic-abdominal injuries.


  6. Conclusion To diagnose sternal fracture is not difficult, but attention should be paid to complicated wound in chest of abdomen.


  7. Objective: To summarize the characteristics of diagnosis and treatment of thoracoabdominal combined injury (TCI).


  8. Methods A retrospective analysis was made to the clinical data of 12 cases with thoracoabdominal injuries combined with shock.


  9. Its are orderly: The head - cervical - two upper limbs - pectoral abdomen - back - two ham - two crus .


  1. 低血压,胸腹疼痛

    Hypotension, severe chest and abdominal pain.

  2. 他在胸腹部位中了3抢

    He's got three to the thoracoabdominal area.

  3. 严重胸腹合并伤的救治分析

    Clinical analysis on the salvage for severe thoracoabdominal combined injury

  4. 贲门癌选择胸腹联合切口的标准

    Standard of Thoracoabdominal Incision in Patients with Cardiac Carcinoma

  5. 胸腹联合伤的临床特点和早期救治

    Clinical features and early management of combined thoracoabdominal injury.

  6. 经颈右胸腹,胃代食管20例,右半结肠代食管2例。

    By the way of neck right thoracic abdomen, the esophagus was reconstructed with stomach in20 cases, and with right colon in2 cases.

  7. 除此之外,还可以询问胸腹、耳、科和儿科疾病。

    Besides, chest and abdomen, ears and eyes, women's diseases, pediatric diseases may be asked.

  8. 目的探讨贲门癌选择胸腹联合切口的合理标准。

    Objective To discuss the proper standard of the thoracoabdominal incision in patients with cardiac carcinoma.

  9. 锯缘青蟹促雄腺和胸腹神经团的直接联系

    Direct connection between androgenic glands and horacic ganglion of Scylla serrata

  10. 胸腹按压心肺复苏术对猝死病人生存率的影响

    The effects of phased chest and abdominal compression cardiopulmonary resuscitation on the survival rate of patients with sudden death

  11. 小儿胸腹或背部烧伤透气性简易床的制作及应用

    The Fabrication and Application of Simplified Bed with good Air Permeability for Children Burned in Thoracicoabdominal Part and Back

  12. 方法对54例胸腹联合伤患者进行抢救及精心的整体护理。

    Methods A total of 54 patients undergoing chest and belly union damage were rescued and nursed.

  13. 方法对54例胸腹联合伤患者进行抢救及精心得整体护理。

    Methods A total of 52 patients undergoing chest and belly union damage were rescued and nursed.

  14. 临床表现前3位分别是胸腹背壁静脉显露, 肝肿大和腹水。

    The first 3 clinical manifestation of BCS are uarices of chest, abdominal and dorsal wall , hepatomegaly and ascites.

  15. 打开胸、腹最好的姿势是轻柔的有支撑的后曲。

    To open the chest and abdomen, a wonderful position is a gentle and supported backbend.

  16. 与经胸腹手术相比,具有创伤小,并发症少,恢复快等特点。

    The operation was showed as fewer traumas, less complication and rapid recuperation compared with thoracolaparotomy.

  17. 腹主动脉一般比胸主动脉小。

    The abdominal aorta is normally smaller than the thoracic aorta.

  18. 并胸腹节盾片

    propodeonis scutum.

  19. 胸腹气街的形态学基础

    Morphological Basis of the Pathway of Qi Red Army Street.

  20. 可使手术病人胸腹免受压迫,减少手术失血。

    It can make chest belly of the patient of operation avoid oppression, and reduce blood loss in the operation.

  21. 并胸腹节具明显的四齿,侧齿大,中齿小。

    Propodeum with four teeth, lateral teeth bigger and middle teeth smaller.

  22. 胸腹主动脉瘤手术中重建肋间动脉的简易方法

    A simple surgery technique for intercostals artery preservation in thoracic and thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm repair.

  23. 胸腹型联体婴分离手术胸廓及心包腔缺损的修复

    Reconstruction of thoracic and pericardial defects and consequent cardiac exposure in a thoracoventropagus following the separation surgery

  24. 热扰胸膈腹满证

    syndrome of abdominal fullness due to heat disturbing chest and diaphragm

  25. 腹鳍腹侧成对的鳍,在胸鳍后方远处。

    abdominal fins Applied to ventral fins when inserted far behind pectorals.

  26. 腮腺的深部介于胸锁乳突肌的前缘和后部的二腹肌后腹。

    The deeper portion of the gland lies between the anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid and the posterior belly of the digastric muscles.

  27. 目的评价核素淋巴显像在诊断儿童乳糜胸腹水中的作用。

    Objective To evaluate the value of lymphoscintigraphy in diagnosis of chylous ascites in children.

  28. 前胸腹板刺

    prosternal spine.

  29. 胸大肌的腹部分

    Abdominal part of pectoralis major muscle

  30. 后胸侧腹隆线

    lateroventral metathoracic carina


  1. 问:胸腹弓拼音怎么拼?胸腹弓的读音是什么?胸腹弓翻译成英文是什么?

    答:胸腹弓的读音是xiōng fù gōng,胸腹弓翻译成英文是 abdominothoracic arch

  2. 问:胸腹板拼音怎么拼?胸腹板的读音是什么?胸腹板翻译成英文是什么?

    答:胸腹板的读音是xiōng fù bǎn,胸腹板翻译成英文是 sterno-ventral shield, pectoral plate

  3. 问:胸腹肌拼音怎么拼?胸腹肌的读音是什么?胸腹肌翻译成英文是什么?

    答:胸腹肌的读音是xiōng fù jī,胸腹肌翻译成英文是 musculus pectoralis abdominis

  4. 问:胸腹腔拼音怎么拼?胸腹腔的读音是什么?胸腹腔翻译成英文是什么?

    答:胸腹腔的读音是xiōng fù qiāng,胸腹腔翻译成英文是 pleuroperitoneal cavity

  5. 问:胸腹膈拼音怎么拼?胸腹膈的读音是什么?胸腹膈翻译成英文是什么?

    答:胸腹膈的读音是xiōng fù gé,胸腹膈翻译成英文是 diaphragma thoraco-abdominale

  6. 问:胸腹膜拼音怎么拼?胸腹膜的读音是什么?胸腹膜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:胸腹膜的读音是xiōng fù mó,胸腹膜翻译成英文是 membrana pleuroperitonealis, pleuroperitone...

  7. 问:胸腹裂拼音怎么拼?胸腹裂的读音是什么?胸腹裂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:胸腹裂的读音是xiōng fù liè,胸腹裂翻译成英文是 thoracogastroschisis

  8. 问:胸腹乳房拼音怎么拼?胸腹乳房的读音是什么?胸腹乳房翻译成英文是什么?

    答:胸腹乳房的读音是xiōng fù rǔ fáng,胸腹乳房翻译成英文是 mamma completa

  9. 问:胸腹侧片拼音怎么拼?胸腹侧片的读音是什么?胸腹侧片翻译成英文是什么?

    答:胸腹侧片的读音是xiōng fù cè piàn,胸腹侧片翻译成英文是 epicnemium, prepectus

  10. 问:胸腹单基拼音怎么拼?胸腹单基的读音是什么?胸腹单基翻译成英文是什么?

    答:胸腹单基的读音是xiōng fù dān jī,胸腹单基翻译成英文是 thoracico-abdominal rudiment

  11. 问:胸腹原基拼音怎么拼?胸腹原基的读音是什么?胸腹原基翻译成英文是什么?

    答:胸腹原基的读音是xiōng fù yuán jī,胸腹原基翻译成英文是 thoracico-abdominal rudiment

  12. 问:胸腹着地拼音怎么拼?胸腹着地的读音是什么?胸腹着地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:胸腹着地的读音是xiōng fù zháo dì,胸腹着地翻译成英文是 lie flat on the belly

  13. 问:胸腹联胎拼音怎么拼?胸腹联胎的读音是什么?胸腹联胎翻译成英文是什么?

    答:胸腹联胎的读音是xiōng fù lián tāi,胸腹联胎翻译成英文是 thoracogastrodidymus

  14. 问:胸腹膜孔拼音怎么拼?胸腹膜孔的读音是什么?胸腹膜孔翻译成英文是什么?

    答:胸腹膜孔的读音是xiōng fù mó kǒng,胸腹膜孔翻译成英文是 pleuroperitoneal opening

  15. 问:胸腹膜管拼音怎么拼?胸腹膜管的读音是什么?胸腹膜管翻译成英文是什么?

    答:胸腹膜管的读音是xiōng fù mó guǎn,胸腹膜管翻译成英文是 pleuroperitoneal canal

  16. 问:胸腹膜腔拼音怎么拼?胸腹膜腔的读音是什么?胸腹膜腔翻译成英文是什么?

    答:胸腹膜腔的读音是xiōng fù mó qiāng,胸腹膜腔翻译成英文是 cavum pleuroperitoneale, pleuroperitoneal ca...

  17. 问:胸腹裂孔拼音怎么拼?胸腹裂孔的读音是什么?胸腹裂孔翻译成英文是什么?

    答:胸腹裂孔的读音是xiōng fù liè kǒng,胸腹裂孔翻译成英文是 Bochdalek foramen, pleuroperitoneal foramen...

  18. 问:胸腹隆起拼音怎么拼?胸腹隆起的读音是什么?胸腹隆起翻译成英文是什么?

    答:胸腹隆起的读音是xiōng fù lóng qǐ,胸腹隆起翻译成英文是 thoracico-abdominal thickening

  19. 问:胸腹隔膜拼音怎么拼?胸腹隔膜的读音是什么?胸腹隔膜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:胸腹隔膜的读音是xiōng fù gé mó,胸腹隔膜翻译成英文是 pleuroperitoneal membrane

  20. 问:胸腹侧动脉拼音怎么拼?胸腹侧动脉的读音是什么?胸腹侧动脉翻译成英文是什么?

    答:胸腹侧动脉的读音是xiōng fù cè dòng mài,胸腹侧动脉翻译成英文是 arteria thoracica ventralis