







汉语拼音:xiāng zhāng






  1. 樟树的俗称。因全株有香气,故称。



  1. Compared with planting in the suburb, C. camphor plated in the urban areas was not easy to suffer freezing damage.


  2. The reporter see, the outdoors exhibition hall that tiger give up in empty, a fragrant greenheart descend still stay the blood stain.


  3. What about the stories between aromatic camphors? Someone whispered in the split second of raising and lowering his head.


  4. Now everyone at home is to have a camphor ball camphor roots, stems, branches, leaves made of distillation.


  5. This last moment of the deer's life was its happiest, and there was on its face inexpressible peace.


  6. Camphor Tree is now less and less of this scarce plants, let us work together to protect this tree bar.


  7. Cinnamomum camphora (Linn) Preslis, a fine tree in garden greening.


  8. Xiang camphor tree, I love you! Because you do not have to be wind and rain to !


  9. If the rich camphor trees still could not eyelids to the sun projected on the red hot boiling.


  1. 大规格香樟

    the big Toona Sinensis.

  2. 香樟风寒熨剂

    Xiangzhang Fenghan Sticking Plaster

  3. 大型香樟移栽新技术

    New Technique of Camphor Tree Transplanting

  4. 香樟园旅游开发项目

    Travel development of the fragrant camphor tree garden

  5. 香樟树得树冠伸得挺挺得。

    Xiang camphor tree canopy of the stretch.

  6. 香樟是优良的园林绿化树种。

    Cinnamomum camphora Preslis, a fine tree in garden greening.

  7. 摘要香樟是优良的园林绿化树种。

    Cinnamomum camphora Preslis, a fine tree in garden greening.

  8. 香樟树瘤单板漂白工艺的探讨

    Study on Bleaching Technology for Camphora Veneer with Burl

  9. 香樟风寒熨剂的薄层色谱鉴别

    Identification of Duhuo,Chuanxiong in Xiangzhang Fenghan Sticking Plaster by TLC

  10. 香樟优树得分子标记和遗传分析

    Genetic Analysis and Identification of Eminent Trees of Cinnamomum Caphora Prest

  11. 香樟优树的分子标记和遗传分析

    Genetic Analysis and Identification of Eminent Trees of Cinnamomum Caphora Prest

  12. 不同坡位对香樟生长发育的影响

    Effects of the Different Slope Positions on the Growth and Development or Cinnamomum camphora

  13. 香樟干、枝材木射线及导管的研究

    Wood ray and vessel of the trunk and branch wood of Cinnamomum camphora Presl.

  14. 提高大规格香樟苗木移植成活率的技术

    Research of the Survival Factors in Big Perfume Camphor Tree Transplanting

  15. 香樟优良无性系快繁技术的研究

    Research of rapid propagation and tissue culture of elite clone Cinnamomum camphora.

  16. 马尾松香樟人工混交林中的邻体干扰效应

    The neighborhood interference effect in the Masson Pine and Camphortree mixed artificial forest

  17. 提高香樟种子组培发芽率的技术措施

    The technical measurement on improving percent of germination Cinnamomum camphor seeds

  18. 食物主要是香樟,苦楝等7种植物得果实。

    Their food were mainly the fruits of such5 plants as Cinnamomum camphora, Melia azedarach, etc.

  19. 食物主要是香樟,苦楝等7种植物的果实。

    Their food were mainly the fruits of such7 plants as Cinnamomum camphora, Melia azedarach, etc.

  20. 香樟叶出油最佳提取条件的实验研究

    Experiment Studies on the Best Extracting Conditions of the Essential Oil from Cinnamomum camphora.

  21. 浙北围垦海涂香樟黄化综合防治技术

    Techniques to protect Cinnamomum camphora Presl from etiolating in inning foreshore of northern Zhejiang Province

  22. 妈妈在衣橱里放上香樟做成的木球。

    Mother put camphor balls in the wardrobe.

  23. 妈妈在衣橱里放上香樟做成的木球。

    Mother put camphor balls in the wardrobe.

  24. 北方盆栽香樟幼树光合特性的初步研究

    Photosynthetic Characteristics of Potted Cinnamomum camphora in North of China

  25. 香樟籽色素的超声波辅助提取及其稳定性研究

    Extraction of Pigment with Ultrasonic Wave and Its Stability from Cinnamomum camphora Fruit.

  26. 不同贮藏条件和处理法对香樟种子发芽率的影响

    Effects of different storage conditions and approaches on seed germination rate of camphor

  27. 黄化病对香樟生长生理及抗逆性影响的研究

    Effect of Yellowing on Growth and Physiological Characteristics and Stress Resistance of Cinnamomum Camphora.

  28. 秋天, 香樟树得叶子像飞舞得彩蝴蝶一样翩翩落下。

    Autumn leaves camphor tree as the color of butterflies fluttering down, like dancing.

  29. 古银杏、古香樟中叶绿素含量高的植株,其生长量也高。

    If an ancient Gingko tree or ancient Kapor tree has high quantity of chlorophyll, it will be grown better.

  30. 酸沉降影响下香樟纯林和马尾松纯林的土壤化学性质分析

    Analysis of Soil Chemical Properties Between a Pure Stand of Cinnamomum camphora and a Pure Stand of Pinus massoniana Under Acid Deposition


  1. 问:香樟拼音怎么拼?香樟的读音是什么?香樟翻译成英文是什么?

    答:香樟的读音是xiāngzhāng,香樟翻译成英文是 Fragrant camphor.

  2. 问:香樟烯拼音怎么拼?香樟烯的读音是什么?香樟烯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:香樟烯的读音是xiāng zhāng xī,香樟烯翻译成英文是 lindestrene

  3. 问:香樟内酯拼音怎么拼?香樟内酯的读音是什么?香樟内酯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:香樟内酯的读音是xiāng zhāng nèi zhǐ,香樟内酯翻译成英文是 lindestrenolide