


体内含脂肪少,肌肉不丰满,与“胖”、“肥”相对:~溜(“溜”读轻声)。~弱。~小。~削。~俏。~长(cháng )。~瘪。消~。清~。~骨嶙峋。衣服鞋袜等窄小:这条裤子太~了。细削,单薄:字小而~。土地瘠薄:~瘠。遒劲有骨力:书贵~硬。水清……





汉语拼音:shòu ruò








  1. 肌肉不丰满,虚弱无力。

    三国 魏 曹植 《谢明帝赐食表》:“寻奉手詔,愍臣瘦弱,奉詔之日,涕泣横流。”《北齐书·白建传》:“ 建 以马久不得食,瘦弱,远送恐多死损,遂违勑以便宜从事,随近散付军人。”《儿女英雄传》第十回:“讲到上路,一边是一个瘦弱书生带着黄金錙重,一边是两个乡愚老者伴着红粉娇娃,就免不了路上不撞着歹人,其势必得有人护送。” 杨沫 《青春之歌》第一部第三章:“显然因为瘦弱的母亲没有奶水,饥饿折磨着这像小柴棍一样的孩子。”



  1. for why should he see your faces being more morose than those of the children who are of your own age?


  2. And Obama will be this scrawny guy who doesn't seem macho enough to stand up to the enemy.


  3. See the thin, perhaps, and their children, sisters of similar age Xing-ice, the heart of passengers seems to have some mixed feelings.


  4. He looked vaguely like a poet; lean, distressed, with a certain bitterness in his eyes and hopelessness in his form.


  5. She was thin, as thin as a shaft of midwinter sunlight in the forests of the east, and tall, nearly as tall as he was.


  6. 'When people see a strong horse and a weak horse, by nature they will like a strong horse, ' bin Laden said in the video.


  7. She was forced to pause; she was seized by a dry cough, her breath came from her weak and narrow chest like the death-rattle.


  8. A year ago, a slender girl called Cloud had no idea she would dedicate her life to lifting disks of iron above her head.


  9. Burke Trend was a slight and scholarly man with a twinkle in his eye and a manner that proclaimed both wisdom and discretion.


  1. 瘦弱矮小的男子

    a weedy little man

  2. 治疗使她很瘦弱。

    The treatment emaciated him.

  3. 瘦弱或软弱的人

    One of weak constitution or character.

  4. 小手小脚的瘦弱家伙

    a wispy little fellow with small hands and feet

  5. 他的体格非常瘦弱。

    He is very slightly built.

  6. 多见于瘦弱的婴儿。

    Sees in the emaciated baby.

  7. 瘦弱得双胞胎锡匠。

    Tim, the thin twin tinsmith.

  8. 瘦弱的双胞胎锡匠。

    Tim, the thin twin tinsmith.

  9. 一个瘦弱的小老头儿。

    A weak small spare old man.

  10. 他由於长期生病而瘦弱。

    He was emaciated by long illness.

  11. 蝇虫爱缠瘦弱的马。

    Flies go to lean horses.

  12. 蝇虫爱缠瘦弱得马。

    Flies go to lean horses.

  13. 安妮是个瘦弱的女孩。

    Ann is a slight girl.

  14. 长期卧病使我父亲瘦弱了。

    A long illness had emaciated my father.

  15. 长期卧病使这病人瘦弱了。

    A long illness have emaciated the invalid.

  16. 她逐渐瘦弱下去, 直至骨瘦如柴。

    She gradually rotted away until she was thin and dry as the boughs.

  17. 她比我想象的要矮小瘦弱。

    She was smaller and slighter than I had imagined.

  18. 憔悴的显得疲惫的和筋疲力尽的瘦弱的

    Appearing worn and exhausted gaunt.

  19. 他体格瘦弱, 天生腼腆, 为人拘谨。

    he was a man of poor physique, naturally timid and a prig.

  20. 像稻草人一样瘦弱而且衣衫褴褛。

    resembling a scarecrow in being thin and ragged.

  21. 她很瘦弱,而他却又粗又壮。

    She is slender,whereas he is stout.

  22. 一位圣者的瘦弱的苦行身材

    the gaunt, ascetic figure of a saint

  23. 他病后瘦弱得不象人样。

    After his illness he was only a shadow of his former self.

  24. 看着她瘦弱的身影穿过街道。

    Watched her slight figure cross the street.

  25. 盲女瘦弱得身躯微微地一抖。

    A shiver passed through the slight frame of the blind girl.

  26. 盲女瘦弱的身躯微微地一抖。

    A shiver passed through the slight frame of the blind girl.

  27. 从垃圾堆里捡来的瘦弱的混血儿

    A cadaverous mongrel picking through the garbage.

  28. 是个女人,高挑,瘦弱,看起来很温和。

    The figure was a woman. Tall, slender and quite docile it seemed.

  29. 他看上去虽然瘦弱, 但人很勇敢。

    Puny though he looked, he was as brave as a lion.

  30. 他瘦弱憔悴,看上去一副可怜相。

    He was thin and haggard and he looked miserable.


  1. 问:瘦弱拼音怎么拼?瘦弱的读音是什么?瘦弱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:瘦弱的读音是shòuruò,瘦弱翻译成英文是 emaciated

  2. 问:瘦弱牛拼音怎么拼?瘦弱牛的读音是什么?瘦弱牛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:瘦弱牛的读音是shòuruòniú,瘦弱牛翻译成英文是 emaciated cattle

  3. 问:瘦弱的拼音怎么拼?瘦弱的的读音是什么?瘦弱的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:瘦弱的的读音是,瘦弱的翻译成英文是 emaciated

  4. 问:瘦弱型的拼音怎么拼?瘦弱型的的读音是什么?瘦弱型的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:瘦弱型的的读音是,瘦弱型的翻译成英文是 leptosome

  5. 问:瘦弱型的人拼音怎么拼?瘦弱型的人的读音是什么?瘦弱型的人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:瘦弱型的人的读音是,瘦弱型的人翻译成英文是 leptosome



词目瘦弱拼音shòu ruò英文emaciated基本解释[of extreme emaciation or feebleness] 身体单瘦虚弱造句身体很瘦弱