















  1. 犹明月。

    南朝 宋 谢庄 《月赋》:“情紆軫其何託,愬皓月而长歌。” 唐 李白 《友人会宿》诗:“良宵宜清谈,皓月未能寝。” 宋 柳永 《倾杯乐》词:“皓月初圆,暮云飘散,分明夜色如晴昼。” 元 郑光祖 《倩女离魂》第三折:“恰微雨初阴,早皓月穿窗,使行云易飞。” 巴金 《灭亡》第二十章:“一轮明镜似的皓月慢慢地向上面移动。”



  1. Herald Democrats, in the early autumn evening to you and I share, bright, think Italy is strong!


  2. Bright moon in the sky, breeze blew gently through the bottom of the valley.


  3. What he could see was a cute green tip above the calm water surface just like a green conch on a white silver plate.


  4. Each heart beat, each breath, an unrecoginized smile, a sigh will remind us of the existence of the company whenever or wherever we are.


  5. Haoyuedangkong night, I look at the peak wearing moonlight, as if tirelessly still ringing in the classics.


  6. Impulsive noise in the drift, has been a long time that a bright moon is no longer a reward Yang Shou.


  7. Aurora borealis, above Hudson Bay and the town of Churchill with a bright moon, Manitoba, Canada.


  8. A bright moon and stars twinkle and shine. Wishing you a merry mid-autumn day and a happy life.


  9. The night of Yangcheng town is smoke over the sky, Brighe moon trinidad.


  1. 是啊, 微风徐徐, 皓月当空。

    Yes, a little breeze and a lovely moon.

  2. 皓月当空,银光泻地。

    The bright moon climbed high in the sky, pouring its silvery light over the ground.

  3. 狗吠岂碍皓月之光?

    What does the moon care if the dog barks at her.

  4. 皓月兆天晴, 这是常识。

    It is common knowledge that the full moon brings fair weather.

  5. 皓月当空,微风轻轻吹过谷底。

    The moon brights and the gentle breeze blows through the bottom of the valley.

  6. 这天晚上,浮云尽敛,皓月当空。

    It was a clear evening, with a bright moo

  7. 福建裕和皓月生物工程材料有限公司。

    Fujian Hao Yue Sheng Mu Materials Co., Ltd.

  8. 皓月闪烁,星光闪耀,中秋佳节,美满快乐!

    A bright moon and stars twinkle and shine. Wishing you a merry midautumn day and a happy life.

  9. 每逢皓月当空时,他就格外思念亲人。

    Whenever a bright moon hangs high in the sky, he misses his close relatives most.

  10. 落日的余辉已经殆尽。皓月当空,冰洁玉清。

    As the golden swim of light overhead died out, the moon gained brightness, and seemed to begin to smile forth her ascendancy.

  11. 落日得余辉已经殆尽。皓月当空,冰洁玉清。

    As the golden swim of light overhead died out, the moon gained brightness, and seemed to begin to smile forth her ascendancy.

  12. 千山之外,一轮皓月,莹莹如雪,静美如霜。

    Qianshan addition, a bright moon, Yingying snow, static US frost.

  13. 皓月初升,河岸上的人们借着月光在散步。

    The bright moon has just risen. People on the riverside are taking a walk under the moonlight.

  14. 皓月初升,河岸上的人们借着月光在散步。

    The bright moon has just risen. People on the riverside are taking a walk under the moonlight.

  15. 阳澄湖的夜景更是长烟一空,皓月千里。

    The night of Yangcheng town is smoke over the sky, Brighe moon trinidad.

  16. 一次成长或衰老,免不了下一场皓月艳阳下的枯萎。

    A growth or aging, the inevitable next one Haoyue withered under the sun.

  17. 中秋当日,人们对着天上皓月观赏祭拜,寄托情怀。

    On the day, people offered sacrifices and expressed their thoughts and feelings under the full, bright moon.

  18. 皓月当空, 街上静悄悄得, 到目前为止还没拉过警报。

    The moonlit streets were quiet. There had been no sirens so far tonight.

  19. 你的容颜在我的脑海里浮荡着, 就像夜晚水中的皓月。

    Your appearance in my mind float, just like the water moon bright at night.

  20. 举头望皓月,凝思意中人。若得尔陪伴,一生终无憾!

    Wang cited the first Haoyue, Ningsi matches. If a Seoul company, Wuhan end his life!

  21. 当皓月升空,舒缓的吉它旋律响起品味这个美妙瞬间。

    As the moon rises, the gentle strumming of the guitar commences savor this moment.

  22. 秋意撩人, 愿在初秋得夜晚你我共享, 皓月当空, 思意正浓!

    Herald Democrats, in the early autumn evening to you and I share, bright, think Italy is strong!

  23. 秋意撩人,愿在初秋的夜晚你我共享,皓月当空,思意正浓!

    Herald Democrats, in the early autumn evening to you and I share, bright, think Italy is strong!


  1. 问:皓月拼音怎么拼?皓月的读音是什么?皓月翻译成英文是什么?

    答:皓月的读音是hàoyuè,皓月翻译成英文是 A bright moon.



“皓月”是个多义词,它可以指皓月(词语释义), 皓月(小说《遮天》小说叶凡女友姬紫月的哥哥), 皓月(小说《神印王座》中九头奇美拉)。