




1. 肚 [dù]2. 肚 [dǔ]肚 [dù]腹部,胸下腿上的部分,亦指人的肠胃部分:~子。~胁。~皮。牵肠挂~(挂念,不放心)。器物下面的中心部分:炉~儿。圆而凸起像肚子的:腿~子。手指头~儿。肚 [dǔ]供食用的动物的胃:猪~子。羊~……


1. 子 [zǐ]子 [zǐ]古代指儿女,现专指儿子:~女。~孙。~嗣。~弟(后辈人,年轻人)。植物的果实、种子:菜~。瓜~儿。~实。动物的卵:鱼~。蚕~。幼小的,小的:~鸡。~畜。~城。小而硬的颗粒状的东西:~弹(dàn )。棋~儿。与“……



汉语拼音:yī dǔ zi






  1. 满肚子。

    《醒世姻缘传》第六五回:“ 狄希陈 袖中取出二十文钱来,还了课资,怀着一肚子鬼胎家去。”《老残游记》第五回:“况这 吴氏 尤其可恨,他一肚子觉得我冤枉了他一家子。” 高晓声 《大好人江坤大》六:“ 王林生 自认为狮子大开口,等 刘国光 还价;想不到人家一口答应了,便一肚子高兴。”



  1. I with a stomach of knowledge, knowledge = money, money, as if I Fentu, so I installed a Fentu the stomach.


  2. In truth, a wren needs only a twig to build its nest in forest; how much water does a mole can drink? A skinful of water at most.


  3. They filed out of the hotel sadly , for there was still so much left to say .


  4. Afterwards, Mr. Liu reproved his wife for provoking all his sister's pent-up resentment by bringing up the Kunming matchmaking affair.


  5. "Imagine the weakness" of a climate change deal imposed on an unhappy minority, he said (rightly).


  6. Sitting on a hill, a belly full of yummy food, and looking out on a clear tranquil lake, made me feel close to God.


  7. Towards morning he crept out of his hiding place, feeling in a very bad temper with the climate.


  8. The soldiers were very angry, but they were loyal to Washington and stayed with him through that terrible winter.


  9. Once at the fire after a belly fire disappeared I walked out of the room, first to leave.


  1. 一肚子苦水

    a stomachful of bitterness.

  2. 他一肚子牢骚。

    He's full of complaints.

  3. 灌了一肚子水

    to swill someone with water.

  4. 怄了一肚子气

    have a bellyful of repressed grievances

  5. 他一肚子下流笑话。

    He has a wide repertoire of dirty jokes.

  6. 我现在一肚子的火。

    I have a lot of rage in me.

  7. 我现在一肚子的火。

    I have a lot of rage in me.

  8. 我积压了一肚子怒火。

    I have a lot of pent-up anger.

  9. 他这人一肚子坏水儿。

    He's full of evil ideas.

  10. 那差役一肚子坏主意。

    The runner was full of tricks.

  11. 她有一肚子的话要诉苦。

    Li has many things to complain about.

  12. 他有一肚子好听的故事。

    He has a bellyful of absorbing tales.

  13. 他有一肚子有趣的故事。

    He has a bellyful of absorbing tales.

  14. 单喝啤酒会一肚子胃气。

    Beer will only give us gas.

  15. 她觉得自己憋着一肚子气。

    She was feeling bitchy.

  16. 她依旧憋着一肚子的怨恨。

    She was still simmering with resentment.

  17. 不要烦我,我已一肚子气了。

    Don't bother me, I'm already fed up.

  18. 他是满口仁义道德,一肚子男盗女娼。

    He mouths virtuous phrases but full of lust and cupidity.

  19. 我憋着一肚子的火去讨债。

    I did a slow burn while I was getting my money back.

  20. 你才是那个一肚子秘密的人。

    You're the one with all the secrets.

  21. 他怀着一肚子对自己的懊恼。

    He was filled with disgust at himself.

  22. 玛丽大为不满,一肚子都是委屈。

    And she felt aggrieved and insulted.

  23. 我的名字叫狐狸,一肚子的坏主意。

    I am a fox, with full of bad ideas.

  24. 他有一肚子关於名人的趣闻轶事。

    He have a great fund of amusing anecdotes about great men.

  25. 别信她!这个女人可是一肚子坏水!

    Don't trust her. She's full of craft and guile.

  26. 他有一肚子关于名人的趣闻轶事。

    He has a great fund of amusing anecdotes about great men.

  27. 里克有一肚子笑话,常逗人发笑。

    Ric has a good fun of jokes and is usually the life and soul of the party.

  28. 他一肚子的狂妄自大一个劲儿地膨胀。

    His vanity swelled like a bloated belly.

  29. 我试着爱他,却惹了一肚子火。

    I try to love him, but am angry.

  30. 有一天晚上,我憋了一肚子的火。

    I seethed, with secret rage one night.


  1. 问:一肚子拼音怎么拼?一肚子的读音是什么?一肚子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:一肚子的读音是yídùzi,一肚子翻译成英文是 a stomachful of; completely full of