







汉语拼音:pèng dào







  1. This may be a test: try to sell him down the river and the next time you look him in the eye he may be firing you - and serve you right.


  2. Sometimes I think women flake as a test to see what the men are going to do if they happen to come across them again.


  3. It seemed strange to ask a man you had met in a car crash to speak at an election meeting, but I needed his help.


  4. That's when he meets Kate Walker, a survey taker at Heathrow Airport who persuades Harvey to stay in London for the reception.


  5. Due to my busy job I was unable to meet Daniel personally but he left me a lovely bottle of wine in exchange for what was rightfully his.


  6. Learn to understand any artwork you come across in a fraction of the time it would take to get a degree in Art History.


  7. That may be easy for me to say, but I face my own problems day in and day out.


  8. Even if you don't bother with the UI and just look at the ship itself you will have a reasonable idea of how much trouble it is in.


  9. One day, he was enjoying one of Heaven's many fine parks, when he came across a man dressed in a fine tailored suit.


  1. 我碰到阵雨。

    I was caught in a shower.

  2. 快要碰到灾祸

    to be heading/ headed for disaster

  3. 那个球碰到墙。

    The ball struck against the wall.

  4. 没有,没碰到过

    No, I think I'd remember that name.

  5. 碰到球场的地面

    touch the ground of court

  6. 碰到某人的痛处

    touch sb. on a tender spot

  7. 碰到了救星一样。

    The KoolAid fountain dry.

  8. 柳枝碰到水面。

    The branches of the willow touched the water.

  9. 途中碰到暴风沙。

    Windstorm sand is encountered in road.

  10. 假如碰到意外事件!

    Suppose you have an accident!

  11. 猜猜我碰到了谁?

    Guess who I stumbled upon ?

  12. 他没有碰到他女朋友。

    He failed to meet his girl friend.

  13. 玩具熊, 玩具熊, 碰到地上。

    Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, Touch the ground.

  14. 小心别碰到头了!

    You mind your head!

  15. 我在门口碰到她。

    I met her at the door.

  16. 他把头碰到门上。

    He bumped head against the door.

  17. 我们应该会碰到的

    We shall. We shall.

  18. 球碰到墙弹起来。

    The ball bounced against the wall.

  19. 去年我碰到过约翰。

    Last year I met up with John.

  20. 极少会碰到麻烦。

    Once in a blue moon you get some problems.

  21. 碰到其他雪人了吗?

    Meet any other snowmen?

  22. 昨天我刚巧碰到她。

    Yesterday I met her by chance.

  23. 船碰到礁石沉没了。

    The ship hit a rock and went down.

  24. 不然会碰到地雷线。

    Gonna get that caught on a trip wire.

  25. 碰到这种事真是晦气!

    Just my rotten luck!

  26. 她碰到一条大蛇。

    She met a serpent.

  27. 他们再次碰到了麻烦。

    Again they got into trouble.

  28. 我刚碰到了詹姆斯。

    I just meet James.

  29. 手能碰到你的脸

    i felt. your face on my hand.

  30. 请不要碰到鬓脚。

    Don't touch the sideburns, please.