


1. 孱 [chán]2. 孱 [càn]孱 [chán]软弱,弱小:~王(软弱无能的君王)。~弱。~~。卑微:~琐(卑贱无能)。~微(地位低微)。窘迫。孱 [càn]只用于“孱头”(方言,软弱无能的人)。……





汉语拼音:chán ruò










  1. 懦弱;怯懦。

    《北史·齐华山王凝传》:“ 凝 诸王中最为孱弱,妃 王氏 ,太子洗马 王洽 女也,与苍头姦, 凝 知而不能限禁。” 唐 杜甫 《舂陵行》:“顾惟孱弱者,正直当不亏。” 宋 司马光 《横山疏》:“未可以小种之 羗 ,孱弱之人待之也。”《明史·成祖纪赞》:“ 文皇 少长习兵,据 幽燕 形胜之地,乘 建文 孱弱,长驱内向,奄有四海。” 清 和邦额 《夜谭随录·丘生》:“碧衣者曰:‘今不痛加惩治,彼以为我辈孱弱,必源源而来矣。’” 章炳麟 《<客帝>匡谬》:“ 汉 帝虽孱弱,赖其同胤,臣民犹或死之。”

  2. 瘦弱;衰弱。

    《资治通鉴·唐懿宗咸通元年》:“时二 浙 久安,人不习战,甲兵朽钝,见卒不满三百; 郑祇德 更募新卒以益之,军吏受赂,率皆得孱弱者。” 清 袁枚 《新齐谐·屓屭精》:“生服灵药后,精神顿好,絶不似曩时孱弱。”《恨海》第一回:“ 王乐天 这人向来胆小,又是身体孱弱。” 郭沫若 《落叶》:“他的身体,本来孱弱,在 日本 的时期还不曾表现过肺结核的征候,据说是到了最近,才吐起血来的。”

  3. 谓柔弱,文弱。

    元 赵鸾鸾 《悲笳四拍》之三:“发坟墓兮焚燬室庐,闺门孱弱兮被虏驱。” 清 和邦额 《夜谭随录·碧碧》:“﹝ 孙 ﹞因詰卿孱弱处子……底事单形隻身,远陟空山。”

  4. 指声韵绵软无力或文笔才力不足。

    明 胡应麟 《诗薮·近体上》:“ 钱 刘 鸿丽气象,无復存者。” 清 管同 《与友人论文书》:“垂示古文三篇,比前稍进,然终孱弱无劲气,未得为佳。”

  5. 犹衰落。

    清 戴名世 《范增论》:“ 周 自 春秋 以降,其孱弱已甚。” 清 魏源 《圣武记》卷六:“上以 安南 残破空虚,且 黎 氏屡世孱弱,兴废未尝非运数。”



  1. He was a delicate boy, and was educated at home till, at the age of nine, he joined the local Government school.


  2. Five thousand years of Chinese diplomatic history suggest it is more likely to respect a strong state than a weak and vacillating one.


  3. Klaette by sitting on the steps of the sarcophagus, the head of the sun, shadows cast on the ground leaves of two weak.


  4. She's not a waste of space, it is suggested, because she escapes the weakness of her sex and can act, symbolically, as a man.


  5. She described how she had wept as she contemplated the "frail old man" who had dedicated his life to his people's cause.


  6. And his faltering performance as attorney-general provided the left with a chance of revenge.


  7. Pain, twisting my weak XinBi, like a wilted flower, by the wind.


  8. (It's worth noting that while Bhutto was generally well-liked in India, she was seen there as an ineffective and weak politician).


  9. The downside? All that processing power will kill your battery.


  1. 高龄孱弱老人

    frail elderly

  2. 羊羔瘦小孱弱。

    The lamb was a puny little thing.

  3. 他的手臂还那么孱弱

    And his arms just not big enough.

  4. 他母亲步履蹒跚,身体孱弱。

    His mother was doddering and frail.

  5. 他母亲步履蹒跚,身体孱弱。

    His mother was doddering and frail.

  6. 我们如果要一些孱弱的娘娘腔。

    We wanted us some wussies.

  7. 却让摇摇欲坠的,孱弱的生命留存?

    And leave the faltring feeble souls alive

  8. 我或许会孱弱, 但我永不死亡。

    I may be weary, but I shall never die.

  9. 他们认为妥协就是自认孱弱。

    They saw compromise as a confession of weakness.

  10. 新生犊牛孱弱症的治疗

    Diagnosis and Curing of Newborn Calves Delicate Constitution

  11. 她身体孱弱,心理上也不够稳定。

    She was physically delicate and psychologically unstable.

  12. 然自幼孱弱, 腹大如鼓, 父母忧之。

    As a child with a bulgy belly, his poor health was a great concern to his parents.

  13. 他太孱弱,不能托起那快大石头。

    He is too weak to lift the large stone.

  14. 他孱弱异常,眼神真可以说是神秘莫测。

    He was very frail, and his eyes were really uncanny.

  15. 这样一个孱弱的西方扮演着骇人的妖怪。

    Such a feeble west plays the part of bogeyman.

  16. 你那孱弱的秧苗很快就会被野稗吞噬。

    Your frail little seedling would soon be choked by weeds.

  17. 霓虹灯下, 孱弱抖动的肩膀, 她在哭吗, 为什么?

    Neon, the frail shoulders shake, and she was crying do, and why

  18. 对方的防守如此孱弱,他们肯定会大比分获胜的

    They should be able to put up some big numbers against their weak defense.

  19. 与此同时, 他也遭受着酒精, 毒品以及身体孱弱的折磨。

    And he was troubled by drink, by drugs and by physical frailty.

  20. 审讯之前,利兹被描绘成受丈夫操纵的孱弱女子。

    Before the trial Liz had been pictured as a frail woman dominated by her husband.

  21. 你们内中看上去最孱弱和最惶惑的,正是最强劲和最坚执的。

    That which seems most feeble and bewildered in you is the strongest and most determined.

  22. 国家保障身体孱弱和不适合工作的公民获得援助的权利。

    The state guarantees the right to assistance to citizens who are feeble and unfit to work.

  23. 但至少在两个问题上,这样的柔性手段显得有些孱弱。

    But on at least two issues, such genteel methods are proving inadequate.

  24. 老帕利呻吟着,孱弱地挪动着一只手臂,睁开了双眼。

    Old Parlay groaned, moved one arm impotently, and opened his eyes.

  25. 雄性肌肉发达, 但是轮廓不粗糙雌性充满女性美, 但是不孱弱。

    The males of the Siberian Husky breed are masculine but never coarse the bitches are feminine but without weakness of structure.

  26. 剧痛, 撕裂着我孱弱的心壁, 似一朵枯萎的花, 被风践踏。

    Pain, twisting my weak XinBi a wilted flower, by wind.

  27. 有人也许会说凯文杜兰特,但是他实在是太孱弱了。

    Someone could make a case for Kevin Durant, but it would be a weak one.


  1. 问:孱弱拼音怎么拼?孱弱的读音是什么?孱弱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:孱弱的读音是chánruò,孱弱翻译成英文是 frail; weak; faint

  2. 问:孱弱系拼音怎么拼?孱弱系的读音是什么?孱弱系翻译成英文是什么?

    答:孱弱系的读音是chánruò xì,孱弱系翻译成英文是 Ser.; Infirmae

  3. 问:孱弱马先蒿拼音怎么拼?孱弱马先蒿的读音是什么?孱弱马先蒿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:孱弱马先蒿的读音是chánruòmǎxiānhāo,孱弱马先蒿翻译成英文是 Pedicularis infirma

  4. 问:孱弱型人格障碍拼音怎么拼?孱弱型人格障碍的读音是什么?孱弱型人格障碍翻译成英文是什么?

    答:孱弱型人格障碍的读音是chán ruò xíng rén gé zhàng ài,孱弱型人格障碍翻译成英文是 asthenic personality disorder



【释义】: (1)瘦小虚弱; (2)懦弱;怯懦; (3)缺乏权威和能力; (4)单薄,贫乏。