







汉语拼音:shù lì








  1. 树立;建树。

    《隋书·北狄传·突厥》:“臣既蒙竖立,復改官名,昔日姦心,今悉除去,奉事至尊,不敢违法。” 清 侯方域 《代司徒公赠周生序》:“故士之能自竖立者,未可以常格拘也。” 清 李渔 《奈何天》附 紫珍道人 总评:“使之生於贵族,早歷宦途,畅所欲为,更不知作何竖立?”

  2. 使物体与地面垂直。

    周而复 《上海的早晨》第四部五九:“人民公园对面的国际饭店二十四层楼的屋顶上竖立着的一个‘喜’字更大。”



  1. We ladies of Barchester will erect for it a fitting receptacle .


  2. Rising over the buried dungeons in that god-forsaken wilderness, a solitary tower, like some monument to Evil, is all that remains.


  3. The second one was that a tall structure had been put up in downtown.


  4. He said that outside of Lima, Peru can be erected along the coast there are many places like this big Jesus.


  5. New towns can be erected with customary Chinese speed, but the new sense of solidarity and charity might do more to help the bereaved.


  6. The fact that the dreamer stands rooted to the center is a compensation of his almost insuperable desire to run away from the unconscious.


  7. This author is saying this person is going to call himself God and set himself up in the temple in Jerusalem.


  8. Is there a person who's keeping this guy back in the wings, who's not letting this divine self-promoter set himself up in Jerusalem?


  9. Bristling with seductive musical tension. This is music which sounds as if it originated in heaven, not Ireland.


  1. 竖立战争纪念碑

    erect a war memorial

  2. 茎竖立,分枝。

    The bine is erect, ramose.

  3. 竖立一座塑像

    the erection of a statue.

  4. 为某人竖立雕像

    erect a statue to sb.

  5. 茎竖立,分枝较少。

    The bine is erect, ramose less.

  6. 空袋不克不及竖立。

    Bn empty bag cannot stand upright.

  7. 花27, 下垂或竖立的稍。

    Flowers 27, slightly nutant or erect.

  8. 他们在那里竖立起帐篷。

    They erected their tents there.

  9. 竖立在基石上的瓮缸

    The urn stands on a pedestal.

  10. 她的头发一簇簇竖立着。

    Her hair stood out in spikes.

  11. 门前竖立着一根旗杆。

    A flagpole stands outside the gate.

  12. 恐惧使他的毛发竖立起来。

    Fear caused his hair to rise.

  13. 柱子竖立在狭窄的地基上。

    The column stands on a narrow base.

  14. 茎竖立,粗壮,上部有分枝。

    The bine is erect, brawny, upside has ramose.

  15. 猫毛竖立并弓起背来。

    The cat's fur bristled and it arched its back.

  16. 湿润的皮毛竖立,可能有脱落。

    The moist hair is erect and may be depilated.

  17. 他们在那里竖立纪念碑纪念他。

    There they reared a monument in his memory.

  18. 人民竖立了纪念碑来纪念胜利。

    A monument was built to commemorate the victory.

  19. 墓碑三三两两地竖立在地面上。

    Tombstones jutted out of the ground in broken clusters.

  20. 你能把这个书架竖立起来吗?

    Can you stand the bookshelf up?

  21. 灌木,长约,半常绿,竖立米高。

    Shrubs, semievergreen, erect, ca. 2 m tall.

  22. 被摧毁的残垣断壁还竖立在那里。

    The ruins still stood.

  23. 你能把一枚硬币竖立起来吗?

    Can you stand a coin up on its edge?

  24. 一些断壁残垣仍在危险地竖立着。

    Apartment blocks still standing list dangerously.

  25. 其后竖立起整个商業策略的体系

    that the whole edifice of business strategy was subsequently erected.

  26. 一根天线在草地边上竖立着。

    An aerial thrust up from the grass verge.

  27. 他们竖立了一座石造的纪念碑。

    They upreared a monument in stone.

  28. 码头的桩子仍在水中竖立着。

    The pillars of the wharf are still sticking up in the water.

  29. 码头得桩子仍在水中竖立着。

    The pillars of the wharf are still sticking up in the water.

  30. 将竖立的塑料灯塔有八米高。

    The plastics lighthouse that will be set up has eight meters high.


  1. 问:竖立拼音怎么拼?竖立的读音是什么?竖立翻译成英文是什么?

    答:竖立的读音是shùlì,竖立翻译成英文是 erect

  2. 问:竖立冰拼音怎么拼?竖立冰的读音是什么?竖立冰翻译成英文是什么?

    答:竖立冰的读音是,竖立冰翻译成英文是 ropak

  3. 问:竖立架拼音怎么拼?竖立架的读音是什么?竖立架翻译成英文是什么?

    答:竖立架的读音是shù lì jià,竖立架翻译成英文是 erecting frame

  4. 问:竖立的拼音怎么拼?竖立的的读音是什么?竖立的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:竖立的的读音是shù lì de,竖立的翻译成英文是 upright

  5. 问:竖立式板拼音怎么拼?竖立式板的读音是什么?竖立式板翻译成英文是什么?

    答:竖立式板的读音是shù lì shì bǎn,竖立式板翻译成英文是 upright board

  6. 问:竖立砌层拼音怎么拼?竖立砌层的读音是什么?竖立砌层翻译成英文是什么?

    答:竖立砌层的读音是shù lì qì céng,竖立砌层翻译成英文是 upright course

  7. 问:竖立鹅观草拼音怎么拼?竖立鹅观草的读音是什么?竖立鹅观草翻译成英文是什么?

    答:竖立鹅观草的读音是shùlì'éguāncǎo,竖立鹅观草翻译成英文是 Roegneria japonensis



竖立,读音为shù lì,释义为使物体与地面垂直而立。周而复《上海的早晨》第四部五九:“人民公园对面的国际饭店二十四层楼的屋顶上竖立着的一个‘喜’字更大。”