




1. 数 [shù]2. 数 [shǔ]3. 数 [shuò]数 [shù]表示、划分或计算出来的量:~目。~量。~词。~论(数学的一支,主要研究正整数的性质以及和它有关的规律)。~控。几,几个:~人。~日。技艺,学术:“今夫弈之为~,小~……



汉语拼音:xì shǔ






  1. 仔细计数。

    宋 王安石 《蔷薇》诗之三:“细数落花因坐久,缓寻芳草得归迟。” 金 元好问 《赠莺》诗:“恨不掌上看,毛羽得细数。”

  2. 详细数目。

    明 唐顺之 《覆勘蓟镇边务首疏》:“其各区原额,见在逃亡老弱花名细数,容臣等造册奏缴。”



  1. Maybe I should set aside just a minute a day to count my blessings and say "thank you" .


  2. It is still an ongoing night. Sometimes I feel our lives are so long that we get through each day by counting time.


  3. As I weaved my way through the many mazes in my mind, I decided to put pen to paper and recount my steps.


  4. Later I only in the dark corner, count the unforgettable memories of the residues of the sad.


  5. It remains one hour that the old year will pass, and let me recall what happened in this year, unforgettable or trivial.


  6. Once a year, we remember to stop and count our blessings.


  7. Indeed, college students and macaques seem equally able to roughly sum up sets of objects without actually counting them.


  8. Prodromou recounted a few of the recently developed standards that could bring about, in his words, a "federated social Web. "


  9. Added to the list, in our modern world, is the inability of those with accents to get the most out of their voice recognition technology.


  1. 一秒够细数

    Can understand all in one second.

  2. 细数、手腕的痕迹。

    Thin number, skill trace.

  3. 表2开列支出细数。

    Table2 indicates the breakdown of expenditure.

  4. 我对这些悲痛一一细数

    Then can I grieve at grievances foregone

  5. 圣诞,是细数祝福的好日子。

    Christmas is a great day to count our blessings.

  6. 用清新的韵律细数你的秀妍。

    And in fresh numbers number all your graces.

  7. 用清新得韵律细数你得秀妍。

    And in fresh numbers number all your graces.

  8. 细数幸福,就像孩子数星星一样。

    D.Count blessings like children count stars.

  9. 未清偿余额按年度分列的细数

    chronological breakdown of balances outstanding

  10. 我有条件细数子弹、绘图写景吗?

    Do you think I'm counting bullets and drawing pictures?

  11. 当你离去的时候,我细数着你离开的脚步。

    When you're gone, I count the steps you take.

  12. 细数,豆蔻的年华里,是谁的一片痴心错付?

    Breakdown, nutmeg, and the Love Lane, who will pay for a silly mistake.

  13. 十一月是感恩的季节,细数神所赐的丰盛恩典。

    November is for thanksgiving, count God's bounteous graces.

  14. 每天细数着流逝得日子。陪着孤单和寂寞过夜。

    A breakdown of daily life passage. Accompanied alone and lonely night.

  15. 每天细数着流逝的日子。陪着孤单和寂寞过夜。

    A breakdown of daily life passage. Accompanied alone and lonely night.

  16. 蝴蝶细数的并非月份,而是瞬间,她的时光因之而富足。

    The butterfly counts not months but moments, and has time enough.

  17. 每年一次我们记得要停下来,细数我们得到的恩惠。

    Once a year, we remember to stop and count our blessings.

  18. 然后我做了一件我一直喜欢的事儿,细数幸福。

    I then did something I like to do every now and then, which is count my blessings.

  19. 贾拉索得手快速移动了几次,快得狄宁无法细数。

    Jarlaxle's hand flicked several times,too quickly for Dinin to count.

  20. 即使自最初一刻便握紧手心的砂,细数每一粒记忆。

    If I held in my hand, every grain of sand, since time first began to be.

  21. 不信,你细数身边那些说过话的人没有几个言行一致。

    Don't believe, you count nearby those people to speak few preach.

  22. 贾拉索的手快速移动了几次,快得狄宁无法细数。

    Jarlaxle's hand flicked several times, too quickly for Dinin to count.

  23. 那其实就是你生命之钟在嘀嗒作响, 细数着余下的时刻。

    That is actually your life clock ticking, counting down the moment you have left.

  24. 那其实就是你生命之钟在嘀嗒作响,细数着余下得时刻。

    That is actually your life clock ticking, counting down the moment you have left.

  25. 我放弃了细数这里的建筑工地上耸立着多少起重机的念头。

    I give up counting the cranes towering over building sites here.

  26. 那其实就是你的生命之钟在滴答作响, 细数着余下的时刻。

    That is actually your life clock ticking, counting down the moments you have left.

  27. 这是个在一年将尽时细数所遇上的好事与回顾全年的时机。

    It a time for counting blessings and reflecting on the year that is nearing its end.


  1. 问:细数拼音怎么拼?细数的读音是什么?细数翻译成英文是什么?

    答:细数的读音是,细数翻译成英文是 count-down