


人或事物的称谓:~字。~氏。~姓。~义。~分(fèn )。~堂。~落孙山。~存实亡。起名字:“秦氏有好女,自~为罗敷”。做某事时用来作依据的称号:这些人以“办学”为~,行骗钱之实。叫出,说出:不可~状。声誉:~誉。~声。~优(a.出名的,优……





汉语拼音:míng qì








  1. 犹名声。

    《老残游记》第七回:“这两省练武功的人,无不知他的名气。”《中国现在记》第一回:“﹝ 胡都 老爷﹞在旧学党中很有点名气。” 郁达夫 《采石矶》:“如今世上盲人多……看不出究竟谁清谁浊,只信名气大的人,是好的,不错的。”



  1. A : As a gang leader, stepped on space I am careful, fame is all given, the status of the fathers to fight, and to all of you responsible!


  2. Bloggers without a high profile on the international stage are especially vulnerable to intimidation, abduction and worse, he said.


  3. Fauna was a minor Roman goddess but her brother was more famous, his Roman god name was Faunus but in Greek he was known as Pan.


  4. If the zoo had built out of the city form the beginning, it would be far less famous.


  5. After a few days the fame wears off, and you can start to see it as a painting.


  6. Remember that your opinion matters just as much as the next guy's, whether they make more money than you or are less popular than you.


  7. To ask me what is everyone afraid of me to frighten their children by adults, though are down, but the well-known large.


  8. sounded at once like an ironic comment on celebrity excesses and a straight bit of autobiography.


  9. "They're playing my music, " he said, showing the enthusiasm of a man who could still be getting used to the novelty of fame.


  1. 来打响名气

    to build a name for myself.

  2. 我爸小有名气

    And dad is a famous guy.

  3. 囚犯,没有名气,不是。

    Convict model, no fame, no.

  4. 我们目前还没有名气。

    We have as yet no name.

  5. 这将提高他的名气。

    This will redound to his credit.

  6. 这将提高他得名气。

    This will redound to his credit.

  7. 艾莉西亚也颇有名气。

    Alicia, in her own right, very famous.

  8. 做有名气的人是沉闷的

    How dreary to be somebody.

  9. 因为他的名气而知其人

    know him by repute

  10. 因为江心屿的名气很大。

    Because of its fame.

  11. 玉黍螺和虾子小有名气。

    Which is famous for Winkels and shrimps.

  12. 他父亲的名气使他黯然失色。

    His fame was obscured by that of his great father.

  13. 也许你也会小有名气。

    Maybe you even get to enjoy a little celebrity.

  14. 名气把你们弄花眼了吗?

    Has the popularity freaked you out?

  15. 她有我的名气, 她是我的获得。

    She is my fame, and she is my gain.

  16. 他年纪轻,经验浅,没名气。

    He was young and untried, with no reputation of his own.

  17. 我卖得鳝鱼面很有名气。

    My eel noodles were famous.

  18. 我卖的鳝鱼面很有名气。

    My eel noodles were famous.

  19. 她是一位有名气的影星。

    She is a popular film star.

  20. 阿玛尼的名气更是如日中天。

    Armani's reputation got a further shot in the arm.

  21. 阿玛尼得名气更是如日中天。

    Armani's reputation got a further shot in the arm.

  22. 她是个小有名气的歌手。

    She is a singer of some note.

  23. 这是一家有名气的公司。

    It's a highly reputable firm.

  24. 我的名气同我的成就毫无关系。

    My fame has little to do with my accomplishments.

  25. 我得名气同我得成就毫无关系。

    My fame has little to do with my accomplishments.

  26. 他是位略有名气的音乐家。

    He is something of a musician.

  27. 这家餐馆得烤鸭很有名气。

    This restaurant is famous for roast duck.

  28. 这家餐馆的烤鸭很有名气。

    This restaurant is famous for roast duck.

  29. 这个饼屋在附近很有名气。

    This cake shop is famous in the neighborhood.

  30. 这个饼屋在附近很有名气。

    This cake shop is famous in the neighborhood.


  1. 问:名气拼音怎么拼?名气的读音是什么?名气翻译成英文是什么?

    答:名气的读音是míngqì,名气翻译成英文是 fame