











汉语拼音:yìng rù yǎn lián







  1. I seemed to see it all so clearly, the rituals and tonalities of that old world.


  2. The sun rises in the East, and the blue color of dawn opens to our eyes and we experience the new day. Spring is like this.


  3. It was time for a noon break. I opened my bedroom and a brightly picture came into my eyes! It was my son's great work!


  4. Office of the President of India out of the main entrance, greets, is a wide, straight country road in India, through the Gateway of India.


  5. When Bonnie arrived at the house, she saw an image that would be engraved in her mind for the rest of her life.


  6. And then, suddenly, there it was, next to a small stream at the bottom of a hill: the great tree.


  7. Just looked up, the wife of shadows came into view, he straightened up, eyes full of tears, always keeping his own wife.


  8. When you walk into the bookstore and see a table filled with books on dieting , you know it must be January.


  9. Imagine walking into a local pharmacy and looking around to see not one bit of junk food in sight.


  1. 沙滩映入眼帘。

    The sandy beach was in sight.

  2. 一片丰收的景色映入眼帘。

    A lively scene of farmers bringing in bumper crops greeted the eye.

  3. 映入眼帘的,总是如画的风景。

    What comes into sight is always the picturesque scenery.

  4. 首先映入眼帘的是一面红旗。

    The red flag is the first thing that salutes the eye.

  5. 异域风情和南国风貌映入眼帘。

    Can have a panoramic view of the scenery of both countries.

  6. 随后, 一幅非凡的景象映入眼帘。

    Then Ted noticed something quite remarkable.

  7. 随后,一幅非凡得景象映入眼帘。

    Then Ted noticed something quite remarkable.

  8. 接着, 映入眼帘得是一个小包。

    Next, a little parcel came into view.

  9. 接着,映入眼帘的是一个小包。

    Next, a little parcel came into view.

  10. 一只满是獠牙的血盆大口映入眼帘!

    A big bloody mouth full of fangs comes into view!

  11. 一进门,映入眼帘的便是如林的墓碑。

    Inside the gate one sees a forest of tombstones.

  12. 突然,一个深灰色的物体映入眼帘。

    He overlooked the land, which was still a vast expanse of whiteness. Suddenly, a leaden object jumped into his eyes.

  13. 首先映入眼帘的是中间排列整齐的书桌。

    The first thing to catch your sight is the neatly arranged desks in the middle.

  14. 映入眼帘的情景使我难以板起面孔。

    The sight that met my eyes made it hard to keep a straight face.

  15. 当你来到武汉,映入眼帘的是青枝绿叶。

    As soon as you enter in Wuhan, the greenery catches your eye.

  16. 从舞台前面望去,映入眼帘的是人的海洋。

    From the front of the stage, all I could see was a sea of faces.

  17. 茫茫的戈壁映入眼帘,与天相接与地同广。

    In the vast expanses of the Gobi desert, the straight highway never ends.

  18. 盖子拿走后, 一件光彩夺目的礼物映入眼帘。

    The lid was torn away, a brilliant present was at sight.

  19. 盖子拿走后,一件光彩夺目得礼物映入眼帘。

    The lid was torn away, a brilliant present was at sight.

  20. 一进莲花山的大门, 映入眼帘的是一个大草坪。

    A door into the Lotus Hill, greeted by a big lawn.

  21. 一辆大型公共汽车从急转弯处的远方映入眼帘。

    A huge bus now swung into view from further round the bend.

  22. 近了, 更近了, 不远处一个熟悉的身影映入眼帘。

    Closer, closer, and not far from a familiar figure come into view.

  23. 近了,更近了,不远处一个熟悉得身影映入眼帘。

    Closer,closer,and not far from a familiar figure come into view.

  24. 当我们抵达山顶时, 一片壮丽的海景映入眼帘。

    When we reached the top of the hill, a magnificent view of the sea greeted us.

  25. 突然, 机外的夜空中有个发光的圆球映入眼帘。

    Suddenly, out in the night sky, a bright sphere came into view.

  26. 突然,机外得夜空中有个发光得圆球映入眼帘。

    Suddenly, out in the night sky, a bright sphere came into view.

  27. 当我坐在船上时,喀斯特地貌的山峦映入眼帘。

    As I was sitting on the boat, the Karst mountain scenery came into view.

  28. 通过这条通道进入,映入眼帘的是一个美丽的花园。

    From the gateway, when entering, the first sight is a beautiful garden.

  29. 我们沿着海岸行驶着,突然这片迷人的景色映入眼帘。

    After a gorgeous drive up the coast I was greeted with this scene.

  30. 环顾四周, 老老少少一大群人映入眼帘, 我不由困惑了。

    I wondered, as I looked round at the massed ranks of chaps, young and old.



扑入眼帘&映入眼帘 含义 扑入眼帘是比较突兀的迅速的含有主动性映入眼帘就比较缓慢的自然的