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人或事物的称谓:~字。~氏。~姓。~义。~分(fèn )。~堂。~落孙山。~存实亡。起名字:“秦氏有好女,自~为罗敷”。做某事时用来作依据的称号:这些人以“办学”为~,行骗钱之实。叫出,说出:不可~状。声誉:~誉。~声。~优(a.出名的,优……
汉语拼音:míng shēng
《国语·越语下》:“用力甚少,而名声章明, 种 亦不如 蠡 也。” 汉 司马相如 《喻巴蜀檄》:“名声施於无穷,功烈著而不灭。” 唐 韩愈 《举张正甫自代状》:“嫉恶如仇讎,见善若饥渴,备更内外,灼有名声。” 明 高启 《赠杨荥阳》诗:“出门得名声,不假亲旧援。”
毛泽东 《论十大关系》八:“杀俘虏历来是名声不好的。”
But sadly, the actions of many girls have caused this bad reputation, and everyone is suspicious of any relationship with a China girl.
但可悲的是,许多女孩的行为已经给所有中国女孩都扣上了坏名声的帽子,每个人对与中国女孩的恋情都会持怀疑态度。They detained TaJoe and her mother, accusing them of sullying the name of a respected member of the community.
他们拘留了塔乔母女,指控她们玷污社区里一位受人尊敬的成员的名声。Headhunting (contrary to its slimy reputation) struck me as being just as worthwhile as teaching or nursing but without the dismal salary.
对我而言,做猎头(与其不佳的名声相反)就像做老师或护士一样有价值,而且薪水不菲。A few years later, I read Helen's book and wrote her about how much I liked it. She was famous now in New York.
几年之后,当我读到海伦的书,我迫不及待的写信告诉她我有多喜欢她的文字.她当时在纽约名声大作。But along the way he also picked up a reputation as something of an unpredictable interview subject, to say the least.
但是退一步说,在这种风格下,他仍然获得了作为在采访面前永远不可预知答案的人物的名声。A wise man of practice should not act for the fame and seek for a certain goal by intrigue or other means.
一个聪明的修行者,应该做到不为名声而动,不为求达到某项目标而预设谋略或采用什么手段去做。Even if he did so, there is no guarantee he would be given the visa, and he is reluctant to blacken his name.
即便他这么做,也不能保证就能拿到签证,而且他也不愿意玷污他的名声。Hate him she did not quite; but he was dust and ashes to her, and even for her name's sake she scarcely wished to marry him.
她也并不十分恨他;不过在她看来,他不过是一撮尘土,即使为了自己的名声打算,她也几乎没有想过要嫁给他。The prime minister has earned something of a reputation for grand gestures and promises with little follow-through.