


1. 陆 [lù]陆 [lù]高出水面的土地:~地。大~。随从的样子:~~续续。跳跃:“……翘足而~,此马之真性也”。〔~离〕a.色彩繁杂,如“斑驳~~”;b.长(cháng),如“带长铗之~~兮,冠切云之崔嵬”。姓。……





汉语拼音:lù jià






  1. The place of the Kuroshio entering into the continental shelf is always at the northeast area of Taiwan.


  2. Denitrification is an important process for the removal of fixed nitrogen from the water column of the Bering shelf and the Chukchi shelf.


  3. The source of the Yellow Sea Warm Current in the bottom layer is mixed by water of the Kuroshio and some current from the continental shelf.


  4. Biogenetic reefs were mainly distributed along the north continental shelf and slope of the Proto -South China Sea.


  5. They originated from tempest and are the distal calcareous tempesitites formed in the deep parts of shallow-sea shelf.


  6. Due to these variations in the water level in the basin the surrounding shelf and associated aprons have sometimes been land.


  7. Discriminate between graded storm- deposits, shelfal successions, graded turbidity current deposits, and deep-marine successions.


  8. The climate and sea level changes in the continental shelf were the same as the global changes.


  9. Iceberg transferred from shelf ice collapse to ocean gives a certain impact on global sea level raising.


  1. 南黄海陆架

    SHS shelf.

  2. 陆架拦获波

    continental shelf trapped waves

  3. 陆架物理海洋学

    physical oceanography of shelf sea

  4. 黑海浅陆架混合

    Mixing on a Shallow Shelf of the Black Sea

  5. 西佛罗里达陆架潮汐

    Tides on the West Florida Shelf

  6. 人们怎么确定陆架的范围的?

    How do people define the continental shelf?

  7. 海南岛东部陆架海底地貌

    Submarine geomorphology of the eastern continental shelf of the Hainan Island

  8. 日韩共同共发大陆架协定

    Agreement between Japan and the Republic of Korea on the joint development of the continental shelf

  9. 南极海冰和陆架冰的变化特征

    Change variation of the Antarctic sea ice and shelf ice

  10. 南极海冰和陆架冰的时空变化动态

    Variation Trends of the Antarctic Sea Ice and Shelf Ice

  11. 河口、陆架和海洋模式在胶州湾的应用

    Application of the numerical model of estuary, shelf and sea to Jiaozhou Bay.

  12. 陆架边缘海沉积物是活跃的地球化学反应器。

    Marine sediments on continental shelf are active biogeochemical reactor.

  13. 西边界流在陆架边缘上的锋面涡旋

    Frontal Eddies of Western Boundary Current on the Shelf Edge

  14. 这个科研项目的内容是分析陆架的地质结构。

    This scientific and research project is to analyze the geological structure of the continental shelf.

  15. 珠江口外陆架晚第四纪最低海面的发现

    Discovery of lowest sea level in Late Quaternary at the continental shelf off Pearl River mouth

  16. 华南入海河流泥沙及其对海岸和陆架的影响初探

    The Effect of Sediment Loads Discharged by the Rivers in South China on the Coast and Shelf.

  17. 南海北部陆架边缘海台风下海流的一个初步分析

    Preliminary analysis of the continental shelf current in northern South China Sea driven typhoon

  18. 南沙群岛西南陆架海域主要底层经济鱼类的食性

    Food habits of main economic fishes on the continental shelf along the southwest sea off Nansha Islands

  19. 万安盆地是南海西南部陆架上的大型新生代沉积盆地。

    Wan'an basin is a large scale Cenozoic sedimentary basin which is located on southwest shelf of the South China Sea.

  20. 西佛罗里达陆架上一个环型海流侵入个例研究

    A Loop Current Intrusion Case Study on the West Florida Shelf

  21. 研究最多的是毗邻俄罗斯陆架的北极海盆深水部分。

    The area most studied is the deep water part of the Arctic basin adjacent to the Russian shelf.

  22. 在此基础上,进一步发现了普里兹湾陆架水的北向扩展。

    Based on the above discussion, the northward extension of the Prydz Bay shelf water is found.


  1. 问:陆架拼音怎么拼?陆架的读音是什么?陆架翻译成英文是什么?

    答:陆架的读音是lùjià,陆架翻译成英文是 Continental shelf.

  2. 问:陆架外缘拼音怎么拼?陆架外缘的读音是什么?陆架外缘翻译成英文是什么?

    答:陆架外缘的读音是lùjiàwàiyuán,陆架外缘翻译成英文是 shelf edge

  3. 问:陆架水道拼音怎么拼?陆架水道的读音是什么?陆架水道翻译成英文是什么?

    答:陆架水道的读音是lùjiàshuĭdào,陆架水道翻译成英文是 shelf channel

  4. 问:陆架动物区系拼音怎么拼?陆架动物区系的读音是什么?陆架动物区系翻译成英文是什么?

    答:陆架动物区系的读音是lù jià dòng wù qū xì,陆架动物区系翻译成英文是 shelf fauna