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However yesterday he did not have shooting. When he saw reporters at the hotel, he hurried away unlike his usual attitude.
但昨日仍未开工的他,于酒店甫见记者等候时,却一反常态急急走人。Wenger - Bendtner needs to be patient "I communicate every day with him and he never told me that, " responded Wenger.
“我每天都和他在交流,他从来没有告诉过我打不上首发就走人那些话,”温格答复说。Because you want to move, it does not mean that nobody talks to you anymore. It does not mean there is no rapport with any other people.
因为你想走人,这并不意味着不会有人再跟你谈话,也不意味着与其他人就没有了交往。But the recession had arrived as well. And by the middle of the next week, senior managers had told him to clean out his desk.
但是金融危机也跟着来了,就在派对举行的下周的中旬,高级主管们告诉他,你可以收拾东西走人了。eg. Seeing Sticht was keeping him from his golf game, and he hoped they could wrap it up quickly.
去看望斯蒂克特让他打不成高尔夫球,他希望他们能赶快看完走人。Captain Nemo continued to plummet into the dark depths of this forest, whose shrubbery grew ever more sparse.
尼摩船长继续走人森林中最幽深的地方,沿途树木渐渐稀少。If your boss hasn't given you a raise in the last two years, ask for one. If he or she says no, get out now.
如果你的老板在过去两年里都没有给你加过薪,那么你可以自己提出来。如果他或她拒绝,立马走人。When a company or one of its divisions is doing badly, shareholders do not like to see the bosses walking off with a lot of loot.
如果一个公司或部门业绩糟糕,股东们可不想看着老板还能带着大笔的财产拍拍屁股走人。Footballers who do not like the money can either leave the game or go on strike, as they did in March.