


引长:~长(cháng )。~续。蔓~。~年益寿。展缓,推迟:~迟。~缓。~宕。~误。引进,请:~聘(聘请)。~纳。~师。~医。姓。……










汉语拼音:yán nián yì shòu







  • 【解释】:增加岁数,延长寿命。
  • 【出自】:战国楚·宋玉《高唐赋》:“九窍通郁,精神察滞,延年益寿千万岁。”
  • 【示例】:服肉芝~。
  • 【语法】:联合式;作谓语、定语、补语;用于祝颂别人长寿


  1. Red wine appears to protect the heart and prolong life. Now a new study suggests it may also be a weapon against obesity .


  2. I found that it is possible to walk your way to better health, a trimmer body and a long life ----no matter what your age.


  3. Listen, my son, accept what I say, and the years of your life will be many.


  4. Being surrounded by lots of family and friends is also known to be good for the heart and may even help people live longer.


  5. Hear, my child, and accept my wards, that the years of your life may be many.


  6. Length of days is in her right hand, and in her left hand riches and glory.


  7. Wearing a deep edge with the law as Samantabhadra Bodhisattva. the Buddha Hu You. evil away from disaster. longevity and a windfall.


  8. Today, I try to work what I've learned into my day as much as possible. It is never too late to add years to your life.


  9. With copious lungfuls of that "life-prolonging air" inside them, they would be themselves again.


  1. 延年益寿的药物

    drugs that help to prolong life

  2. 欢乐延年益寿。

    Mirth prolongs life.

  3. 青春常驻,延年益寿

    maintain the vigour of youth and prolong life

  4. 防病治病,延年益寿

    to prevent and cure diseases, and to have a long life

  5. 饭后百步,延年益寿。

    After supper, walk a mile.

  6. 多吃水果能延年益寿。

    Eating more fruit can extend your life span.

  7. 多吃水果能延年益寿。

    Eating more fruit can extend your life span.

  8. 旅行是延年益寿的一种办法。

    Travelling is one way of lengthening life.

  9. 他们也会锦上添花,延年益寿。

    They also get the bonus of longer life, it has been discovered.

  10. 憎恨贪婪的, 将延年益寿。

    A prince void of prudence shall oppress many by calumny but he that hateth covetousness, shall prolong his days.

  11. 常笑有助于身体健康、延年益寿。

    Smiling frequently can improve your health and extend your lifespan.

  12. 据说少食多餐能够延年益寿。

    It is said that eating little but often can prolong your life.

  13. 据说少食多餐能够延年益寿。

    It is said that eating little but often can prolong your life.

  14. 延年益寿,本大补膏给您的关怀!

    This tonic jelly shows concern for your longevity.

  15. 在她右边是延年益寿, 在她左边是富贵荣华。

    Length of days is in her right hand, and in her left hand riches and glory.

  16. 果蝇觅食实验法快速筛选延年益寿药物

    Fruit Bat Take Food Experiment to Rice the Medicine Rapidly Can Make Life Longer

  17. 常吃绿色食品, 能促进健康, 延年益寿。

    The regular taking of green food can promote one's health and prolong one's life.

  18. 我儿, 你要听受我的言语, 必将延年益寿。

    Hear, my child, and accept my wards, that the years of your life may be many.

  19. 经常在公园里徒步行走能为你延年益寿。

    And regularly hiking through a park can add years to your life.

  20. 正常人喝磁化水能强身健体,延年益寿。

    Normal people can make body stronger and elongate life by drinking the magnetized water.

  21. 天然野果,植物之宝,常饮本品,延年益寿。

    Wild fruits are the essence of plants, the constant taking of which will prolong your life.

  22. 我儿, 你要听受我的言语, 就必延年益寿。

    Listen, my son, accept what I say and the years of your life will be many.

  23. 搽这种美容霜,可使您青春常驻,延年益寿。

    With the help of this vanishing cream, you will Be aBle to maintain the vigour of youth and prolong life.

  24. 不过,任何可以延年益寿的物质定会引起人们广泛兴趣。

    Any substance that might increase longevity is bound to attract interest.

  25. 因为有这项新科技,我们可以延年益寿、永保青春。

    With this new technology we can live longer and look younger.

  26. 经常保持心胸坦然, 精神愉快, 这是延年益寿的秘诀之一。

    Often keep breadth of mind is calm, the spirit is happy, this is one of secret of success calculated to prolong one's life.

  27. 增进健康、延年益寿的最好方法是每天晨起锻炼半小时。

    The Best way of promoting health and prolonging life is to do physical exercise for half an hour every morning.

  28. 他们还懂得延年益寿,注重生活的品质,这比什么都更为重要。

    They also understand the difference between just living longer and enjoying life longer.

  29. 身体健康,起居有节,能延年益寿。生活没有节制,往往缩短生命。

    Good health and temperance prolong life. Intemperance often shortens life.

  30. 睡前排空大小便,减少粪的刺激,有预防疾病,延年益寿的作用。

    Before resting, evacuates the feces and urine, reduces the excrement the stimulation, has the prevention disease, prolongs the life function.


  1. 问:延年益寿拼音怎么拼?延年益寿的读音是什么?延年益寿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:延年益寿的读音是yánniányìshòu,延年益寿翻译成英文是 prolong life


