


1. 夭 [yāo]夭 [yāo]草木茂盛美丽:~~(a.茂盛而美丽,如“桃之~~”;b.颜色和悦的样子,如“~~如也”;c.灾)。未成年的人死去:~折。……


1. 折 [zhē]2. 折 [zhé]3. 折 [shé]折 [zhē]翻转,倒腾:~腾。~跟头。~个儿。折 [zhé]断,弄断:~断。~桂(喻科举及第)。~戟沉沙(形容惨重的失败)。幼年死亡:夭~。弯转,屈曲:曲~。转~。周~。~中(对……



汉语拼音:yāo zhé









  1. 短命早死。

    《荀子·荣辱》:“乐者常寿长,忧险者常夭折。” 汉 王逸 《九思·伤时》:“愍贞良兮遇害,将夭折兮碎糜。”《红楼梦》第九八回:“生禄未终,自行夭折。” 陈学昭 《工作着是美丽的》三五:“ 高老太太 先有的四个孩子都夭折了,第五胎生的是一对孪生的男孩。”

  2. 比喻事情半途终止。

    邹韬奋 《患难馀生记》第一章:“ 杜先生 身在狱中,他所创办的《新生》也夭折了,我于是筹划创办《大众生活》周刊。” 柯灵 《香雪海·三十八年前的一张旧报》:“《大美报》的主持人 张似旭 先生被敌伪暗杀,《大美报》也就此夭折。”



  1. life is not to see the sun and moon, not from the infant died, and I have been ninety, fit, this music.


  2. When her baby died (lung infection) just a few days after he was born, she had nothing left.


  3. Diego died, unable to breathe, and Lamptey and his wife Gloria later lost another child, Lisa, also at four months to the same lung disease.


  4. Believing it was dead, the medical team disposed of the child but did not follow proper hospital procedures, the statement added.


  5. He'dhad five children already by his first wife (though four had died in infancy), and fatherhood was not on his mind.


  6. He was saddened by the death of his elder son and the mental illness of his wife.


  7. Mrs Symmons sent for a hackney coach to remove Eliza and her dead child from her house to the Marylebone Workhouse infirmary.


  8. Unfortunately, my camera battery died a quick, painless death on this trip, but others have been generous enough to donate their own photos.


  9. South Sudan will start out as one of the poorest nations on the planet, where one in seven children dies before the age of five.


  1. 中途夭折。

    Die on the vine v.

  2. 计划夭折。

    Not working according to plan.

  3. 他壮年夭折。

    He was cut down in the prime of life.

  4. 谈判中途夭折。

    The negotiations came to a premature end.

  5. 天之骄子多夭折。

    Those whom the god love die young.

  6. 过早死亡, 夭折

    Come to a untimely end

  7. 疾病使他夭折。

    Illness led to his premature death.

  8. 夭折的动作电位

    abortive action potential

  9. 他因霍乱而夭折。

    His life was cut short by cholera.

  10. 他的计划中途夭折。

    His plan proved an abortion.

  11. 神所爱者多夭折。

    Whom the god loves dies young.

  12. 和平会谈最终夭折了。

    The peace talks were nipped in the end.

  13. 新建的学院遂告夭折。

    The infant college closed.

  14. 新建得学院遂告夭折。

    The infant college closed.

  15. 英年夭折的诗人何其多。

    How many poets were cut off in the bloom of their years.

  16. 使有希望的事中途夭折

    quench smoking flax

  17. 比如说你孩子的夭折吗

    Like your baby dying?

  18. 比如说你孩子的夭折吗?

    Like your baby dying?

  19. 那孩子在婴儿期夭折了。

    The child died in infancy.

  20. 因此 会有很多人夭折 很多人夭折

    And so, as a result, there is a lot of death, a lot of death.

  21. 我是说,夭折了一个孩子?

    I mean, losing a child?

  22. 许多非洲儿童因饥荒而夭折。

    Famine cut many children off in Africa.

  23. 这计划还未实行就夭折了。

    The plan died aborning.

  24. 那婴儿因曝露於室外而夭折。

    The baby died of exposure, ie as a result of being exposed to the weather.

  25. 一篇关于丹尼尔夭折的报道。

    A newspaper report on daniel's death.

  26. 儿子的夭折使他变得苍老。

    The death of his child aged him tremendously.

  27. 她的另外三个儿子早年夭折。

    Her three other sons had died young.

  28. 这便导致了他们计划的夭折。

    This led to the abortion of their plan.

  29. 他们的第一个孩子在幼年夭折。

    Their first child died in infancy.

  30. 这孩子患了重病,不久就夭折了。

    The child died young due to a serious disease.


  1. 问:夭折拼音怎么拼?夭折的读音是什么?夭折翻译成英文是什么?

    答:夭折的读音是yāozhé,夭折翻译成英文是 die young; come to an untimely end



夭折yāo zhé,有两种解释一个是年少而亡,另一个是比喻事情中途废止。