




1. 中 [zhōng]2. 中 [zhòng]中 [zhōng]和四方、上下或两端距离同等的地位:~心。当(dàng)~。~原。~华。在一定范围内,里面:暗~。房~。~饱。性质或等级在两端之间的:~辍(中途停止进行)。~等。~流砥柱。表示……







汉语拼音:fǔ zhōng zhī yú







  • 【解释】:在锅里游着的鱼。比喻不能久活。
  • 【出自】:《元史·王荣祖传》:“彼小国负险自守,釜中之鱼,非久自死。”
  • 【示例】:杨八老和一群百姓们,都被倭奴擒了,好似瓮中之鳖,~。
  • 【语法】:偏正式;作宾语;比喻处在绝境中的人


  1. na.
  2. (

  3. be) a fish in the fish kettle; (

  4. like) a fish in the pot -- without hope of escape; (

  5. like) fish in the cauldron

  1. 捕尽湖中之鱼

    deplete the lake of fish

  2. 网漏吞舟之鱼

    The net has such wide meshes that even fishes large enough to gulp a Boat can escape from it.

  3. 这些天鹅会吃光鱼中之鱼, 会吞吃人中之人。

    These Swans will eat up fish inside fish and they will swallow men inside men.

  4. 渔夫希望做完那盘略带红色之鱼。

    The fisherman wishes to finish the dish of reddish fish.

  5. 浪漫主义之鱼回游在收向手中的网底。

    Romantic fish swam in nets coming to the hand.

  6. 这漏网之鱼般得光得精灵, 和我们一起游戏。

    The fairy as the light of escape fish, play with us!

  7. 这漏网之鱼般的光的精灵, 和我们一起游戏。

    The fairy as the light of escape fish, play with us!

  8. 警察逮捕了大部分的歹徒, 但仍有漏网之鱼。

    The police arrested most of the gangsters, but there were stell stragglers.

  9. 警察逮捕了大部分得歹徒,但仍有漏网之鱼。

    The police arrested most of the gangsters, but there were stell stragglers.

  10. 尽管沃德进行了大范围的采访,但仍有漏网之鱼。

    In spite of Ward's extensive interviews, there are some gaping holes.

  11. 试验一下,看看哪些能当作漏网之鱼而不被人发现。

    So experiment and see which things can through cracks without anyone noticing.

  12. 官员们担心英国警方指认的一些罪犯可能已成为漏网之鱼。

    Officials fear some of the thugs identified by British police may have slipped through the net.

  13. 这条不死之鱼的打开了我们的想象之门, 一切皆有可能!

    The finding of this fish lets our run wild with possibilities.

  14. 有人可以成为漏网之鱼, 无论你以何种姿势与她面对。

    Some people may becomeevade arrest the fish, regardless of you face by what kind of posture with her.

  15. 在那个豪华的酒店里,我就像一条离水之鱼,很不自在。

    I was a fish out of water in that luxurious restaurant.

  16. 在那个豪华的酒店里,我就像一条离水之鱼,很不自由。

    I was a fish out of water in that luxurious restaurant.

  17. 空气之于人犹如水之于鱼。

    Air is to men as water us to fish.

  18. 水之于鱼就像空气之于人。

    As water is to fish so is air to man.

  19. 即使是现在,你也在设法收买我的鱼之代言者。

    Even now, you seek to suborn my Fish Speakers.

  20. 卑鄙之于卑鄙者正如风之于鸟水之于鱼一样。

    As the air to a bird sea to a fish, so is contempt to the contemptible.

  21. 我担心充其量我也只会像一条出水之鱼。

    I fear that at the best I shall be somewhat of a fish out of water.

  22. 这条不死之鱼得打开了我们得想象之门, 一切皆有可能!

    The finding of this fish lets our run wild with possibilities.

  23. 第一道菜之後就上了鱼。

    Fish was served after the first course.

  24. 子非鱼, 焉知鱼之乐?

    How can you, not being a fish yourself, kown the happiness of a fish?

  25. 子非鱼,焉知鱼之乐?

    How can you, not being a fish yourself, kown the happiness of a fish?

  26. 鸟自由翱翔在鲛鱼之空

    The birds fly free on a mackerel sky

  27. 在无鱼之处空撒网, 徒劳无功。

    It is in vain to cast your net where there is no fish.

  28. 子非我,安知我不知鱼之乐?

    How can you, not being I, know that I don't.

  29. 我们应该养安静的宠物, 鱼之类的。

    We should have gotten a quieter pet, like a fish.

  30. 我们应该养安静得宠物, 鱼之类得。

    We should have gotten a quieter pet, like a fish.


釜中之鱼是一个词语,拼音fǔ zhōng zhī yú,比喻不能久活,出自《元史·王荣祖传》。