







汉语拼音:è zhǐ








  1. 阻止。

    《周礼·秋官·禁杀戮》“凡伤人见血而不以告者,攘狱者,遏讼者,以告而诛之” 郑玄 注引 汉 郑司农 曰:“遏讼者,遏止狱讼者也。”《朱子语类》卷二九:“ 文子 之清,虽弃十乘而不顾,然 崔氏 无君,其恶已著,而略不能遏止之。” 清 王士禛 《池北偶谈·谈献二·张綵》:“ 苑洛 《见闻録》独称 綵 遏止逆 瑾 功德数事。” 叶灵凤 《女娲氏之遗孽》:“我只得在前面的椅上,用口紧噙着我的食指,以期减杀这不可遏止的悲哀。”



  1. Even if it were possible to block China's growth, it would not be in the United States' interest to try.

  2. Watts thinks trends are more like forest fires: There are thousands a year, but only a few become roaring monsters.

  3. Even the government's statistics, though, suggest that the cameras have done little to reduce the worst sort of criminal activity, violence.

  4. "Spring and Autumn" as a "courtesy of the large" is only an attempt to curb the "no-Jun-jun, Chen-chen does not" trend.

  5. Since the beginning of our organization, Rotarians discouraged deceptive business practices and restored public trust.

  6. One positive consequence of our current national crisis may be at least a temporary dent in Hollywood's culture of violence.

  7. In the long term, overseas production capacity cannot be neglected, overseas investment trends in the textile clothing not curb.

  8. To keep away from such a tendency, the roots and counter measure for these accidents must be precisely analysed.

  9. But, would you believe it? ecstasy was surging up in my head so violently that I thought I should die.


  1. 遏止腐败现象

    check corruption

  2. 遏止贫穷和失业。

    The curbing of poverty and unemployment.

  3. 我们必须遏止污染。

    We have to arrest pollution.

  4. 我们应该遏止婚外情。

    We should discourage extramarital affairs.

  5. 这一趋势不可遏止。

    The trend is unstoppable.

  6. 政府军未能遏止叛乱。

    Government forces have failed to contain the rebellion.

  7. 无法遏止的价格上涨

    an unstoppable rise in prices

  8. 不可遏止的改革洪流

    the irresistible tide of reform

  9. 叛乱是否已受到遏止?

    Has the revolt been contained ?

  10. 遏止非法毒品的流通。

    Stem the flow of illegal drugs.

  11. 遏止了疾病的蔓延。

    The new drug has arrested the spread of the disease.

  12. 这个电位称为遏止电位。

    This potential is known as the stopping potential.

  13. 民主化是不可遏止的趋势。

    The trend towards democracy cannot be checked.

  14. 苏格兰旨在遏止儿童肥胖症。

    Scotland aims to curb childhood obesity.

  15. 这种新药遏止了疾病的蔓延

    The newly developed drug has arrested the spread of the disease

  16. 没有任何机关能独力遏止贪污。

    No single institution can work alone to stop corruption.

  17. 可以做些什么以遏止危机呢?

    What can be done to stem the crisis ?

  18. 他批评政府未能遏止经济下滑。

    He criticised the government for failing to halt economic decline.

  19. 现正设法遏止这种疾病的蔓延。

    Attempts are being made to arrest the spread of the disease.

  20. 现正设法遏止这种疾病得蔓延。

    Attempts are being made to arrest the spread of the disease.

  21. 政府已提出遏止犯罪活动的法令。

    The government has suggested measures to reduce crime.

  22. 政府已提出遏止犯罪活动得法令。

    The government has suggested measures to reduce crime.

  23. 号召人们采取行动遏止疾病的传播。

    Called on people to take actions to stop the spread.

  24. 遏止在大屿山南岸的罪案

    Combating crimes in Southern coast of Lantau

  25. 她大声地啜泣, 不打算遏止悲哀。

    She sobbed aloud, not caring to restrain her grief.

  26. 为遏止这类罪行,监禁手段是上策。

    Prison is the best sanction against a crime like this.

  27. 刑讯逼供产生的根源及其遏止对策

    The Source Coursed by Tortures, Extortions and Confessions and Its Countermeasure of Containment

  28. 墨西哥政府试图遏止此一乱象。

    The government has tried to curb this mayhem.

  29. 警方没能遏止愈演愈烈的酒类走私。

    The policy failed to stay the spread of smuggled alcohol.

  30. 警方没能遏止愈演愈烈的酒类走私。

    The policy failed to stay the spread of smuggled alcohol.


  1. 问:遏止拼音怎么拼?遏止的读音是什么?遏止翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遏止的读音是èzhǐ,遏止翻译成英文是 check

  2. 问:遏止电位拼音怎么拼?遏止电位的读音是什么?遏止电位翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遏止电位的读音是è zhǐ diàn wèi,遏止电位翻译成英文是 stopping potential

  3. 问:遏止侵害妇女暴力行为法拼音怎么拼?遏止侵害妇女暴力行为法的读音是什么?遏止侵害妇女暴力行为法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遏止侵害妇女暴力行为法的读音是è zhǐ qīn hài fù nǚ bào lì xíng wéi fǎ,遏止侵害妇女暴力行为法翻译成英文是 Violence against Women Act




拼音:è zhǐ 词义:用力阻止。如:洪流滚滚,不可~。