







汉语拼音:jì yù








  1. 遭遇,适逢其遇。

    宋 陆游 《老学庵笔记》卷十:“盖院有僧尝际遇 真庙 ,召见赐衣及香烛故也。” 元 刘壎 《隐居通议·经史三》:“ 卫后 出於歌謳, 卫青 起於奴僕,一旦际遇,至于母天下,壻帝廷,而无非之者。”

  2. 机遇;时运。

    清 孔尚任 《桃花扇·骂筵》:“二位青年上进,该去走走,我老汉多病年衰,也不望甚么际遇了。” 郭沫若 《卓文君》第二景:“这种伤心的际遇,在古先圣哲也不能避免,倒亏得 程翁 旷达。”



  1. Can be seen that the wind is the finish line, just as people's fortune.


  2. But it is also a sign of the changed politics around Murdoch that this news will now be a major embarrassment to Blair.


  3. Be satisfied with your happiness you have, and be able to endure hardship as well Never forget to forgive. . .


  4. Isn't it a pity that rather than cherishing these affinities, we always want to hurt and humiliate each other instead?


  5. Pushed open the door of fortune Xu Yan, imagination began to travel, the Grains thoughts back to the beginning of a new brew time.


  6. Victoria recounted the moment she confronted the Prince, 27, on the final day of his first foreign tour representing the Queen.


  7. It was another encounter that made me happy I had found the courage to step out of my geographical and psychological comfort zone.


  8. Think a moment on the experiences women you know have told you about.


  9. To look upon my work as opportunity , to be seized with joy and made the most , and not as painful drudgery to be reluctantly endured.


  1. 际遇性定语

    experiential attribute

  2. 人生际遇, 并非平等

    Chance dispense life with unequal justice

  3. 人生际遇, 难得平等。

    Chance dispenses life with unequal justice.

  4. 人生际遇,难得平等。

    Chance dispenses life with unequal justice.

  5. 这是多么奇妙的际遇

    What an amazing experience.

  6. 这可以同我得际遇相比。

    That will compare with me.

  7. 这可以同我的际遇相比。

    That will compare with me.

  8. 旅行将创造新的浪漫际遇。

    Travel will promote new romantic connections.

  9. 际遇这东西真的人人不同。

    Yes, everyone has different destiny and encounters.

  10. 他际遇好, 很快就提升了。

    Fortune smiled on him and he was soon promoted.

  11. 客家毛村水运经济际遇的变迁

    The Change of Water Carriage economy of Mao Village, Hakka

  12. 但际遇没有给他们继续的机会。

    But fate did not give them the opportunity to continue.

  13. 际遇必须忍受或享有的命运或处境

    A lot or portion to be suffered or enjoyed.

  14. 二是历史际遇下的选择与毁灭。

    Two is a historical opportunity under selection and destruction.

  15. 年轻人往往对自己的际遇不甚满意。

    Young people are usually less contented with their lot.

  16. 可见,风是有终点的,就如人的际遇。

    Can be seen that the wind is the finish line, just as peoples fortune.

  17. 如此的际遇向他显示了友谊的重要性。

    Such encounters showed him the importance of friendships.

  18. 齐藤小姐得际遇堪称另类现代灰姑娘。

    Saito's experiences are like that of a modern Cinderella.

  19. 齐藤小姐的际遇堪称另类现代灰姑娘。

    Saito's experiences are like that of a modern Cinderella.

  20. 若你自己不动手, 没有人会改善你的际遇。

    None will improve your lot, if you yourselves do not.

  21. 他心想他们一定是在取笑他的不幸际遇。

    He thought they were making fun of his misery.

  22. 两个人虽然同名同姓,但生活,际遇各有不同。

    The two share the same name but their lives and fates are not likely the same.

  23. 狮子座最近处于相对高潮的事业与生活际遇。

    You will face the climax of career and life.

  24. 我觉得你也许能从我的际遇中引出恰当的教训。

    I imagine that you may deduce an apt moral from my tale.

  25. 我觉得你也许能从我得际遇中引出恰当得教训。

    I imagine that you may deduce an apt moral from my tale.

  26. 在祭坛边被抛弃是当时最让人尴尬的际遇。

    Getting dumped at the altar was the supreme social embarrassment of that time.

  27. 当际遇来到, 我们能够做的, 只是接受这个挑战。

    When the opportunity comes, all we can do is to take this challenge.

  28. 你的第一次浪漫爱情际遇会在8月5号月食时来到。

    Your first happy romantic interlude may come near the full moon eclipse, August 5.

  29. 爱一个人不需要靠努力,只需要际遇,是上天的安排。

    Love a person don't need to depend on effort, needs chance, is a heavenly arrangement.

  30. 这是否意味着, 我们应放弃试图改变人生际遇的种种努力?

    Does this mean we should give up trying to change our circumstances?


  1. 问:际遇拼音怎么拼?际遇的读音是什么?际遇翻译成英文是什么?

    答:际遇的读音是jìyù,际遇翻译成英文是 experience


际遇,汉语词汇。注音:jì yù意思:遭遇或时运,一段时间内的整体情况