




1. 色 [sè]色 [sè]由物体发射、反射的光通过视觉而产生的印象:颜~。~彩。~相(xiàng )。~调(diào )。脸上表现出的神气、样子:脸~。气~。~厉内荏。情景,景象:行~匆匆。景~宜人。种类:各~用品。品质,质量:音~。成……







汉语拼音:gǔ sè gǔ xiāng





形容字画、器物等带 有古代的色彩、情调。



  • 【解释】:形容器物书画等富有古雅的色彩和情调。
  • 【出自】:宋·赵希鹄《洞天清录》:“古画色墨,或淡墨,则积尘所成,有一种古香可爱。”
  • 【示例】:你可以从明亮的窗玻璃后面看到~的字画、瓷器、铜鼎和小铜佛等等。
  • 【语法】:联合式;作定语、宾语;形容艺术品等


  1. There was a narrow dirt path that led directly through the meadow to the door of a quaint-looking house built at the edge of the woods.

  2. The rural region boasts wonderful beaches, quaint towns, world-beating cider, and a wide variety of cultural attractions.

  3. Nestled in one of the city's quaintest streets, it sits in a newly created third floor above a strip of old shop fronts.

  4. here was an old church , quaint and rambling and gabled.

  5. Through the carved antique windowsills, a morning light is painting a golden hue for those dedicated bonsais across the yard.

  6. Through the angle of deja vu lane, having an antique flavour brick house and a taste of the hometown!

  7. The pavilions beside the lake have an air of great antiquity.

  8. The house was decorated in an antiquated style, which made visitors feel like they had travelled back in time.

  9. Quaint little colorful cliffside houses stacked on top of each other are draped off the jagged cliffs.


  1. 古色古香的胡桃木

    distressed walnut

  2. 这条街有点古色古香。

    The street smacks of antiquity.

  3. 故宫里的建筑物古色古香。

    The architecture of the Forbidden City has a real antique feel to it.

  4. 故宫里的建筑物古色古香。

    The architecture of the Forbidden City has a real antique feel to it.

  5. 设计一幢古色古香的建筑物

    to antiquate a building

  6. 他们有许多古色古香的家具。

    They have a lot of antique furniture.

  7. 这个鼎土花斑驳, 古色古香。

    This tripod has a beautiful patina and an air of great antiquity.

  8. 他们的房子装饰得古色古香。

    Their house is adorned with beautiful antique ornaments.

  9. 湖边得亭阁被修葺得古色古香。

    The pavilions beside the lake have an air of great antiquity.

  10. 古色古香的仿古家具, 简直可以乱真。

    These classic pieces of furniture imitating ancient style almost look genuine.

  11. 奶奶住在一栋古色古香的别墅里。

    Grandma lives in a quaint cottage.

  12. 这个村庄仍然保持着古色古香的特色。

    This village still retains its old world character.

  13. 湖边的亭阁被修葺得古色古香。

    The pavilions beside the lake have an air of great antiquity.

  14. 府内有座大戏楼, 建筑典雅, 古色古香。

    In the government office has the place big stage platform, the building is elegant, antique.

  15. 它是又不平凡,又超尘脱俗,又古色古香吗

    Is it unusual, unsophisticated, primitive.

  16. 咖啡杯放在一张古色古香的备用小桌上。

    The coffee cups were placed on an antique occasional table.

  17. 古色古香,清雅素淡,是这个服装设计师的设计风格。

    The style of this clothes designer is of classic beauty and fresh elegance.

  18. 他拿了那条古色古香的丝手帕把它擦干。

    He wiped it dry with his ancient silk handkerchief.

  19. 还有弹他那把古色古香得七弦琴得马斯添斯基。

    And Mastiansky with the old cither.

  20. 那次公开得考试是在那间古色古香得大厅里举行得。

    The preliminary test took place in a spacious hall of antique style.

  21. 那次公开的考试是在那间古色古香的大厅里举行的。

    The preliminary test took place in a spacious hall of antique style.

  22. 我们在镇上一家古色古香的古董店逛了一下。

    We stopped at a quaint little antique shop in the town.

  23. 我们在镇上一家古色古香得古董店逛了一下。

    We stopped at a quaint little antique shop in the town.

  24. 新出动作游戏, 古色古香的画面和流畅的动作, 值得一玩!

    A new action game, the old pictures and smooth moves, it is worth playing!

  25. 我可以欣赏那些古色古香的庙宇,博物院和各式各样的桥梁。

    I can appreciate the ageless splendor of temples and museums and bridges.

  26. 环境很有老北京特色,古色古香,有种旅游饭店的感觉。

    Beijing cuisine is famous for its hundreds of dishes with special flavors that are unmatched by any other cuisine.

  27. 昭化古城是古蜀道的要冲, 山环水绕, 古色古香。

    Zhaohua city is the hub of the ancient Shu Road, Mountain, Central water around, antique.

  28. 昭化古城是古蜀道得要冲,山环水绕,古色古香。

    Zhaohua city is the hub of the ancient Shu Road, Mountain, Central water around, antique.

  29. 西苑的古色古香的红砖外墙, 更有英国古堡古典味。

    High West antique red brick wall, more classical taste of the British castle.

  30. 这儿有一座不很整齐的,砌着三角墙的,古色古香的老教堂。

    Here was an old church, quait and rambling and gabled.


  1. 问:古色古香拼音怎么拼?古色古香的读音是什么?古色古香翻译成英文是什么?

    答:古色古香的读音是gǔsègǔxiāng,古色古香翻译成英文是 have an antique feel

  2. 问:古色古香的拼音怎么拼?古色古香的的读音是什么?古色古香的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:古色古香的的读音是,古色古香的翻译成英文是 crusted



解释 香:气味好闻,与“臭”相对。形容器物、书画等物品富有古典和雅致的色彩,情韵。