如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
1. 夭 [yāo]夭 [yāo]草木茂盛美丽:~~(a.茂盛而美丽,如“桃之~~”;b.颜色和悦的样子,如“~~如也”;c.灾)。未成年的人死去:~折。……
汉语拼音:zǎo yāo
未成年而死。《左传·昭公二十六年》:“穆后 及 大子寿 早夭即世。”清 戴名世《曲阜县圣庙塑像议》:“因 颜子 早夭而为白晳瘦削之形。”章炳麟《文学说例》:“楚国 以早夭之君为‘敖’,如 若敖、郟敖、訾敖 是也。”
《左传·昭公二十六年》:“ 穆后 及 大子寿 早夭即世。” 清 戴名世 《曲阜县圣庙塑像议》:“因 颜子 早夭而为白晳瘦削之形。” 章炳麟 《文学说例》:“ 楚国 以早夭之君为‘敖’,如 若敖 、 郟敖 、 訾敖 是也。”
And he who dies at the extremest old age will be brought into the same condition with him who died prematurely.
活得最长的人将被带到和早夭者同样的地方。Unless you use a great amount of tact and diplomacy, these secret affairs may create social complications that force premature termination.
除非你使用各种交际手腕尽力周旋,否则这段感情将由于社会原因而早夭。They found that the country with the lowest risk of premature death for women is Cyprus. For men the country with the best rate is Iceland.
他们发现,塞浦路斯的女性早夭率是最低的,而冰岛的男性则最有希望长寿。He had loved her without question, and had been devastated when she died at age 47. He was always bitter that he.
他全心全意地爱着她,当她47岁去世的时候,他身心俱焚。他一生因她早夭。Lady Anne Clifford was the first of them, widow of the third earl, whose sons died in infancy and whose daughters were bypassed.
安妮•克利福德夫人是最早表达不满的女眷,她是多西特伯爵三世的遗孀,其子早夭,女儿们无缘继承遗产。I remain optimistic about my chances. But I have, for the first time, had to confront the possibility of an early death.
对未来我仍然是乐观的,但有生第一次我必须直面早夭的可能性。From the day my uncle died, Ibelieved that I would suffer a similar death, an untimely disease that would take me out.
从我叔父去世那天起,我就相信有一天我会以类似的方式死去,疾病会让我早夭。As Pearl explored the backyard, she stumbled upon tiny limbs and mutilated hands, the remains of infant daughters left to die.
小珍珠在后院玩耍时,经常会被她早夭的兄姐的残肢断臂绊倒。Most toys have cruelly short lives. Who now remembers the Cabbage Patch Kids, Tiny Tears, Thunderbirds?