




1. 涡 [wō]2. 涡 [guō]涡 [wō]水流旋转形成中间低洼的地方:旋~。~流。涡状:酒~(亦作“酒窝”)。~轮机。涡 [guō]〔~河〕水名,源于中国河南省,流入安徽省。(渦)……



汉语拼音:xuán wō







  1. 水流遇低洼处所激成的螺旋形水涡。

    明 孙蕡 《次归舟》诗:“柁工鸣板避漩涡,櫓声摇上 黄牛峡 。” 峻青 《海啸》第二章:“那急剧旋转着的漩涡,一个追赶着一个,疯狂地向着前面涌去。” 刘白羽 《长江三日》:“峡窄 江 陡, 江 面布满大大小小漩涡。”

  2. 比喻气体、烟雾等旋转时形成的螺旋形流向。

    高云览 《小城春秋》第三九章:“在充满劣等烟草味的小牢房里,烟雾继续从他嘴里一口一口的吐出,周围弥漫着青烟的漩涡。”

  3. 比喻某种使人不能自脱的境地。

    宋 朱熹 《答吕子约书》:“ 苏黄门 初不学佛,只因在 筠州 ,陷入此漩涡中。” 郭沫若 《洪波曲》第十一章二:“你不要和他们混在一道噢,旋进了漩涡是很危险的噢!” 冰心 《寄小读者》十九:“我不幸也曾陷入这种漩涡!”

  4. 指酒涡。

    骆宾基 《一个唯美派画家的日记》:“她那嘴角有一个笑的漩涡出现了,其他部份的肌肉全是静止的。”



  1. No matter how intimately you know the chemical character of H2O, it does not prepare you for the character of a whirlpool.


  2. And at the center of it all was Anduin, holding his father close while a vortex of infinite beauty danced between them.


  3. He peered into the swirling yellow center, and the answer shone up at him, bright as the sun.


  4. The mind of a baby might seem like a fun place to be--a swirl of light and color and constant touch, where primal needs are promptly met.


  5. Like the transient form of a whirlpool held upright by a million spinning atoms of water, it can be scattered with a fingertip.


  6. Powerful whirlpools are known as maelstroms. One of the most famous is found near the Lofoten Islands off the coast of Norway.


  7. It blooms into a tiny whirlpool, growing as if it were alive.


  8. This time, the artificial lateral-line system could work out the general direction of the source and identify the pattern of the vortices.


  9. "If I was a leaf, I would fly clear across the world, " Tommy thought and then ran out into the yard among the swirl of colors.


  1. 卷入大漩涡

    A Descent into the Maelstrom

  2. 深陷大漩涡

    A Descent into the Maelstrom.

  3. 他能制造漩涡

    He creates vortexes.

  4. 船被漩涡吞没了。

    The boat was sucked down into the whirlpool.

  5. 纠葛于爱情的漩涡。

    Disputes in the whirlpool of love.

  6. 逆流水中的漩涡或逆流

    An eddy or countercurrent in water.

  7. 漩涡即旋转的水流。

    Eddies are swirls or rotating water flow.

  8. 漩涡即旋转得水流。

    Eddies are swirls or rotating water flow.

  9. 大漩涡吞没了独木舟。

    The maelstrom sucked in the canoe.

  10. 紫色迷雾中的漩涡浮云

    Swirling clouds and violet haze

  11. 漩涡吞没了那只船。

    The whirlpool sucked in the boat.

  12. 我已经陷入漩涡太深。

    I was in too deep.

  13. 船在漩涡中倾覆了。

    The boat capsized in the midst of a whirlpool.

  14. 她陷入了仇恨的漩涡。

    She became caught in a whirlpool of hate.

  15. 使象漩涡一样运动,使旋转

    To cause to move in or as if in an eddy.

  16. 漩涡武器现在作用于妖术。

    Maelstrom Weapon now affects Hex.

  17. 其余全是漩涡和褶边。

    All the rest is swirls and ruffles.

  18. 当晚,水手们在大漩涡吞没。

    The sailors were swallowed in the maelstrom that night.

  19. 漩涡把独木舟卷了进去。

    The whirlpool sucked down the canoe.

  20. 河水打着漩涡,河面宽阔。

    The water swirled and it was wide.

  21. 那独木舟卷进漩涡里了。

    The canoe was sucked into the whirlpool.

  22. 那独木舟被卷进了漩涡。

    The canoe was sucked into the whirlpool.

  23. 他被卷入政治的漩涡中。

    He was drawn into the vortex of politics.

  24. 很快, 漩涡变得更加猛烈。

    Soon afterwards, the whirlpool became less violent.

  25. 观察球内水流产生的漩涡。

    Watch the swirling water inside the dome.

  26. 以漩涡水流瞬间高速冲水。

    Flush by instant highspeed water whirlpool.

  27. 漩涡把小船吸进去了。

    The whirlpool sucked down the boat.

  28. 他们正在叶子的漩涡里消失

    that they were disappearing into a swirl of leaves.

  29. 使象漩涡一样运动,使旋转语源。

    To cause to move in or as if in an eddy.

  30. 强劲的阵风激起了落叶漩涡。

    The strong gusts whipped up eddies of fallen leaves.


  1. 问:漩涡拼音怎么拼?漩涡的读音是什么?漩涡翻译成英文是什么?

    答:漩涡的读音是xuánwō,漩涡翻译成英文是 whirlpool

  2. 问:漩涡流拼音怎么拼?漩涡流的读音是什么?漩涡流翻译成英文是什么?

    答:漩涡流的读音是xuán wō liú,漩涡流翻译成英文是 toroidal swirl

  3. 问:漩涡状的拼音怎么拼?漩涡状的的读音是什么?漩涡状的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:漩涡状的的读音是,漩涡状的翻译成英文是 circinate

  4. 问:漩涡装饰拼音怎么拼?漩涡装饰的读音是什么?漩涡装饰翻译成英文是什么?

    答:漩涡装饰的读音是,漩涡装饰翻译成英文是 cartouche

  5. 问:漩涡速度拼音怎么拼?漩涡速度的读音是什么?漩涡速度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:漩涡速度的读音是xuán wō sù dù,漩涡速度翻译成英文是 whirling speed

  6. 问:漩涡鸣人拼音怎么拼?漩涡鸣人的读音是什么?漩涡鸣人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:漩涡鸣人的读音是,漩涡鸣人翻译成英文是 Naruto Uzumaki



“漩涡”是个多义词,它可以指漩涡(2000年日本电影), 漩涡(彭清、于朦胧演唱歌曲), 漩涡(中国人民公安大学出版社出版图书), 漩涡(黄鸿升歌曲), 漩涡(孙燕姿演唱歌曲), 漩涡(李雅薇演唱歌曲), 漩涡(电视电影), 漩涡(游戏DotA中物品), 漩涡(伊藤润二所作漫画), 漩涡(自然现象), 漩涡(黄耀明演唱歌曲), 漩涡(国产电视剧), 漩涡(作家出版社出版图书)。