




1. 硕 [shuò]2. 硕 [shí]硕 [shuò]〔~士〕学位名,高于“学士”。大:~老。~材。~学(博学,亦指博学的人)。~壮。~果累累(喻巨大的成绩)。~大无朋(形容无比的大)。硕 [shí]古同“石”,形容坚固。……



汉语拼音:fēng shuò





(果实)又多又 大:取得~成果。硕(shuò):大。



  1. 丰满,肥胖。

    唐 李德裕 《次柳氏旧闻》:“ 吴皇后 年幼体弱,皇孙体未舒,负媪惶惑,乃以宫中诸子同日生而体貌丰硕者以进。”《明史·杨博传》:“ 博 魁梧丰硕,临事安閒有识量。” 清 韩菼 《江阴城守纪下》:“ 应元 躯体丰硕,双眉卓竖。”

  2. 丰富,充实。

    明 归有光 《宋孺人寿序》:“ 闽 之物产,博大丰硕,离奇怪异,荔枝龙眼,海物之珍,溢於大官。” 明 高攀龙 《答吴安节年伯书》:“圣学全不靠静,但各人禀赋不同,若精神短弱,决要静中培拥丰硕,收拾来便是良知,散漫去都成妄想,益验 念菴先生 无见成良知之説也。”

  3. 指果实饱满而硕大。多虚用。

    周邨 《<太平天囯歌谣传说集>序》:“这本《太平天囯歌谣传说集》是一个比较丰硕的果实。在不久的将来,将有第二个、第三个果实问世。”



  1. Meanwhile, I believe that our Forum will surely obtain the abundant achievements with common efforts of every fiend present here.


  2. He said the tour yielded rich fruits in the following six aspects.


  3. There was an old belief that persimmons have magical powers that bring the birth of children and a good harvest.


  4. successes with which to welcome the first great gathering of heroes and heroines to be held in the course of the new Long March.


  5. God intended for the seeds He planted to grow into a bountiful crop to be harvested in the autumn in the Garden of Eden.


  6. The work did not spring planting, summer irrigation without fertilization, the rich will not have the fruits of the fall of many!


  7. It cannot be expected that this system of farming would produce any very extraordinary or luxuriant crop.


  8. We have obtained a great deal of geological data and survey achievements since the geological survey began.


  9. Predecessors have been fully aware of the "You" and the rich connotation of mining, and made fruitful achievements.


  1. 那会议成果很丰硕。

    The meeting was very productive.

  2. 改革开放取得丰硕成果。

    Reform and opening up have yielded substantial results.

  3. 终于取得了丰硕成果。

    Acquired a great achievement at last.

  4. 红军战史研究成果丰硕

    Research on military history of Red Army fruitful

  5. 后20年的集大成的丰硕期。

    The last20 years, an abundant time.

  6. 成果丰硕的全生命博览会

    Fruitful Whole Life Expo in Toronto

  7. 乃是众人植树,众人享受丰硕果实。

    We reap the bountiful harvest of what we have sown.

  8. 那是成果丰硕的一系列研究。

    It was a fruitful line of research.

  9. 投递邮件丰硕船在互联网上。

    Dropship items are bountiful on the Internet.

  10. 该项研究有了丰硕的成果。

    The research yielded a rich harvest.

  11. 地调成果丰硕放眼全球当先

    Significant achievements scored in geological survey, the whole globe kept in view

  12. 新核素合成和研究的丰硕成果

    Great Success on the Syntheses and Study of the New Nuclides

  13. 品尝记录玛歌庄园酒丰硕浓郁。

    Taste notes Chateau Margaux makes opulent and rich wine.

  14. 勤奋的劳动必会带来丰硕的成果。

    Hard work promises fruitful results.

  15. 只有辛勤的劳动, 才能浇灌出丰硕的成果。

    It is hard work that brings about fruitful results.

  16. 这是一项可获得丰硕利润的投资。

    This is an investment that returns a good interest.

  17. 只有通过辛勤的劳动才能收获丰硕的成果。

    Only by working hard can we reap a bumper harvest.

  18. 让我们用心灵的眼睛去发现丰硕的收获

    Let us see with the eye of the mind a bountiful harvest

  19. 我对他的出访取得丰硕成果表示祝贺。

    I congratulate him on the fruitful outcome of his mission.

  20. 我希望你们的研究工作将取得丰硕的成果。

    I hope your research work will bear rich fruits.

  21. 坎哈利斯总结说,这次会晤成果丰硕。

    In summary, Kanharith said the talks were fruitful.

  22. 与诗词的研究相比,赋的研究成果并不丰硕。

    However, compared with the study of poetry, the results of Fu research are not fruitful.

  23. 我祝愿大家会议取得成效、成功和丰硕成果。

    I wish everyone an effective, successful and productive session.

  24. 运用人文艺术, 我们可以取得更丰硕得成果。

    Application humanities art, we can obtain the more plenteous result.

  25. 运用人文艺术,我们可以取得更丰硕的成果。

    Application humanities art, we can obtain the more plenteous result.

  26. 经过几年得研究,他终于取得了丰硕得成果。

    After several years of research, he at last reaped rich fruits.

  27. 经过几年的研究,他终于取得了丰硕的成果。

    After several years of research, he at last reaped rich fruits.

  28. 我相信我们的业务往来定会取得丰硕的进展。

    I'm sure our business dealings will develop productively.

  29. 同志们是带着自己的丰硕成果来出席大会的。

    You comrades have been invited to it on the strength of your already considerable successes.

  30. 我们希望这些努力将产生积极和丰硕的成果。

    We hope that those efforts will produce a positive and fruitful outcome.


  1. 问:丰硕拼音怎么拼?丰硕的读音是什么?丰硕翻译成英文是什么?

    答:丰硕的读音是fēngshuò,丰硕翻译成英文是 substantial


丰硕,指丰富,丰盛。果实又多又大。语出唐 李德裕《次柳氏旧闻》:“ 吴皇后年幼体弱,皇孙体未舒,负媪惶惑,乃以宫中诸子同日生而体貌丰硕者以进。”