






1. 大 [dà]2. 大 [dài]3. 大 [tài]大 [dà]指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:~厅。~政。~气候。夜郎自~。~腹便便。指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个~。规模广,程度深,性……


1. 厦 [shà]2. 厦 [xià]厦 [shà]大屋子:广~。高楼大~。房子后面的突出的部分:前廊后~。厦 [xià]〔~门〕地名,在中国福建省。……



汉语拼音:gāo lóu dà shà








  • 【解释】:厦:高大的房子。指高耸的楼房。
  • 【出自】:《史记·孟子荀卿列传》:“为开第康庄之衢,高门大屋,尊宠之。”
  • 【示例】:亲戚同~,朋友共肥马轻车。
  • 【语法】:联合式;作主语、宾语;指高大的建筑


  1. For a while, it looked as though the tall building, at least in the U. S. , might be one more casualty of war.


  2. Eric: I feel like there are more skyscrapers and high rises around. There wasn't so much traffic as well.


  3. Skyscrapers rocket from hutongs, which make those familiar street sights, gates towers, four-square courtyards disappearing out of our view.


  4. Tall buildings, looks strange cars, ten percent don't dye road, and the American special color of skin, unique shape, let me very surprised.


  5. With our clothing, high-rises, technology and more, we humans would seem to be animal kingdom outsiders, existing outside the norm.


  6. Only when your tribe moves out can the company build luxury houses here and hopefully I get one of them.


  7. It may be a low-rise city, but a surprising number of people pack into its "dingbat" houses and bungalows.


  8. Don't you think it's a bit suffocating to stand under them ?


  9. In the age of capitalist society, people worshipped the tall buildings and skyscrapers emblematic of capital strength.


  1. 看看上海的高楼大厦。

    Look at the skyline of Shanghai.

  2. 但是高楼大厦标示着生意不如以往了。

    But the skyscraper is a towering indicator that business as usual is no longer working.

  3. 那儿有很多高楼大厦, 许多车和人。

    There are lots of tall buildings and lots of cars and people.

  4. 近几年在海口建起了许多高楼大厦。

    A lot of tall buildings have been put up in Haikou last few years.

  5. 而城墙外则是高楼大厦林立的新城。

    Outside the city walls is the new city with serried tall buildings.

  6. 晴空丽日,前面是婀娜多姿的树木和高楼大厦。

    There're blue sky, beautiful trees and big buildings ahead.

  7. 高楼大厦,宇宙飞船及外星人都由电脑制作完成,

    Huge buildings, spacecraft and alien beings from other worlds were produced in a computer.

  8. 现在为了能从高楼大厦里逃脱约翰。里俄尔是

    Now to escaping from a skyscraper. john rivers is the ceo

  9. 浦东是上海高楼大厦中著名的地面标志物。

    Pudong is a famous landmark on the Shanghai skyline.

  10. 纽约众多高楼大厦的崛起速度非常令人惊讶。

    The awful rise of the buildings in New York is amazing.

  11. 帝国大厦是纽约高楼大厦中著名的地面标志物。

    The Empire State Building is a famous landmark on the New York skyline.

  12. 几年过去了, 小厂由茅草棚变成了高楼大厦。

    Went a few years, small plant became high buildings and large mansions by cogongrass canopy.

  13. 帝国大厦是人们熟悉的纽约高楼大厦中的地标。

    The Empire State Building is a familiar landmark on the New York skyline.

  14. 难得到,因而价格昂贵。高楼大厦将太阳完全遮挡。

    Obtain , and there fore are highly valued. Tall buildings hide the sun completely.

  15. 我的意思是说可以看看周围那些宏伟的高楼大厦。

    I mean one can look at all these magnificent tall buildings around him.

  16. 我儿时玩耍的那些田野现在已盖满了高楼大厦。

    The fields where I played as a child have been built over.

  17. 浑浊的棕色河水已经升到屋顶, 拍打着高楼大厦。

    Murky brown water grows to roof tops and lapped around the highrises.

  18. 他喜欢工业文明的新奇迹, 喜欢拍高楼大厦, 工厂, 烟囱。

    Opposing this facile approach is a photography free from technical tricks and incoherent emotionalism.

  19. 这些旧房子在新建的高楼大厦的映衬下显得十分矮小。

    The old houses were dwarfed by the huge new tower blocks.

  20. 帝国大厦是人们熟悉的纽约高楼大厦中的地面标志物。

    The Empire State Building is a familiar landmark on the New York skyline.

  21. 由邮政局里的一个小柜台发展到现代化高楼大厦。

    From a modest counter within the post office, it has now developed into a modern bank housed in tall buildings.

  22. 它不像资溪群山环绕, 无锡到处都是高楼大厦。

    It is unlike a property rivers mountain to surround and have no tin is all manystoried building everywhere.

  23. 我意思是说没出国疑问看看周围那些宏伟的高楼大厦。

    I mean one can see at all any magnificent tall buildings around him.

  24. 在高楼大厦里,火警和洒水装置在震动中可能会启动。

    In a highrise building, expect the fire alarms and sprinklers to go off during a quake.

  25. 在公交车上我们见了各式各样的高楼大厦,它们都很棒。

    On the bus, we could see all kinds of buildings which were great.

  26. 我很喜欢, 旁边有很多的高楼大厦, 而且交通也不拥挤。

    Eric I feel like there are more skyscrapers and high rises around. There wasnt so much traffic as well.

  27. 到了纽约, 她对高楼大厦和拥挤的街道都感到惊异。

    Arriving in New York, she wondered at the tall buildings and crowded streets.

  28. 烟霾的已经盖过了我国的许多高楼大厦,包括双峰塔。

    The heavy haze has covered many buildings in our country, including the Petronas Twin Tower.

  29. 远处天际边是超现代的高楼大厦和西式风格的购物广场。

    In the background, the ultramodern high rises and westernstyle shopping malls crowd the skyline.

  30. 首先,要说我所看到的,放眼望去,这里处处高楼大厦。

    First all, let me talk about what I can see. There stand tall buildings everywhere.



高楼大厦,原名曹毅,性别男,山东淄博人。 著名网络原创文学创作者,前起点中文网白金作家,现为创世中文网签约作家。 台湾幻武小说最强作者,销量第一。2012年度网络作家富豪榜,第十四名。 2013年,高楼大厦入选中国作协。