


1. 尽 [jìn]2. 尽 [jǐn]尽 [jìn]完毕:用~。说不~。取之不~。达到极端:~头。山穷水~。~情。自~(自杀)。全部用出,竭力做到:~心。~力。~瘁。~职。~忠。~责。人~其才。物~其用。都,全:~然。~是白的。~收眼底。……






1. 底 [dǐ]2. 底 [de]底 [dǐ]最下面的部分:~层。~座。~下(a.下面;b.以后)。海~。~肥。末了:年~。月~。到~。根基,基础,留作根据:刨根问~。~蕴。~稿。~版。图案的基层:白~蓝花的瓶子。何,什么:~事伤感。古同……



汉语拼音:jìn shōu yǎn dǐ







  1. He knew all its points and would tell you where to stand to see them in combination.


  2. THE Uganda Cancer Institute is on a hilltop with a fine view of the verdant capital, Kampala.


  3. Tell u something , there is no curtains in his windows, u can enjoy the scene out-of-doors , u just could peek into Tom's room.


  4. Looks out into the distance near the window, the Qiandao Lake beautiful scene may get a panoramic view, for you fresh comfortable enjoying.


  5. Saw a look of boundless desert, a thousand years of the Snowy Mountains, panoramic view of barren Great Gobi.


  6. A statesman requires such a sense, but in every category of life literature can capture the multifarious whole.


  7. Xiao Yan and I were standing on the roof of a four-storied house near the entrance to the village, which commanded a panoramic view of Dalu.


  8. Visitors can have excellent view of the garden through the colorful windows.


  9. Through the Sydney harbour bridge, journeyed north along the way, white beaches and spectacular panoramic view of the sea.


  1. 将美丽风光尽收眼底!

    We feasted our eyes on the beautiful scenery!

  2. 将美丽风光尽收眼底!

    We feasted our eyes on the beautiful scenery!

  3. 他稍稍一瞥, 景物尽收眼底。

    His glance embraced the scene.

  4. 花卉博物馆, 奇花异草, 尽收眼底。

    In the Flowers Museum, all exotic flowers and rare herBs come into your view.

  5. 驻足峰顶, 太行雄姿尽收眼底。

    Stop peak, Taihang panoramic view of majestic appearance.

  6. 人们一眼即可将全景尽收眼底。

    One might take in at a glance the whole scene.

  7. 曼哈顿岛的美景尽收眼底,

    which offers one of the best views of Manhattan

  8. 依栏远眺,一湖景致尽收眼底。

    According to bar overlooking a panoramic lake view.

  9. 全城建筑物尖顶尽收眼底的美景。

    a magnificent view of the spires of the city

  10. 登楼一望, 全城景色尽收眼底。

    The top of the building commands a panoramic view of the city.

  11. 站在这里, 宏伟壮丽得景色尽收眼底。

    Standing here, one faces a magnificent vista.

  12. 站在这里,宏伟壮丽的景色尽收眼底。

    Standing here, one faces a magnificent vista.

  13. 凭窗眺望, 西湖美景可尽收眼底。

    Look out of the window and you will keep the wonderful scenery of the West Lake in view.

  14. 向下看一片空阔的景色尽收眼底。

    A wide prospect opened below us.

  15. 登上这座高山, 苍莽大地尽收眼底。

    Arriving at the top of the mountain, one can have a limitless vision of the earth.

  16. 登上这座高山,苍莽大地尽收眼底。

    Arriving at the top of the mountain, one can have a limitless vision of the earth.

  17. 登上铁桥, 蛇河的美景尽收眼底。

    Iron bridge, the beauty of the panoramic view of the Snake River.

  18. 她抽到第三道,所有对手尽收眼底。

    Drawn in lane three, she had all her rivals in sight.

  19. 他们到达山脊时山谷和湖泊尽收眼底。

    As they breasted the ridge, they saw the valley and lake before them.

  20. 这千里的秋色万里的白云,尽收眼底。

    This is thousands of miles of the Autumn clouds thousands of miles, panoramic view.

  21. 白天, 太阳照耀, 眼睛所及, 一切尽收眼底。

    When the sun shines during the day, everything is visible as far as the eye can see.

  22. 等再靠近些, 整个岛屿就能尽收眼底。

    Then as you came closer, you raised the whole length of the island.

  23. 登上山巅以后,山下的景致尽收眼底。

    After climbing the hilltop, you have a panoramic view of mountain scenery.

  24. 登上山巅以后,山下的景致尽收眼底。

    After climbing the hilltop, you have a panoramic view of mountain scenery.

  25. 登上山巅以后,山下得景致尽收眼底。

    After climbing the hilltop, you have a panoramic view of mountain scenery.

  26. 展前收到展品目录, 最新产品尽收眼底。

    Receive show update prior to the show that featuring the products highlights.

  27. 有一个地方可以把惠远城尽收眼底。

    There is a vantage point where you can see all parts of the city.

  28. 在空中, 撒哈拉大沙漠 的全景尽收眼底。

    The full extent of Sahara desert can be seen from the air.

  29. 站在高处望去,蒙古黄榆树尽收眼底。

    Stands looks in the high place, the Mongolian Siberian elm gets a panoramic view.

  30. 从这里我们可以把湖的秀丽景色尽收眼底。

    We can even see a fine view of the lake here.


  1. 问:尽收眼底拼音怎么拼?尽收眼底的读音是什么?尽收眼底翻译成英文是什么?

    答:尽收眼底的读音是jìnshōuyǎndǐ,尽收眼底翻译成英文是 have a panoramic view; in full view of





拼音: jìn shōu yǎn dǐ

【尽收眼底】英文: have a panoramic view of


解释: 把景物全部看在眼里。 尽:全部,都。孔羽《睢县文史资料·袁氏陆园》:“袁家山(袁可立)尚有大殿三间,……外有短墙围护,游览者可凭墙远眺,城内景色尽收眼底。”

【尽收眼底】造句: 从飞机鸟瞰,整个长江大桥尽收眼底。 从飞机上俯视,整个大地尽收眼底。


近义词: 一览无余


反义词: 管中窥豹

【尽收眼底】用法: 作谓语;指全部看遍。