







汉语拼音:huā pén






花盆 [huā pén]
  1. 种花的盆子。




  1. "All my boxes had been opened, the windows smashed, my flowerpots knocked over, but nothing was missing, " said the old woman.

  2. At first, I read in the living room, do not know Fall in love with my orchids, nodding his head in a pot peck.

  3. The scientists say they hope their flowerpot will be on the market in a year or two.

  4. And then a fairy gave her a golden seed, and told her to bury it in the flowerpot.

  5. I said you pick the best seed of the tallest tree in the forest, and plant it in a flower pot, and it will grow into a tiny tree.

  6. When nested with sand between them, they last just long enough to let the titanium cool into beads of solid metal.

  7. She would seek help from the Witch, the Witch is very easy to say, he gave her a wheat, so that she planted in a pot.

  8. He began to turn them over carefully, looking under each.

  9. The bra (see photo), made of recyclable plastic, can be tied together to create pots out of the bra's cups.


  1. 粉彩梅花花盆

    powder enamel flower pot with plum design.

  2. 金鱼形小花盆

    flower pot in goldfish shape

  3. 花盆放在壁角。

    A flowerpot is put in the corner.

  4. 能做花盆的黏土

    workable clay for making pots

  5. 粉彩绿地花鸟花盆

    green glaze powder enamel flower pot with flower and bird design

  6. 花盆里的锦紫苏

    Coleus Plant in a Flowerpot

  7. 窗台上的花盆箱

    window box

  8. 因为他扔了个花盆?

    Because of that flowerpot he threw?

  9. 这里是制造花盆得机器!

    Here is the machinery manufacturing of the potteries!

  10. 这里是制造花盆的机器!

    Here is the machinery manufacturing of the potteries!

  11. 适合任何花盆和花坛使用。

    Suitable for any flower box or flower pot.

  12. 有人用盔子做花盆。

    Some people use basin-like pottery containers as flowerpots.

  13. 把洋白菜种子种在花盆里

    sow cabbage seed in pots

  14. 但是, 我会打破你的花盆的。

    But, I will break your flowerpots.

  15. 上釉花盆具有防水性。

    Glazed makes the plant pot waterproof.

  16. 内部上漆花盆具有防水性。

    Lacquered interior makes the plant pot waterproof.

  17. 阳光照在窗台花盆的景象。

    The way the sun lights up flower pots on a windowsill.

  18. 把菊花插枝种到花盆里。

    pot up chrysanthemum cuttings

  19. 花盆中长不出参天大树

    A smooth sea never made a skillful mariner

  20. 花盆一个用于养花的瓦盆

    A pot in which plants are grown.

  21. 我慌忙将它插到花盆里。

    I put it to the inside of the flower pot flurried.

  22. 买花盆你可以去五金店看看!

    You can buy a flower to look at hardware store!

  23. 这花盆哪来的,我们自己做的。

    Where did you guys get this pot? we made it.

  24. 这花盆哪来的,我们自己做的。

    Where did you guys get this pot? We made it.

  25. 这花盆哪来的,我们自己做的。

    Where did you guys get this pot? we made it.

  26. 窗户开着,花盆就掉了出去。

    The window was open, and the pot just dropped out.

  27. 水从花盆底部得洞漏出去。

    The water drained out of the flowerpot through the hole in the bottom.

  28. 水从花盆底部的洞漏出去。

    The water drained out of the flowerpot through the hole in the bottom.

  29. 内部上釉花盆具有防水性。

    Glazed interior makes the plant pot waterproof.

  30. 一个花盆从他家阳台落下。

    A flower pot dropped from his balcony.


  1. 问:花盆拼音怎么拼?花盆的读音是什么?花盆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:花盆的读音是huāpén,花盆翻译成英文是 flowerpot; pot

  2. 问:花盆架拼音怎么拼?花盆架的读音是什么?花盆架翻译成英文是什么?

    答:花盆架的读音是huā pén jià,花盆架翻译成英文是 jardiniere

  3. 问:花盆和容器拼音怎么拼?花盆和容器的读音是什么?花盆和容器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:花盆和容器的读音是huāpénhéróngqì,花盆和容器翻译成英文是 pots and containers



花盆(英文名:flower pot),种花用的一种器皿,为口大底端小的倒圆台或倒棱台形状。